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10-16-2007, 11:38 AM
How the hell do you keep your cars in decent shape?

im parked in the same lot as 2006 bmws, mercedies, and lexus and im getting hit and runs, and people scratching the crap out of mine almost every day! I just found this on my lunch break:


I don't get it. Am I just a magnet for this stuff? This really pisses me off. Im glad i didn't see it happen, i don't know what i would have done.

wtf am i suppose to do? stand guard with a baseball bat?

10-16-2007, 11:47 AM
Put a deactivated AK on the hat holder, see if anyone dares mess with your car anymore.

10-16-2007, 11:51 AM
I hate it, some people are really ignorant and think when they fling their door open it bounces back off thin air... I've resorted to parking over two spaces in the car park! Even that won't stop some of them...

10-16-2007, 11:57 AM
I spent a lot of time and money trying to restore this thing. Worked on it all weekend, waxed it Sunday night. Really depressing to go out and see this. im so fired up right now i can't even do my job

10-16-2007, 03:04 PM
that really suck. We need like an inflatable ring that goes around the car when its parked. It looks like someone was leaning on your fender and had some metal buttons or something. God I hate inconsiderate people.

10-16-2007, 03:24 PM
I have gone through the same thing. Seems like every day anew ding or scratch. I have taken to parking away and I do mean away from every car within 40 yards and even then I take two spaces crossways. I am so sick of people tearing up my car. Problemis we all want to park close to wherever wer'e going. I looked at it this way. Hell I can benefit from the exercise.

10-16-2007, 06:49 PM
I have gone through the same thing. Seems like every day anew ding or scratch. I have taken to parking away and I do mean away from every car within 40 yards and even then I take two spaces crossways. I am so sick of people tearing up my car. Problemis we all want to park close to wherever wer'e going. I looked at it this way. Hell I can benefit from the exercise.

I wish it was as easy as parking away from everyone else. Im in college and sometimes parking space is pretty limited. I usually look for something expensive, or someone i know. - Ill watch your side, you watch mine

i was parked at a gas station once and some ******* leans on my car door while talking to his friends... i start my engine and he didnt move. I lowered the window with his back on it and yelled "hey im about to move" and he still didnt get off. a few seconds later he finally did

I regret not having turned my wheels in and back out smashing him against his own car. Of course if I did that I would be regretting it in prison instead.

10-17-2007, 01:10 AM
Interestingly, I only discovered this happening after I moved down south - I used to live in manchester (gunchester to most) and never had a problem with my old 525.

Moved down to near London and it just got scratched to **** in 3 months... I couldnt believe it - absoloute nightmare. I *think* it's because these cars are so wide and people object to a car next to them that's larger in its space.

Never used to happen to the Ford Escort I had for a few months either.

There've been several occasions when I've come back to my car and found a door dent in the side, and the car next to me has MY green paint on its door jam... which then ended up with MY rubber and stones off my boots embedded in its paint as well.

Eye for an eye... just *accidentally* dragging the sole of your boot down a car door makes a hell of a mess. What does it take for 5 seconds of decency as you open your car door? I mean c'mon! This kind of carelessness REALLY pisses me off. I ended up giving up and not caring with my TDs in the end - I never bother washing it these days.

Paul in NZ
10-17-2007, 01:35 AM
i will park completely apart from everyone even if it means i am the most distant from my destination.Another trick is to park right at the end of a row so at least you can forget about one side.Parking next to a column or up/down ramp in a parking building is the same idea....if i cant find a spot i like i park between or next to the nicest looking car(not necessarily the newest) i can find

10-17-2007, 03:11 AM
I had once come back to my car with the Ford Falcon parked behind me actually having their bumper pressed up against mine (they were touching). If it wasn't for a public supermarket carpark, I would've kicked the **** out of his quarterpanels / doors.

I had done that before many years ago when I was still at uni, some guy parked right up the arse of me (parallel parking) and kinda boxed me in. After 15 minutes of reversing in and out and finally getting out of the spot, I got out and thumped the **** out of his door with my shoe, leaving a huge ass dent.

