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View Full Version : Unhelpful forum

03-22-2007, 02:33 AM
I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.


03-22-2007, 03:07 AM
sorry for your plight.

as to both your quesions, i dont have answers to them.

is Becker the brand of the radio? never heard of it.

03-22-2007, 03:20 AM
currently on this page there are two posts on wheels and none on stereos, although you seem to post a few on stereos , i have found this forum an unlimited valuable resource if your bmw dealer is more helpful lucky you mine is not. Sorry but i am unable to answer your questions which is why i did not reply

03-22-2007, 04:45 AM
Your wiper problem? Never encountered it before, so I don't have an answer. If it were me, I'd probably check the stalk switch first.

Removing the radio? I've not encountered the "Becker" radio before -- I'm familiar with terms like Business RDS, Reverse RDS, etc., that are printed on the faceplate. However, the radios usually come out as follows:

1. Pop off the plastic covers on either side of the faceplate.

2. a) If you find screws under the covers, loosen these then slide the radio out.

2. b) If you find holes under the covers, insert rods into the holes to release the catches (car audio shops have a tool for this) then slide the radio out.

On forums like these, every so often someone will post seemingly-simple questions for which no one has an answer. Looks like you did it twice in a row.

03-22-2007, 04:57 AM
Maybe no one here has a Becker radio, ever consider that? I've seen them in Porsche, never BMW. This radio should have a couple of tabs that pop open so you can get an allen wrench in there. If not (if it's out of a Porsche) they (Porsche) has a special tool to remove them with.

Wipers. Are they slow regardless of speed? As you speed up the wipers should speed up also. There is a sensor for them that is mounted on the differential.

Lastly, ditch the attitude. This is a free forum, people aren't sitting behind their computers 24/7 waiting to answer questions that a google search would find the answers to.

03-22-2007, 05:25 AM
I personally have listed a few posts that nobody has any responses to but I imagine there are no responses because nobody knows, not out of spite. However I have also posted questions to which the answers have been invaluable and saved me a fortune (one saved me 4k!!)

Its a forum and people can post what they like and what interests them, nobody is obliged to do anything. My friend tried to find out some info on a vauxhall Vectra and couldn't find a decent forum anywhere.

In my experince the best forums are those for BMW, Merc and Rover. I personally have saved a fortune by using these forums and learnt a lot!

03-22-2007, 06:24 AM
My 2 cents - I don't post much, but this is one bookmarked forum I check regularly. There are lots of posts un-related to technical issues, some kind of silly, but most are quite entertaining. Sometime you get some chaff with the wheat...no biggy. When there is an issue, however, my observatoin is that this is one of the best resources you can turn to.

I hope I can continue to read for entertainment reasons only....I've been extremely fortunate that my 525i Touring has given me absolutely no grief in the 50,000 miles I've owned it.

ryan roopnarine
03-22-2007, 06:56 AM
well this is wonderful. there are at least 6 threads in a search for "slow wipers" that inform people to either re-lubricate the wiper motor or find a new unit. as for the (high probability that it is aftermarket) becker radio....

03-22-2007, 07:04 AM
I thought to post regarding the Becker removal but as Herr Becker isn't OEM here any info I would have may be wrong. Most DIN chassis have some sort of slot to insert a tool on either side to release clips allowing the radio to slide out.
Didn't notice the other post you refer to and am not going to look for it after the tone of your last.
If you think this forum to be useless try some others, if you find a better BMW forum please PM with it.
I have been repairing cars since 1972, have owned and maintained nearly every brand of car there is and find this forum to be very informative. There are real live professional mechanics here, like at your more helpful dealer, who share their wisdom for free. Hard to beat that I say.
Don't expect everyone here to have your answer or to jump right on your problem. I see ****ing stupid questions answered respectfully all the time here, can't figure why you should have a beef.
There are posts regarding wheels and stereos because enthusiasts tend to personalize their cars. Ignore those posts if they don't interest you.
Looking at your previous threads it seems you've been helped in the past, trashing us now isn't likely to get you the free help you seek.
BTW what is the going labor rate at the dealer over there?

03-22-2007, 07:15 AM
wow... seriously, whats with the attitude

03-22-2007, 07:17 AM
I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.

stamping his wooden shoes

03-22-2007, 07:17 AM
your complaining about free useful information? Goto the $tealer then.

I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.


03-22-2007, 07:30 AM
You have started 14 threads and in most cases when u needed something it seems the answer or advice or just a chat was forthcoming pretty quickly

The radio thread was started yesterday. sorry were all not on ****ing Ansterdam time King prick, but hey we're sorry we all liberated your friggin country 50 whatever years ago, dont mention it pal. Why would an aftermarket radio be in the bentley anyway.

Your wiper thread is 2 days old. Give us ****ing break man, stop searching your cock with your mums tongue and search the forum instead with your brain. there are 6 returns.

