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View Full Version : Stupid weekend...

09-23-2007, 12:00 PM
So I had some big plans this weekend. More specifically, a lot of people had big plans this weekend that I wanted to be a part of. My friend that I've known since we were single-digit age was promoted to Chief in the navy, and he got it almost 2 years early based on his evaluations. I was pretty psyched to see that. Then there was the 5er meetup in Jersey, really looked forward to that too.

Only thing is, somehow I lost added a full mystery day to my schedule somewhere. For two months I've been planning my buddy's ceremony as Saturday. Needless to say when I called and asked "hey dude, where the hell is everyone?" He informed me that while 1/2 an hour early for Saturday, I was in fact 23.5 hours late for the FRIDAY event. Then I was hanging out with my friend Justin (Redfive) and asked if he was going to the 5er meetup on Sunday.

"You mean the one today? The one in Jersey?"

Crap. I spaced on TWO dates this weekend. The worst part is that I hadn't had a drop to drink until I found that out. I needed a beer at that point.

Oh well... I'm going to go start removing and filling in the body trim on my car, at least that's something I can make go right...

09-23-2007, 12:09 PM
I did the same thing a few weeks ago. Luckily it was only involving me, and no ceremonies and such.