View Full Version : yellow marker light

12-09-2007, 09:45 PM
I can't believe I'm asking this question but if you have any suggestions on how to change the lightbulbs on these markers (either yellow or red on the back without breaking the metal clip, I'd like to know). I broke one last time I opened it up.

I've attached a pictures. thanks in advance.

12-10-2007, 03:33 AM
The "clip" is actually a spring. You're supposed to shove the end opposite the spring in the direction of the spring against the spring's pressure and then lift out the non-spring end first. Often the spring has been mangled and then you need to fish behind bumper cover to get the spring out. As long as the tabs on the housing opposite the spring aren't broken, carefully re-shaping the spring so it won't slip behind the bumper opening can usually put everything back in the correct working order. Like removing the washer nozzles; it's not rocket science....once you have the part in your hands to see how it's supposed to work!

12-10-2007, 10:34 AM
The bulb is right there and it's just a plug and play thing. Mine was all dirty and doubt has been removed much, so it was a pain in the ass to get out.

12-10-2007, 12:58 PM
amusingly, mine only work on one side of car. can't wait to get euro side trim and get rid of these. they don't set off a light control module message when they burn out, either.