You ungrateful tosser. This had been an amazing forum with plenty of the best advice. Like most others i have saved thousands by learning what is to be learnt here and made some great friends. maybe we can put you in touch with our old mate, dare i say his name UKM5, he was also a proper knob jockey like you, do us all a favour, **** off and beat youself around the head violently with some smoked mullett. Sorry guys but i didnt want to tell you how I really feel.

03-22-2007, 07:31 AM
ha ha ha ha lol

03-22-2007, 07:33 AM
wanna see how quickly we can reply? see how this takes off clog licker

Bill R.
03-22-2007, 07:41 AM
posting here less and less.Posts like yours make me even less inclined to come here. This is the only becker they show used in the
E34 that i'm aware of. None of the US cars have it so none of the US posters have seen it most likely.

I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.


03-22-2007, 07:43 AM
sorry bill, no more swearing i promise. trust a gentleman like yourself to rock up with the answer

03-22-2007, 07:46 AM
Matty, Remind me not to piss you off.

03-22-2007, 07:48 AM
The becker one's are in the Australian car's also. I removed my shitty one years ago. (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?t=8016&highlight=radio)

Hi Matt, and Bill R, we love you around here. Please come back!

03-22-2007, 07:49 AM
no worries mate!!! you grand master me grasshopper ok! just makes me sick thats all. love the wooden shoes crack, nice one

Black 535i
03-22-2007, 07:54 AM
When I post a question, I wait a couple of days for a reply and I usually get it. I don't look for answers here within a minute or two. If I have that kind of problem, the car is usually at the mechanics by then due to my limited space and tool collection to fix the problem. Maybe we also do not have the answer so don't assume we are giving you the cold shoulder.

03-22-2007, 07:59 AM
Ahhh, now I know what attitude will get me answers ... but I'm too polite to lower myself like that all the time.

Thanks Bill and BigKriss for your helpful reply.

BTW those 6 threads about wipers are not applicable to the problem I'm experiencing (no speed difference between II and III)

03-22-2007, 08:01 AM
above 20 percent reply rate. fairly consistent from what i see

03-22-2007, 08:27 AM
Ahhh, now I know what attitude will get me answers ... but I'm too polite to lower myself like that all the time.

Thanks Bill and BigKriss for your helpful reply.

BTW those 6 threads about wipers are not applicable to the problem I'm experiencing (no speed difference between II and III)

it won't get any answers from me - your attitude in this thread has pretty much guaranteed I won't even read any of your future threads.

03-22-2007, 08:28 AM
You have started 14 threads and in most cases when u needed something it seems the answer or advice or just a chat was forthcoming pretty quickly

The radio thread was started yesterday. sorry were all not on ****ing Ansterdam time King prick, but hey we're sorry we all liberated your friggin country 50 whatever years ago, dont mention it pal. Why would an aftermarket radio be in the bentley anyway.

Actually, Canada liberated Holland and housed their royal family's children to keep them safe from the war. That is why they have been giving us the gift of tulips for the last 60 or so years. Holland is a beautiful country, and I appreciate the special relationship my country has with them.

Blitzkrieg Bob
03-22-2007, 01:06 PM
don't even own a BMW, let alone a car.

We just come here because this site not blocked by the computers at the prison library.

632 Regal
03-22-2007, 01:19 PM
how's Bubba been treating you lately?
PS OJ wants his shirt back.

don't even own a BMW, let alone a car.

We just come here because this site not blocked by the computers at the prison library.

Blitzkrieg Bob
03-22-2007, 01:23 PM
how's Bubba been treating you lately?
PS OJ wants his shirt back.

Tell OJ, Sorry, I traded it for a pack of cigarettes.

ryan roopnarine
03-22-2007, 01:30 PM
Ahhh, now I know what attitude will get me answers ... but I'm too polite to lower myself like that all the time.

Thanks Bill and BigKriss for your helpful reply.

BTW those 6 threads about wipers are not applicable to the problem I'm experiencing (no speed difference between II and III)

there are more than 6 threads that come up when you type slow wipers into the search box. sorry you expect someone to have the solution to your problem when you haven't even tried to troubleshoot the problem in the first place. BTW...the car can pick out what speed it wants the wipers to move at--independent of your choice. you start with the lubrication, move to the wiper relay, then the general module. but then again, we owe you a tremendous amount, and possess the ability to diagnose and fix your car over the internet.

ps...some screwhead:D decided to give this thread a 5 star rating. please do your part and enter a vote for poor if the spirit moves you,

03-22-2007, 01:51 PM
BTW those 6 threads about wipers are not applicable to the problem I'm experiencing (no speed difference between II and III)

maybe your wipers don't like you either.

03-22-2007, 02:58 PM
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03-22-2007, 03:25 PM
maybe your wipers don't like you either.
bahahahahahah :D

03-22-2007, 03:30 PM
Ahhh, now I know what attitude will get me answers ... but I'm too polite to lower myself like that all the time.

Being a nancy is lowering yourself? Good one.


