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View Full Version : m30 starter:

03-26-2008, 11:13 PM
Ok so I am finally getting around to replacing the starter on my e34 (thanks Denny). my question is, how do i get to the #%@&%# top bolt? I can't even see or feel it! The bottom bolt came out like butter, but I can't seem to get at the other one.

03-26-2008, 11:21 PM
I took the lower intake manifold support bracket off so I could swing a ratchet handle better, and took the nuts off the coolant reservoir so I could pry it out of the way. That let me see when I was on the bolt with an assortment of socket extensions just barely longer than the starter. The "rebuilt" starter was defective so had to remove it a few more times. Toward the end, it only took me about 10 minutes to get the starter out.

03-27-2008, 12:15 AM
Ok I got the socket, extensions, and ratchet on the bolt. now the problem I am having is, when I try to turn the ratchet, the whole mess lifts up, instead of turning the bolt. It is hard to describe, but basically I need to be able to get another hand in and hold the head of the ratchet in place while I turn with the other hand, but short of pulling the intake (which I AM NOT doing) I can't get it to stay down. It doesn't help that it is 1:15 am and I need to have the car buttoned up by tomorrow afternoon at the latest