In retrospect I was young and stupid, but if you act like a ********** in public and you get caught, be prepared to pay the consequences.

One other time I was sitting in my car in an empty carpark. A shitbox Peugeot 206 decided to park right next to me, opened his door and it smacked my side mirror (lucky). Then he got all huffy about me making a fuss. He was lucky that it hit my mirror only, if it had hit a panel I would've beat the **** out of him. Many times I think about keeping a bat in my boot, but better sense kicks in and it's probably best that I don't have one.

I really wish my E34 had at least a towbar, even if I never tow anything, just to keep arseholes off my tail.

10-17-2007, 03:20 AM
Many times I think about keeping a bat in my boot, but better sense kicks in and it's probably best that I don't have one.

I really wish my E34 had at least a towbar, even if I never tow anything, just to keep arseholes off my tail.

If you put a bat in your boot, make sure you put a ball with it - the laws distinction between sports equipment and an offensive weapon.

I've found that a towball (fitted to my TDs) doesnt make people back off in traffic, they just keep getting closer. However I've found it very useful in car parks when people that get too close have a nice crunched front plastic bumper - end up laughing like mad if I see someones done that.

10-17-2007, 08:12 AM
Many times I think about keeping a bat in my boot,

I've had a couple of run ins with a few loons before and after the last one I keep a huge adjustable spanner under my drivers seat - hopefully I can get around the offensive weapon thing with this as you could have been doing a job and 'just left it there'. Never had to use it (thank god) but its there just in case.

I always park away from everyone, next to immovable objects (end of row, next to wall etc). My girlfriend says I'm the only one she knows that parks the furthest he possibly can from the supermarket entrance, too right I say - until we get to the other end of the car park and see a few pristine classics dotted about owned by likeminded drivers no doubt...

Still you can slow it down but you can't stop the inevitable, all cars get it if they're you're daily driver.

10-17-2007, 08:32 AM
I've had a couple of run ins with a few loons before and after the last one I keep a huge adjustable spanner under my drivers seat

I have a steering wheel bar-lock thing for the same purpose. It seperates into two pieces which can be used as a handy club and spike, *apparently* :p

This being "good-old-England" you have to ensure that your protection device also has a legitimate reason for being in your car. A sawn off pool cue is more difficult to explain than a Krook-lock. Having a large adjustable spanner on it's own is a bit of a grey area and you are risking prosecution if you use it. I would dump some old tools in a bag with the spanner and keep it behind the passenger seat. This is then a tool bag, rather than an offensive weapon and a more legally defensible proposition.


10-17-2007, 08:40 AM
This being "good-old-England" you have to ensure that your protection device also has a legitimate reason for being in your car. A sawn off pool cue is more difficult to explain than a Krook-lock. Having a large adjustable spanner on it's own is a bit of a grey area and you are risking prosecution if you use it. I would dump some old tools in a bag with the spanner and keep it behind the passenger seat. This is then a tool bag, rather than an offensive weapon and a more legally defensible proposition.

I hear where you're coming from, but if I do use it the chances are that would be the least of my worries - lets hope it doesn't get to that! I used to have a krooklock like the one you describe, they are lethal and can be fully explained!!

Anyway I've solved the mystery, this is why your car gets dented in car parks:


10-17-2007, 09:11 AM
I hear where you're coming from, but if I do use it the chances are that would be the least of my worries

Sorry, but if you do use it, it most definitely will be the greater of your worries if PC Plod gets involved.

The fact that you may have initially been the agrieved party is of no consequence. You will be reported for posessing an offensive weapon, possibly assault and/or ABH or GBH. And that's on a good day.

Be careful.

10-17-2007, 09:42 AM
Sorry, but if you do use it, it most definitely will be the greater of your worries if PC Plod gets involved.