03-22-2007, 03:33 PM
You have started 14 threads and in most cases when u needed something it seems the answer or advice or just a chat was forthcoming pretty quickly

The radio thread was started yesterday. sorry were all not on ****ing Ansterdam time King prick, but hey we're sorry we all liberated your friggin country 50 whatever years ago, dont mention it pal. Why would an aftermarket radio be in the bentley anyway.

Your wiper thread is 2 days old. Give us ****ing break man, stop searching your cock with your mums tongue and search the forum instead with your brain. there are 6 returns.

You ungrateful tosser. This had been an amazing forum with plenty of the best advice. Like most others i have saved thousands by learning what is to be learnt here and made some great friends. maybe we can put you in touch with our old mate, dare i say his name UKM5, he was also a proper knob jockey like you, do us all a favour, **** off and beat youself around the head violently with some smoked mullett. Sorry guys but i didnt want to tell you how I really feel.

Thank you Matty, you saved me the time of typing, simply beautiful statement.

03-22-2007, 03:36 PM
I think I have a solution:


03-22-2007, 03:49 PM
Thing is this forum gives free advice, sometimes people just don't know the answer or aren't interested in posting. but they have no obligation to either.

03-22-2007, 03:53 PM
I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.



03-22-2007, 04:13 PM
Close the thread, it sucks too much.

03-22-2007, 04:16 PM
i was lookin for that...

Barney Paull-Edwards
03-22-2007, 04:41 PM
Sorry to disagree with a european but I think you`ve had too much of your national product. I`ve had more usefull help from this forum than any other,yes the Yanks can be a bit direct but I`ve never had advice that turned out wrong,sell your BM and buy a DAF, its such good quality!

03-22-2007, 05:08 PM
my sincere apoligies to your gallant country men rep. no offence intended

03-22-2007, 05:10 PM

Zeuk in Oz
03-22-2007, 05:41 PM
I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.

Without this wonderful forum, my car would no longer be on the road.

As a mechanical moron I would never have tackled the head gasket repair or any of the countless little repairs that I have done myself - the last was a new reversing sensor job that literally took 5 minutes.

I am sad that you feel we aren't good enough, so my only advice is for you to leave and not to bother to come back. Go and use one of the better forums that you obviously must know about and don't darken our doorstep again.

If not, ditch the attitude and be nice !

Bill R - forgive us - we look forward to every one of your posts ! :)

03-22-2007, 06:44 PM
I like the saying you have at the bottom of thread. Maybe you should change it to: if I make myself a victim then people will pay attention to me. You get more help with kindness and respect then putting others on the defensive. We all learn from humiliation..........But then if we are faceless and not responsible because its the internet then its a bad thing.

Jon K
03-23-2007, 12:40 AM
I always thought that forums such as these are the place to get help from people more experienced than yourself. My experience so far is that the main topics are big wheels and over-the-top stereos. No kind help or understanding that a small problem for one can be a major for another.

I have asked two questions (after searching) that surely some forum members must have a cut and paste answer to. No reaction whatsoever. I sadly have to conclude that the BMW dealer is more helpful. Go figure.


We're not helping because you didn't pay your fee first.

03-23-2007, 01:59 AM
Good luck finding a more helpful e34 forum buddy;) Funny thing is, i didn't even see this thread until now, not all of us are on stand-by.

Hopefully people can forgive your attitude, without this site, i doubt you will own your e34 for more than a year living in Europe, unless your loaded...(which i doubt)

Give each thread a couple of days, or until it reaches page 2, then bump it if your that concerned.

Good luck with your future questions. Whatever you do, do not piss me off, i may have the most violent attitude of all the members, including Matty...

03-23-2007, 04:21 AM
Damn right there brother Boone. Im just the PMT before the storm over to you.

03-23-2007, 04:22 AM
nice piccy there Jon

632 Regal
03-23-2007, 05:16 AM
matty whats up with the stolen image shack picture in the sig?
nice piccy there Jon

03-23-2007, 05:20 AM

This thread guaranteed you a place in my ignore list.

I also had problems with my radio. A search on Google revelaed that OEM supplier of "BMW Bavaria C electronic" and few other models is in fact Becker.

03-23-2007, 07:11 AM
sorry dude not understanding what u mean. is it my sig or jons u mean. is that not jons engine bay? I know BigKriss did something to my pic but i havent seen it yet, maybe thats it, i dont know. Looks sweet though, theres 2 cylinders missing but im sure its ok. how u been man, I havent been here for a bit. Ive got a few spots just like yours on the bonnet, have u fixed yours yet?

03-23-2007, 08:47 AM
I sent you a new pic, its in your private messages folder.

sorry dude not understanding what u mean. is it my sig or jons u mean. is that not jons engine bay? I know BigKriss did something to my pic but i havent seen it yet, maybe thats it, i dont know. Looks sweet though, theres 2 cylinders missing but im sure its ok. how u been man, I havent been here for a bit. Ive got a few spots just like yours on the bonnet, have u fixed yours yet?

632 Regal
03-23-2007, 09:57 AM
this pic?