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View Full Version : Dying or painting the rear window deck

07-09-2007, 09:28 PM
I would like to know if anyone has painted, dyed, or tanned the rear window deck. What did you use, and how was the after effect? My rear deck is faded from dark gray to a lite washed out, sun faded gray. Any suggestions?

bill g
07-10-2007, 02:15 AM
Mine was burgundy red but faded to pink (not a good look). I removed it from the car, brushed it down and re-dyed it with VHT penetrating Color Dye (aerosol can).
Really happy with the result - it looks like new - surface is a little less soft than original with slight unevenness in the depth of colour ( most people wouldn't notice) but red is probably the hardest to work with. I think the spray can I used was very old stock and the spray pattern from the nozzle did not seem quite right which made it a little difficult to get even depth.
I sprayed on numerous coats, allowing each coat to dry a few minutes before applying the next.
One can did the job. Although another can may have made the finish more even I was concerned the build up of dye would make it too coarse to the touch.

Bill G

07-10-2007, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the information. How much harder was the feel and look of the rear deck when you finished? Noticeable or not? Mine is a dark gray which may be just as hard to match.

07-11-2007, 12:18 AM
I had an upholstery shop do the rear deck of another car with a virtually identical fabric for something like $45. I already had the rear deck removed to save on labor.

I'm thinking of having the same done to mine once I get the windows tinted.

07-11-2007, 05:46 PM
Dupli-color makes fabric dye/paint. I used it on my rear deck to go from a almost white to a tan. However, surface is not as fuzzy as eachstrand is coated. I still may recover or get a new deck.

bill g
07-12-2007, 02:40 AM
Thanks for the information. How much harder was the feel and look of the rear deck when you finished? Noticeable or not? Mine is a dark gray which may be just as hard to match.

Only difference is in the feel of it - just a little less soft than original. Certainly not hard at all and not noticeable.

Bill G

07-12-2007, 03:27 PM
I used Suede-soloring for shoes. Mine was originally chocholate brown, but had faded to pink-ish. Looks great now, but the color rubs off slightly. not cool. Luckily, I never ever have anything on there, so it's ok.

I saw a British car fixer upper program on Discovery, where he just spray painted the thing, stating, that no one would ever notice. I'll be trying that the next time.

Regarding the "feel" of it - How often do we actually touch that thing anyway??

07-12-2007, 09:09 PM
Isn't that where you throw the chicks leg up on when you are getting it on in the back of the car... don't know if any of yours have every complained about it being prickly on the back of their calf or not...

07-13-2007, 03:26 PM
Isn't that where you throw the chicks leg up on when you are getting it on in the back of the car... don't know if any of yours have every complained about it being prickly on the back of their calf or not...

You clearly don't have rear headrests :D

Maybe she could get one of her legs into the ski bag?