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View Full Version : ETK on DVD - Problem Installing

Geoff Hoad
09-08-2007, 02:15 PM
Have a late 2005 ETK on DVD running on XP Pro with plenty of memory and disc space. It loads but when runs crashes every time. Have an older verion which has always loaded very easily uning the Win95 directory but this new one does not have that.

Can anyone suggest how to successfully install?

Many thanks,


Jr ///M5
09-08-2007, 02:52 PM
Since you're in Australia and it's probably a US disc, you're going to have to turn the disc upsidedown in order for it to work right....:D

Geoff my man, where da hell ya been?

Good to hear from you, even if you're having trouble...how's the Happy Dragon? The black beast? The ti..????

I can't help you with the problem, although I had the same problem with my ETK disc also. I did get it to load on Aubrey's computer though. Just use this site instead...www.realoem.com

You can do cross reference on parts if needed.

Sorry mate, I'm no help whatsoever, but it's always fun to hear from you.

How's Agent Q?


Geoff Hoad
09-09-2007, 12:54 PM
Jr, thanks for the link, will try it out.

The Black Beast is running beautifully and the old dear just keeps driving so nicely. Just bought a set of Throwing Stars to celebrate 9 years of ownership. It really is still a great pleasure to drive. Suggested that we sell it and the whole family revolted! So now I am forbidden to sell the car at all. My predictions about being buried in it may yet come true!

The Ti (aka the Purple Pandemonium) gets a new Supercharger in November. A more capable unit that will let me easily get 200 hp at the back wheels although I will be happy to dial in about 170 to start with. Have sorted out problems with a new custom made exhaust and will give it a service next weekend. Even without the supercharger it howls!

The Happy Dragon is very happy I am at home and not on a plane continuously, and so am I for that matter. Start a new job next week which I am looking forward to! Agent Q is in Europe at the moment on vacation. Somewhere in Italy, I think. But he's fine and likewise his E34 just keeps on going. We have both concluded that whilst it may be nice to get a newer car, nothing takes our fancy and at the end of the day, we just like our E34's.

Intend to spend more time back in the fold and hopefully will regale you and everyone with a set of new adventures.
