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View Full Version : Viper Alarm.

05-10-2008, 07:39 PM
I have a Viper alarm key fob that locks and unlocks the doors and it is also a remote starter. Does anyone have one and can they tell me how it works. The lights keep flashing as I am driving and I'm not sure which buttons do what other than the #2 button that starts it. I'd like to be able to start the car with the key one day and not the remote. So far I have not been able to start it by just using the key. If the battery in the fob dies, I'm screwed.

attack eagle
05-11-2008, 04:11 AM
go to a car audio shop and have it fixed.

It is obviously wired wrong or else you could start it with the key... after disarming the alarm of course

Unfortunately other than the name of the alarm, you post has insufficient details or research to provide any guidance... but knowing it is viper means that any car shop (or car thief) can help you out. :)

05-11-2008, 07:45 AM
The key fob is a viper 485 and there is a 1-800 number to call. I did and they directed me to my local Car tunes. I've kind of figuered it out and can now start it with the key but if the battery dies in the fob while I'm out, I might be screwed.