I would have thought a charge of assault / ABH / GBH would be worse than carrying an offensive weapon. Can also be argued that a spanner is not an offensive weapon in the context of carrying it in a car, particularly an older one. Whether it be a spanner or a krooklock makes no difference the fact that you went back to get something and then came forth with a weapon, regardless of what it is is likely to result in the same outcome - you had an opportunity to return to the safety of your car but chose to retrieve something instead and display that item in an aggravated manner.

The fact that you may have initially been the agrieved party is of no consequence.

Agreed unless this builds a case towards acting in self defence - an argument which could go either way but is likely to have some bearing on the outcome if you were not the instigator.

You will be reported for posessing an offensive weapon, possibly assault and/or ABH or GBH. And that's on a good day.

If it was to get this far - and i can only speak for myself - the other person would have had to strike first and my main objective would be to get out of the situation before that happens, I'm not violent (partly cos I'm like that, partly cos I wouldn't have a clue where to start) but if it was an absolute last resort and I had to use it I would as I imagine most people would but I would not go around causing these situations.

This afternoon has taken a very sombre turn, think I'll have to do some work, it's less depressing :)

And anyway chavs get away with this kind of **** all the time, why can't we? Maybe we think of the consequences too much and we're just not arse holes...

10-17-2007, 10:12 AM
What was wrong with that person?!?!? Holy Crap they need to be put away!

Anyway I've solved the mystery, this is why your car gets dented in car parks:


10-17-2007, 10:27 AM
At the end of the day if some road-rage idiot was to put my life in danger i wouldn't give a second thought to koshing them with a big spanner or anything else i could get my hands on. If the retarded justice system in this country decided to blame me for protecting myself then thats that (which they probably would :( ). The hard-working, genuine, honest people get nothing in this country.

10-17-2007, 10:31 AM
More lunatics!





And yes I am very busy at work today.... :p

10-17-2007, 10:44 AM
i wouldn't give a second thought to koshing them with a big spanner or anything else i could get my hands on.

Typical Scouser :D

attack eagle
10-17-2007, 01:54 PM
At the end of the day if some road-rage idiot was to put my life in danger i wouldn't give a second thought to koshing them with a big spanner or anything else i could get my hands on. If the retarded justice system in this country decided to blame me for protecting myself then thats that (which they probably would :( ). The hard-working, genuine, honest people get nothing in this country.
IN that case you shoot to kill not maim or wound.
Live = victim, dead = attacker.

I did kick a mexicans mirror and taillight out after i saw him ding me hard, he shrugged at me and told me I couldn't do anything vis a vis insurance.
:D Guess neither could he, eh? igured it was about equal value...

10-17-2007, 02:03 PM
is it important that he was mexican?

attack eagle
10-17-2007, 04:17 PM
yes. mexican is relevant.Why do people assume when others say mexican they simply mean hispanic & it is an irrelevant detail?

It means not american, not a us resident or worker, no insurance coverage on this side of the border, nothing my insurance or I could do to prosecute him or recoup damages if it were reported, because he lives in a foreign country, is not subject to our legal system once he crosses back, and there is nothing the police can really do except issue a ticket which may or may not ever get paid depending on whether the person feels like it or not.

The worst thing the police and courts can do is impound the vehicle if it is in a major traffic incident, and award the wrecked car to the victim, but this rarely happens. Getting the car does no good because you can not legally register it here nor drive it yourself... you have to sell it for scrap metal. YOu can't even sell it for parts to a junkyard. you can not sue the person because they are not US residents and there is no way to enforce any judgements against em.

yeah, it pisses me off. And mexican drivers know if they get across the border the slate is wiped clean, and they are off the hook. They will not even get denied entry to the US or picked up next time they cross, so they don't care if they fubar your car...

10-17-2007, 04:43 PM
i like in the dc area and go to school downtown. georgetown, adams morgan, cathedral districts. VERY busy, my car is constantly getting a little something and its infuriating, especially because my car is 19 years old and its original schwarz paint still looks amazing, so no chip/scratch/ding can TRULY be repaired :( . Nothing you can do though, and there are expensive cars everywhere so people don't feel they're doing any harm putting a little ding on what they consider to be "some crappy old car" and are usually more concerned about the minuscule paint chip they would have put on their own car. Ya hate them, but what can be done? probably not worth going to jail over

10-17-2007, 04:47 PM
yes. mexican is relevant.Why do people assume when others say mexican they simply mean hispanic & it is an irrelevant detail?

