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View Full Version : OT: who can remeber that fully sic commodore wagon about 6 months ago?

04-24-2007, 10:50 PM
hey lads, who can remember the fully sic commodore purple wagon on ebay about 6 months ago, how would i find it, do Ebay have archives. I cant even remember what the thread was on here so searchings no help, but i have done one before ye all burn thyself. Did any one keep a copy? I wish i had cause I want it for a birthday card for a mate. all help please or no help understood!!!!

Thankyou gentlemen + lady

04-24-2007, 11:41 PM
Are you talking about the one with the golden engine?

04-25-2007, 02:05 AM
i think so. it was Australian e bay. had like a page write up on it

04-25-2007, 03:32 AM
eBay only keep auctions AFAIK for 3 months, after which they are removed from the eBay website. You might be able to find a google cache of it, but don't hold your breath.

04-25-2007, 03:51 AM
I remember it. It was fully sick but it was probably about 12 months ago. Oh my God mattyb you lair, I can't believe you are searchng for it...

04-25-2007, 06:17 AM
only as a joke wingman, only as a joke

04-25-2007, 08:15 AM
Mate now daz ******** bro... I jez know u is searchin' for some o douze fully sic mods wid witch to hype up ya 540... heh, u know that Commodore WAGON was faaast man, I think I saw it a couple of weeks back but it waz so fast I couldn't tell proply, but I heard a lot of swearing going on... Oleh, the guys were having trouble just stayin' in control.

Yea it waz seerehossly sic- I swear bro it was ill as in Kim Jong. I mean so badly contagious it was like a leaper with AIDS being beaten to death by the a bunch of bored Saudis man, ya know wat itz like- like when you come acorss 'em dead in the gutter and like u can't tell who it waz from the amount of lesions, flies and congee-ald blood... trust me I swear man on my mothas mothas brothers' grandma's grave man it was just filthy fast man.

Yea we remember... - I almost bought it for the Gold engine cover. Would have looked great on the 5er...

04-25-2007, 08:48 AM
Bling Bling...

The color was cool

04-25-2007, 09:12 AM
Check it out (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4640802636#description) yaz all; back by popular demand... so we can all remember the Greatness of Vido's one and only Gold WAGGGON, Oleh!

Miser eBay has dumped all the pics though- and even the comments, responses and questions... :(

But to get an idea of the kinda thing we're talking about, it is between this somewhat poorer cousin (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/1986-VL-COMMODORE_W0QQitemZ250107280452QQihZ015QQcategoryZ 102240QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem).. and this more colourful example (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HEAD-TURNER-VL-COMMODORE_W0QQitemZ230118431798QQihZ013QQcategoryZ 102240QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) of 'the Art'

04-25-2007, 09:47 AM
Check it out (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4640802636#description) yaz all; back by popular demand... so we can all remember the Greatness of Vido's one and only Gold WAGGGON, Oleh!

Miser eBay has dumped all the pics though- and even the comments, responses and questions... :(

Oh jeezus, I didnt know whether to laugh or cry reading that...

04-25-2007, 09:13 PM
maaaaaate! thank you very much , you are entirely hectic mate for finding this. a testament to its brilliance is the fact the pics are gone and its still so fully shick.