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View Full Version : Guage Cluster

03-20-2007, 10:44 PM

After the accident, I've been having problems here and there. The one that's most annoying is my gauge cluster. When I turn the key to 1 or 2, sometimes the check control does not light up, along with the odometer and the gong just goes on without stopping. Then it goes away when i start the engine. The trip meter always resets when i turn off the car and restart it. the center bulb for the tech and speedo decided to quit so the center of my cluster is dimmer than the rest. So do I need to replace the capacitors, or something more?

Also, on the check control screen, the left side is always dimmer like the bulb is out, until i bang on the dash few times it lits up all the way. the bulb probably needs to be tightened?

03-20-2007, 11:43 PM
I have very similar issues with my cluster, i also get gauge 'drop outs', all things seem to be fixed with a few short sharp jabs by my finger tips.
I replaced the capacitors, which helped a little, the lcd no longer dims.

I suggest taking the unit out and cleaning all the connections, this gave mine alot less problems, i think i need to do it better though.