It means not american, not a us resident or worker, no insurance coverage on this side of the border, nothing my insurance or I could do to prosecute him or recoup damages if it were reported, because he lives in a foreign country, is not subject to our legal system once he crosses back, and there is nothing the police can really do except issue a ticket which may or may not ever get paid depending on whether the person feels like it or not.

The worst thing the police and courts can do is impound the vehicle if it is in a major traffic incident, and award the wrecked car to the victim, but this rarely happens. Getting the car does no good because you can not legally register it here nor drive it yourself... you have to sell it for scrap metal. YOu can't even sell it for parts to a junkyard. you can not sue the person because they are not US residents and there is no way to enforce any judgements against em.

yeah, it pisses me off. And mexican drivers know if they get across the border the slate is wiped clean, and they are off the hook. They will not even get denied entry to the US or picked up next time they cross, so they don't care if they fubar your car...

I am not a US resident, but my insurance is valid in the US, and depending on which state the offence occurs in, tickets affect my driving record. I was not aware it was different for Mexican citizens.

Why are Mexican citizens not denied entry if they try to re-enter? As a Canadian, a criminal record, or pending litigation against me can seriously affect my ability to cross into the US.

The reason people assume it is a thrown in irrelevant detail is due to the pervasive casual racism that one encounters on a daily basis. I do not mean to judge you with that comment, but that is why I asked the question.

10-17-2007, 06:07 PM
I hate it, some people are really ignorant and think when they fling their door open it bounces back off thin air... I've resorted to parking over two spaces in the car park! Even that won't stop some of them...

Funny, I know there are people out there that go out of there way to scratch cars parked like that.

10-17-2007, 06:19 PM
Funny, I know there are people out there that go out of there way to scratch cars parked like that.

yeah i do too, i don;t risk parking my car that way.

10-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Why are Mexican citizens not denied entry if they try to re-enter? As a Canadian, a criminal record, or pending litigation against me can seriously affect my ability to cross into the US.

A Mexican citizen here legally will have insurance if they are driving. I think he was talking of trespassing Mexicans. Good luck ever getting a dime if involved in an accident with one.

10-17-2007, 06:29 PM
I am not a US resident, but my insurance is valid in the US, and depending on which state the offence occurs in, tickets affect my driving record. I was not aware it was different for Mexican citizens.

Why are Mexican citizens not denied entry if they try to re-enter? As a Canadian, a criminal record, or pending litigation against me can seriously affect my ability to cross into the US.

The reason people assume it is a thrown in irrelevant detail is due to the pervasive casual racism that one encounters on a daily basis. I do not mean to judge you with that comment, but that is why I asked the question.

You at least applied, these people don't even try. In fact they're happy they don't have to be documented. I know many of them personally. I'm not happy with it and I tell them, but I can't do squat, and they know it.

Actually, you assumed he was being racist because he said "Mexican".
If I said "Canadian" you wouldn't come to that conclusion.
You're coming to conclusions too early, IMHO.

I understand theres a lot of casual racism, but from my experience, theres a lot more towards whites here now and it's kind of scary that other people can say violent things towards me and not get punished, but if I was to open my mouth, I'd get sued by the ACLU and/or thrown in the slammer.
Not that I would do that, it's just pathetic that they get the ability to do this and get away with things that I would be thrown in jail for. Those are the criminals.

IN that case you shoot to kill not maim or wound.
Live = victim, dead = attacker.

I did kick a mexicans mirror and taillight out after i saw him ding me hard, he shrugged at me and told me I couldn't do anything vis a vis insurance.
:D Guess neither could he, eh? igured it was about equal value...

