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View Full Version : Semi WOT Stocks & Trading companies

632 Regal
04-18-2007, 09:06 PM
I dont know if any of you do the stock thing but figured since almost 100% of my other OT posts were good answers I would sucomb to the forum

What do you use, pros-cons IE: Etrade, Fidelity, Scotttrade etc...

Since I seem to be semi retired and have a little to dabble with I started playing again after 15+years and the only 2 stocks I have at this point based on a 6k total investment is bringing a 2500 profit since January. One is carrying the load and the other is only averaging a low ~20% gain (500.00).

Pros and cons of the others is good along with any insight as to where you get your stock tips from. I am currently using Mt Vernon with their accelerated profits report and the Oxford.

If anyone wants to volunteer in changing my dash bulbs an 8 hour smoked ribs meal is in order :D I cant deliver the ribs so traveling isn't an option as I cant check my mileage or the status of the ribs ;)

04-19-2007, 12:55 AM
Used datek, which became ameritrade, which became td ameritrade.

Had stuff with fidelity from former employer.

Moving all to zecco. Can't beat $0.0 commision.

Other choice would have been brown & co, but they were bought out a while ago.