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02-05-2007, 08:49 AM
enhancer. I was relieved that my car started this morning despite the negative 17F temperature. Noticed that once the motor warmed up the car was definitely zippier. I read once that colder denser air was good for turbos but didn't think that applied to na cars. Also, the suspension was a good bit firmer, giving me an idea of what my 15 year old might have been like new. I guess there really is a silver lining to every cloud.

02-05-2007, 11:04 AM
It was -20F (-29C) outside my house this morning, my car barely started with some awful rumbling engine sounds. The oil took much longer to get moving through the system than I would have liked. It'd be nice to have a block heater for this weather.

02-05-2007, 12:10 PM
It was -20F (-29C) outside my house this morning, my car barely started with some awful rumbling engine sounds. The oil took much longer to get moving through the system than I would have liked. It'd be nice to have a block heater for this weather.
Should be near 60 F here today... Might have to wear sunscreen for our picnic lunch... ;)

Heard it was cold enough to close schools in Michigan. Now that is COLD!

02-05-2007, 12:23 PM

Time to clean out the garage and park the old beast in there..

02-05-2007, 12:37 PM
Any engine benifits from cool air, forced or naturally aspirated. The cold air being dense allows more fuel to be mixed with it, in a given space, i.e. the cylinder, whilst still keeping to the optimum fuel air ratio.

High altitude also has a negative effect do to less dense air so the denser then better. Turbo's have a positive effect by greating a hugely dense pressurised inlet charge, too which you add huge amounts of fuel and still have the right mixture ratio . . more fuel burn't is more chemical energy = more bhp. . . then you go very fast. . . .until your piston tops melt or your crank snaps in half. . .:D

Sorry, got a bit techie there:)

02-05-2007, 12:40 PM
I was zipping along the highway at 0F last night :)

Lovin' the nikasil

02-05-2007, 01:33 PM
I did notice the flip side of the increased performance. My mpgs which are normally 20-22 have fallen to 15-18.

02-05-2007, 02:34 PM
The only vehicle in there now is my snowplow tractor. Although, it was probably a balmy -10F inside the garage instead of -20F.


Time to clean out the garage and park the old beast in there..

02-05-2007, 02:38 PM
yeah, they closed em, my little bro is home from school. its rediculous to close schools because of the cold, the little turds can stand outside for a little bit, if theyre stupid enough to not wear a coat then darwin says they should freeze anyway

02-05-2007, 03:11 PM
I did notice the flip side of the increased performance. My mpgs which are normally 20-22 have fallen to 15-18.

Yeah, you don't get something for nothing in this case.

I don't work out my mpg anymore. . . i did once and it only made me feel guilty ;)

02-05-2007, 03:46 PM
Closed schools here in WI too. - 40 wind chill. Pretty stupid. Just dress em for the bus stop or if you're really worried drive em yourself. I work from home so I have kids home all day because it's "too cold"

Why does my 12 year old car run great in the cold but my 1 year old Pacifica creaks and groans in this weather?