Wait.. You kicked the car after he hit your car?
Seriously though... wtf man. I feel your pain but around here you'll get guys with unregistered handguns coming after you and ****. Believe it or not, some aprts of my area are becoming really, really bad when it comes to latino gang violence(no other racial gangs even come close around here and aren't even worth mentioning!). (kicking a dudes door doesn't help, get involved with the police department or something - you could have called them and had him arrested...)

10-17-2007, 06:30 PM
There are laws for that. Get his ass towed outta there plus a fine.

I had done that before many years ago when I was still at uni, some guy parked right up the arse of me (parallel parking) and kinda boxed me in. After 15 minutes of reversing in and out and finally getting out of the spot, I got out and thumped the **** out of his door with my shoe, leaving a huge ass dent.

10-17-2007, 07:32 PM
Actually, you assumed he was being racist because he said "Mexican".
If I said "Canadian" you wouldn't come to that conclusion.
You're coming to conclusions too early, IMHO.

I understand theres a lot of casual racism, but from my experience, theres a lot more towards whites here now and it's kind of scary that other people can say violent things towards me and not get punished, but if I was to open my mouth, I'd get sued by the ACLU and/or thrown in the slammer.
Not that I would do that, it's just pathetic that they get the ability to do this and get away with things that I would be thrown in jail for. Those are the criminals.


I'm not in the US, but here in Canada, casual racism is always directed at minorities, and white people are not minorities in Canada. Hence my conclusion. White people aren't systematically discriminated against anywhere in the US or Canada. Well, except maybe in Quebec, based on language, but that's another issue.

anyways, this is a car board, not a political board, bla bla bla.

Wait.. You kicked the car after he hit your car?
Seriously though... wtf man. I feel your pain but around here you'll get guys with unregistered handguns coming after you and ****.

this is a really really good point

attack eagle
10-17-2007, 09:51 PM

I'm not in the US, but here in Canada, casual racism is always directed at minorities, and white people are not minorities in Canada. Hence my conclusion. White people aren't systematically discriminated against anywhere in the US or Canada. Well, except maybe in Quebec, based on language, but that's another issue

this is a really really good point

Here in El paso whites (if you did happen to know I am white) are the minority... something like 8:1.

PLus we get about 40-50k Mexican vehicless Crossing the bridges everyday... they do not need any visa, insurance or DL check until they are more than 40 miles inland, so many of them are uninsured, soetimes even unlicensed... youcan't check their id's against the mexican database,the border patrol is concerned about drugs, not unlicensed or uninsured drivers. Mexico has formal forms of ID (DOES NOT include the DL) anyway that they can present for entry.

As a matter of fact, if your car gets stolen and you find it in tip top shape in mexico... you still won't get it back. They will not return it to you, even if you are dumb enough to stand there and call the mexican police while holding the title.

It's a terrible place to live if you can't drive like michael schumacher on crack in traffic. I learned to drive Offensively (blocks, end runs, avoiding tackles, sprint to openings, magic wand arm signals, forcing yields, etc) in Buenos Aires or else I would be on my 20th car by now...

Actually had someone with Juarez plates pile drive a mini cooper into the median barrier 4 feet behind my rear bumper while in the Mcoupe for the Komen Ultimate drive. Still not sure if they were aiming for me or the mini, but they were doing gaining on me (I was at 80) and hit it in the NOSE with their front bumper at a 45 degree angle while changing lanes. I had just gone full throttle, so I think they were aiming for me and collected the mini by mistake.


10-17-2007, 11:03 PM
Here in El paso whites (if you did happen to know I am white) are the minority... something like 8:1.

My point exactly.
Yet, you don't have to be a minority to be discriminated against.
That's something I'm quite familiar with.

Some people expect me to give up my rights, while thinking it's perfectly alright to say the things they do. It's like they justify it all by thinking they're endowed to seek revenge on people like me based on MY race. Reverse racism. It's weird, but I get crap all the time. I'm quite civil in my reaction to these people, but others can't handle it and explode just as bad as the people committing the crime... which isn't good at all.

You can easily be discriminated against by groups of minorities that know nothing will come of it, and know if you defend yourself - you will get hammered for it. Nice huh?
Portland is so nice these days.
No wonder Portland police are such hard-asses.

