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View Full Version : Need help with radiator question

05-08-2004, 08:09 AM
On the passanger side of the radiator, near the top, on the side, there is a sensor that appears to connect to the radiator via a threaded fitting. How do I unplug the wires without breaking them. I've already broken the cap covering the wires. Everything under the hood on this thing is so damn brittle.

05-08-2004, 08:57 AM
ill let you know if i ever find a way, look at where each color goes and pull em out one at a time

George M
05-08-2004, 09:25 AM
once you prior off the protective cap from the aux fan sensor harness on the pass side of the rad, the connector can be pried straight off. Look at it under a magnifying glass and the separating halves of the connector will be more obvious as to where to pry. The elbowed wires can be pulled separately as well once the cap is off. Unfortunately the connector protective cap tends to break upon removal due to heat age (severe on the radiator of course). I suggest you remove this connection before spinning out the aux fan sensor from the rad.

05-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Look at it under a magnifying glass and the separating halves of the connector will be more obvious as to where to pry.

Thanks George,

Got wifey to take a look. She's a little younger and can actually still see.

A couple of points:

Radiaor came right out without removing fan. (I getting where I always question instructions that say remove this, remove that. I see absolutley no reason in this case)

I'm totally pissed at BMA (again). If you take a look at my other post - they shipped me a radiator for a 525.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should insist on only talking with Patrick when I deal with them?

George M
05-08-2004, 11:08 AM
my eyes aren't very strong either so can relate...why I always keep a magnifying glass in my tool box :-)...very helpful for deciphering tricky connectors etc. I use it all the time. I too questioned this connector when I removed my radiator. As to BMA, there is no better supplier out there Mitch and I know....have been buying parts for 30 years for cars...they are very good...both Patrick and Yves. Hate to tell you this but if you want perfection than it is incumbent on you...always best to pull the part numbers off the ETK for anything you order. I just ordered four little sacrificial aluminum crush washers for my banjo bolts from BMA as I am safety wiring in my banjo bolts and I had the part number before I called....ALWAYS the best if not safest practice. They sent the little 20 cent a piece washers to my address without incident...can't ask for better...a first rate house. Do they make mistakes?...sure, we all do. Difference is they will stand behind any part they sell particularly to members of this board if you treat them square. Good luck getting your issue resolved. I have rebuilt much of my car using parts from BMA...they always make good on anything that isn't just right and it generally is.
George...hope you ordered replacement top clips for your new rad...if you haven't, be sure to do so...also a replacent top small dia molded return hose that ties into the hard plastic small dia. conduit back to the expansion tank.

05-08-2004, 11:14 AM
Follow-up on BMA order problem.

I do want to post a follow-up because I do't believe it's entirely fair for me to blast BMA without stating what they did or didn't do to "make things right"

I did speak with Partrick this mroning, who did as I suspected he would, recommend that "I speak only to him or his brother when placing orders in the future."

Patrick is overnighting the correct radiator (the "new" sales person evidently keyed the incorrect part # or model # last Monday when I ordered) which should arrive Tuesday along with a return shipping label for the incorrect part.

I suppose it will be OK and everyone (except my poor aging mother who I won't be able visit tomorrow on Mother's Day) will get over it... eventually.

Thanks for standing behind your service, Patrick. I might be crazy, but I'm even cheaper, so you will get my business again. (unless of course nothing else ever breaks on this e34 LOL)

05-08-2004, 11:18 AM
George...hope you ordered replacement top clips for your new rad...if you haven't, be sure to do so...also a replacent top small dia molded return hose that ties into the hard plastic small dia. conduit back to the expansion tank.

See my follow-up post below George.

Patrick is standing behind his service.

Also, yes I did order the clips and brad-things. I actually did have those part #'s from a portion of an ETK diagram someone had posted earlier, but the section posted didn't have the radiator part # itself.

What is the best source for an ETK and what is the gonig price?