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07-29-2007, 12:29 AM
Thought I would share some screen grabs from a short film I shot a while back. The E34 was a car the lead character had to steal.

a mini screwdriver set was used to break in. Had a good laugh when an police officer asked us what the hell we were doing after a few hours on the lot.

"The alarm went off." As one of the crew hit the hazard lights.

fuse box is going to hold the fuse for the alarm right?

07-29-2007, 12:29 AM
pull the #17 fuse to disable ;)

delivering the car

was just a cool shot as the actor walks by.

07-29-2007, 12:29 AM
end of act 1

Sorry about the poor quality. Shot with an experimental camera.

07-29-2007, 12:36 AM
Screw screen shots... I want the movie.

This looks cool

Anton CH.
07-29-2007, 01:14 AM
Screw screen shots... I want the movie.

This looks cool

07-29-2007, 11:16 AM
Screw screen shots... I want the movie.

This looks cool

Sorry, Its not available for public viewing :(

It was only my second film, learned a lot since then. If I have an opportunity to film with a car I may borrow another e34. Would be interesting to do a car chase sequence sometime.

07-29-2007, 11:45 AM
Are you a DVXuser??

rcbrown23 here ;)

07-29-2007, 03:21 PM
Thought I would share some screen grabs from a short film I shot a while back. The E34 was a car the lead character had to steal.

a mini screwdriver set was used to break in. Had a good laugh when an police officer asked us what the hell we were doing after a few hours on the lot.

"The alarm went off." As one of the crew hit the hazard lights.

fuse box is going to hold the fuse for the alarm right?

Where are you located? I've done some acting and video work, would LOVE to shoot a chase scene, I've actually got a few sketched out. Don't suppose you're on the east coast?

07-29-2007, 04:27 PM
Are you a DVXuser??

rcbrown23 here

I browse it a lot, especially the DIY section. But im not active.

Where are you located? I've done some acting and video work, would LOVE to shoot a chase scene, I've actually got a few sketched out. Don't suppose you're on the east coast?

Unfortunately no, located in Oklahoma while in university. A chase scene has always been something in the back of my mind. Even took the time to build a suction mounted car rig for the camera, but im not quite ready to hang my HD off the side at speed. The BMW films were done pretty well, I could not match them in scope of budget but there is still a lot of room for creativity.

07-29-2007, 08:25 PM
I've always been thinking of doing a BMW films like chase seen what would be needed is a camera car mmaybe a volvo wagon or something to mount a camera out the back of and take action shots

Bin_jammin-where on the east coast are you?

07-30-2007, 10:16 AM
Last fall I shot a short film in which one of the lead characters steals a 540i and leads the cops on a brief chase through Minneapolis. I'm still working on it, but I'll post when done. That's an extremely wide aspect ratio. What did you shoot it with?

07-30-2007, 04:49 PM
Last fall I shot a short film in which one of the lead characters steals a 540i and leads the cops on a brief chase through Minneapolis. I'm still working on it, but I'll post when done. That's an extremely wide aspect ratio. What did you shoot it with?

I look forward to seeing that. A 540i is a much more interesting car then my m20 powered 525i used in my film. I did manage to get some officers here to work with me, but I didn't have a chase or anything like that.

It was shot in 16:9 wide screen but I was using a 35mm lens adapter I put together myself. After I downloaded the footage I found that the lens was a little messy on the corner and had to crop it even more. It was not intentional, and you can tell that in a lot of the shots the framing was off or not quite right because I never planned to crop it like this..

Im shooting now in HD 2000x800@24p and everything looks much better. As soon as I finish some cosmetic repairs on my e34 in the next week or so I may look into shooting something before this upcoming semester starts.

07-30-2007, 05:19 PM
Cool! I did notice the incredibly shallow depth of field. Thought it might be film lenses. I used the P+S Technik adaptor a couple times on an HVX. Did you build the redrock micro kit? Or was it something you made up on your own? Tell me more about your adaptor. That sucks about the composition, but maybe you can spin it off as some new aesthetic you're working on.

07-30-2007, 07:31 PM
Cool! I did notice the incredibly shallow depth of field. Thought it might be film lenses. I used the P+S Technik adaptor a couple times on an HVX. Did you build the redrock micro kit? Or was it something you made up on your own? Tell me more about your adaptor. That sucks about the composition, but maybe you can spin it off as some new aesthetic you're working on.

Was only my second film, I was not yet very well equipped. The camera was a panasonic GS150. The adapter was put together from parts I found online. It took quite a lot of time and money and ended up as a failure. I finally decided to go with a commercial solution. I used a 28mm, 50mm, and sometimes a 200mm Minolta lens. I did finally give up and went with a commercial solution. Lately the SGpro has interested me a lot, but I hope that by the end of this year i'll have my hands on a camera with a true 35mm sensor area.

07-31-2007, 08:30 AM
Was only my second film, I was not yet very well equipped. The camera was a panasonic GS150. The adapter was put together from parts I found online. It took quite a lot of time and money and ended up as a failure. I finally decided to go with a commercial solution. I used a 28mm, 50mm, and sometimes a 200mm Minolta lens. I did finally give up and went with a commercial solution. Lately the SGpro has interested me a lot, but I hope that by the end of this year i'll have my hands on a camera with a true 35mm sensor area.Exceeeellent work and great subject :) Perhaps this could become another Ronin one day... ;) Seriosuly dude, throw it on YouTube, a mashup might be the go if you never get around to finsihing it! :) NICK

08-02-2007, 09:26 PM
Was only my second film, I was not yet very well equipped. The camera was a panasonic GS150. The adapter was put together from parts I found online. It took quite a lot of time and money and ended up as a failure. I finally decided to go with a commercial solution. I used a 28mm, 50mm, and sometimes a 200mm Minolta lens. I did finally give up and went with a commercial solution. Lately the SGpro has interested me a lot, but I hope that by the end of this year i'll have my hands on a camera with a true 35mm sensor area.

Go get you one of these. www.red.com

08-03-2007, 01:16 AM
Exceeeellent work and great subject :) Perhaps this could become another Ronin one day... ;) Seriosuly dude, throw it on YouTube, a mashup might be the go if you never get around to finsihing it! :) NICK

Thanks! The film was finished though. The reason why its not available for public viewing is because it contains a soundtrack under copyright. I don't have my original copy so removing would mean I would have to redo everything including dialog. I would rather reshoot everything instead, something I have been considering actually.

Go get you one of these. www.red.com

Yeah, if I only had $20,000.
im waiting for them to release more information about the red mini which may be a more affordable option.

This is similar to what im using now:

08-03-2007, 03:26 AM
Last fall I shot a short film in which one of the lead characters steals a 540i and leads the cops on a brief chase through Minneapolis. I'm still working on it, but I'll post when done. That's an extremely wide aspect ratio. What did you shoot it with?

Guess you won't be filming over the bridge! :D

08-03-2007, 03:09 PM
I've been waiting for this for quite awhile. www.kinetta.com (http://www.kinetta.com) There are a couple of Red's cameras running around town now--but film just seems easier so everyone with a hole in their ass dosen't expect to see what's been shot in raw form.

The reason why its not available for public viewing is because it contains a soundtrack under copyright.

That's quite the honorable--and uncommon--attitude especially from someone who is learning and not witnessed the RIAA or a corperation whack someone in the peepee. The TV show I'm currently on simply used a line from a song as dialog & decided--well we cannot edit around this so lets pay them before it airs.

08-04-2007, 03:08 PM
That is really cool.

08-06-2007, 01:39 PM
That thing's so cool, it's scary.