Wow, sorry. Didn't realize I wrote too much.

Anyways, I see people writing notes a lot, but I notice many times they're empty pieces of paper.
@ work I was standing around and I saw someone back right into a brand new car (I forget what kind) anyways, I went outside and the lady looked at me and started to walk away - but then she hesitated, turned around and asked,"Is this your car?" I replied,"you should leave your information." and yet again I hear...,"Is this YOUR car?" like it was freakin important.
I just decided to tell her in probably the most stern manner i have spoken in quite a while, "Put a note with your information on the car."
She did all that stuff blah blah blah - I let it be, but took her plates and description of the woman etc... The note DID indeed have writing, but I knew something was up. About 2 hours later when she left the area, I went back and the note was gone... figures.
So I waited until the people came back and gave them the info - they called the police and im sure they filed charges.
The front bumper had cracks in the paint from bending in and large amounts of paint transfer. Nothing serious, but enough to make me think wtf why would you leave and think you could get away...

So just a reminder to be vigilant with people like that, most of the time they don't leave a note, and the remaining few that leave notes, usually leave blank or total BS ones... Those folks were extremely grateful that I was there and took the info that I did - I just wish more people cared, but by the trashed looks of the cars around here - it's a grim outlook.

10-18-2007, 12:09 AM
If i ever hit anyone I would leave a valid note for sure. But it's way too easy to get away with it. Why would they stop to leave a note so they have to pay up and have insurance rise.

Problem is that we allow complete idiots to get a license. If you hit a parked car, there is no excuse. Its not like it jumped out at you out of nowhere. IMHO driving tests should not be just about reading signs and signaling on turns but some level of precision driving too.

I found the perfect solution

Flame thrower security system. They even have a pic of it on a bimmer
Just need to rig it to go off on an alarm

10-18-2007, 01:49 AM
If i ever hit anyone I would leave a valid note for sure. But it's way too easy to get away with it. Why would they stop to leave a note so they have to pay up and have insurance rise.

Problem is that we allow complete idiots to get a license. If you hit a parked car, there is no excuse. Its not like it jumped out at you out of nowhere. IMHO driving tests should not be just about reading signs and signaling on turns but some level of precision driving too.

I found the perfect solution

Flame thrower security system. They even have a pic of it on a bimmer
Just need to rig it to go off on an alarm


Well, that's for places with car hijacking problems, i don't think that would solve this lol

10-18-2007, 11:05 AM
Funny, I know there are people out there that go out of there way to scratch cars parked like that.

Those people should be struck by lightening... twice.

10-18-2007, 11:12 AM
Those people should be struck by lightening... twice.

Who? Those who are inconsiderate enough to take two spots or those 'paying them back?';)


10-18-2007, 12:23 PM
Who? Those who are inconsiderate enough to take two spots or those 'paying them back?';)

Just dont park near where he lives or you will have no wheels when you get back:)

10-18-2007, 02:43 PM
Who? Those who are inconsiderate enough to take two spots or those 'paying them back?'


'Paying them back' - thats bullsh*t. I've not had any issues before and I park over two spaces a lot of the time. As long as i don't catch anyone 'paying me back' then there won't be a problem. :)

And why people are being touchy over the word 'Mexican' being used is beyond me... wake up and smell the coffee - this P-C crap is getting out of control. People take things way too personally these days... Like the scouser stereotyping ay Whiskey! ;) I like it! :) (I can take a joke!)

