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View Full Version : Considering a commuter...

07-30-2008, 11:34 AM
Anyone here own an E21? I've got a line on a 78 320i that was recently rebuilt and repainted by what appears to be the original owner of the car. To be honest, my 540 is starting to hit me where it hurts in the wallet driving some 300 miles a week in it. I've got a few questions to anyone who has one or who has had one :

* Are the lifters the non self-adjusting kind?

* What kinda milage would I be expecting out of the 4-popper/5-speed ? (no sense in buying a kid-sister to my E39 if it gets roughly the same cost per mile)

* Anything I should be wary of? (aside from checking for rust in the wheel arches near the front fenders)

* (this one's kind of cosmetic) Wheel bolt pattern for aftermarket wheels? (its 4-lug, but I couldn't find backspacing and lug spacing info)

Anything I may have left out that you might think its important to look into is most appreciated too (aside from "Hey, that's a 3, this is the 5 board!") :D

07-30-2008, 12:55 PM
I take it you don't subscribe to Bimmer magazine. They really oughta change their name to 3-series mag as they have covered these models extensively over and over again and published numerous market reviews and buyer's guides not to mention the constant print in the Q&A section. Get a copy of February 2008 issue no. 72 for $8 by calling their circulation desk at 415.382.0580 and you'll be all set with all the info you need on E21 and E30s.