View Full Version : What cars had the 260Z?

08-28-2007, 03:19 AM
I've been under my TDs a few times now and am eyeing the leaking auto box output seal with a bit of distaste.

I've gotten to the point where I'm fed up of the fuel the auto box is using around town too... it's costing me $80 to do 250-300 miles, where a manual would be doing 400 upwards off that amount.

I'm at the point now where I'm considering swapping the whole damn box out for a manual. Except... it seems that the M51 motor was fitted with a specialist box, as well as a specialist diff.

This means either hunting one down through scrapyards, expensive, or seeing if the 310/320 out of a 525i will mate upto it.

Anyone have any thoughts about this? It's a pain in the arse as the td/tds scrap parts are quite hard to get hold of.

EDIT: On Scanning through the parts list of a 260Z/310Z, their internal makeup is pretty much identical - with the one major change being the part number of the front casing/bellhousing. I wonder if they exhange, thoughts?