On that note, a pupil once jokingly threatened to take my wheels and leave my car on bricks... I told him i have locking nuts with an actual key to which he replied "give a smack-head a tenner and he'll GET them off!" :D

10-18-2007, 02:48 PM
On that note, a pupil once jokingly threatened to take my wheels and leave my car on bricks... I told him i have locking nuts with an actual key to which he replied "give a smack-head a tenner and he'll GET them off!" :D

Lol, I've got a set of locking nut extractors somewhere, though you outright need a lump hammer/mini sledge to make them work :D

Damn scousers and their inventions, I bet the first housebricks in liverpool werent there for houses, but for propping cars up :p

10-18-2007, 02:50 PM
Lol, I've got a set of locking nut extractors somewhere, though you outright need a lump hammer/mini sledge to make them work :D

Damn scousers and their inventions, I bet the first housebricks in liverpool werent there for houses, but for propping cars up :p

:) The brick is a multi-purpose tool here, i call it initiative! :D

10-18-2007, 02:54 PM
:) The brick is a multi-purpose tool here, i call it initiative! :D

Yeah, I've heard it's good for opening house windows when you've lost the key as well! Truley the swiss army knife of the IQ:40 thug brigade!

10-18-2007, 03:13 PM
Yeah, I've heard it's good for opening house windows when you've lost the key as well! Truley the swiss army knife of the IQ:40 thug brigade!

Ha ha ha, :)

Believe it or not its only minority of idiots that give this place a bad name. Its a shame really...

10-18-2007, 03:19 PM
Ha ha ha, :)

Believe it or not its only minority of idiots that give this place a bad name. Its a shame really...
Yeah, joking aside Liverpool has got some damn good....er, Chippies?

10-18-2007, 03:25 PM
Thats a good one... (on a serious note it does have good chippies though).

10-18-2007, 09:48 PM
How the hell do you keep your cars in decent shape?

In parking lots I always try to get a big wide spot far from the entrance. If there's an uphill area in the lot far from the entrance that's even better.

There's rarely any competition for the far away spots, few cars will be close by and those that are tend to be treated nicely by their careful owners. Many nice cars seem to be found at the perimeter of parking lots.

Uphill is another good detail - helps avoid damage from runaway shopping carts and provides another disincentive to the average driver looking for a close and easy spot. I suspect it's not attractive walking up a hill or pushing a heavy cart uphill to your car when on the way home.



10-19-2007, 04:50 PM
park far away from other cars (like at the lot perimeter) and take up two spots

also, doesn't hurt to have a paging alarm.. that way u can get to the car quick if some idiot fxcks with it

10-19-2007, 08:58 PM
park far away from other cars (like at the lot perimeter) and take up two spots

also, doesn't hurt to have a paging alarm.. that way u can get to the car quick if some idiot fxcks with it

I think i just need an alarm.. The problem is people leaning or sitting on my car like its a piece of furniture. If an alarm goes off in the least they will get off or go chat somewhere else.

I remember a few years back I walked by some car... I think it was a vette... and the alarm went off, "step away from the vehicle. step away from the vehicle." Then it started counting down from three and stopped... I duno if thats just silly or if it works...

Would be nice if I could get a nice alarm + page and remote engine start to warm it up, but I have a stick and as far as i know it has to be auto.

My car appears to have an alarm but its a pos and im afraid to even connect it to the battery since it may set fire or something.

11-24-2007, 12:31 PM
f@#$ing hit again.
I parked at the end of the parking lot, and as I was walking out of the store there was a white chevy truck parked next to me. He was just leaving and I knew something happened. I memorized his license plate just in case and walked around to the side...


It still had white dust on it. But I didn't see it happen, and the guy was gone. This is unbelievable, I have one on every panel now. The side trim never helps, whats the point.

11-24-2007, 03:04 PM
honestly my car is so nicked and scratched I'd never know and since Im always driving in the city I cant get worried. down the road a ways I'll get the whole thing repainted but until then its nice not to have to worry about it too much

11-24-2007, 03:22 PM
f@#$ing hit again.
I parked at the end of the parking lot, and as I was walking out of the store there was a white chevy truck parked next to me. He was just leaving and I knew something happened. I memorized his license plate just in case and walked around to the side...


It still had white dust on it. But I didn't see it happen, and the guy was gone. This is unbelievable, I have one on every panel now. The side trim never helps, whats the point.

Same with my car. DC... I do think the side trim helps sometimes though, can't prevent everything but if it weren't there my car would just be more scratched up.