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01-16-2007, 11:51 AM

01-16-2007, 11:53 AM


Dave M
01-16-2007, 12:01 PM

I'll set the stage for you:

Approximately 2" of the white stuff covers a suburban neighborhood. The photo was taken from the confines of an e34 in what I assume is an attached garage. It looks pretty narly. How are you folks dealing with it? :p

Glad you've received sub zero temps, maybe the planet will make it another 100 years.

Dave M

01-16-2007, 12:16 PM
I'll set the stage for you:

Approximately 2" of the white stuff covers a suburban neighborhood. The photo was taken from the confines of an e34 in what I assume is an attached garage. It looks pretty narly. How are you folks dealing with it? :p

Glad you've received sub zero temps, maybe the planet will make it another 100 years.

Dave M

We havent had snow like this in a long time, and I read that the current el-nino cycle is fading rapidly, and that sort of thing affects us greatly, as we are already borderline on the possibility of snow.

Heres more pictures for you bro.
First two are there to describe my shitty camera, all are without flash except the one with snowflakes, figured I would take it for comparison.


01-16-2007, 12:16 PM

01-16-2007, 01:06 PM
I'll set the stage for you:

Approximately 2" of the white stuff covers a suburban neighborhood. The photo was taken from the confines of an e34 in what I assume is an attached garage. It looks pretty narly. How are you folks dealing with it? :p

Glad you've received sub zero temps, maybe the planet will make it another 100 years.

Dave M

How are us folks? Well, theres how I deal with it, the smart way, and the way most people deal with it. Two completely different things.

Lots of collisions, but many people are staying indoors, most of the collisions are semis anyways.

I saw a guy with a brand new 5 putting on chains... lol
Don't know what he was doing trying to get to work, not like he needed the money, but whatever.

Dave M
01-16-2007, 01:26 PM
How are us folks? Well, theres how I deal with it, the smart way, and the way most people deal with it. Two completely different things.

Lots of collisions, but many people are staying indoors, most of the collisions are semis anyways.

I saw a guy with a brand new 5 putting on chains... lol
Don't know what he was doing trying to get to work, not like he needed the money, but whatever.

Thats hilarious (chains on the new fiver). Pray they're attached properly and don't come flying off, trashing a fender.

Reminds me of 1993, when I was training for bike racing in Greenville, SC. We were wholloped with a pretty major snow storm (2-3'). We were based out of a state forest outside town and when we finally got 'rescued' (state forester types with litle chainsaws ;)), we were amazed at the carnage on the highway into town.. What a display of summer driving skill :D Oh and then there was the aerial rescue of some boy scouts which were 'stranded' less than a mile from where we hiked up the mountain for training (roads a bit too wet for riding). We were wondering why the choppers were buzzing around. Maybe we coulda helped :p

The Canadian pacific northwest has been receiving way more snow than usual, much like yourselves.

Thanks for the pics.

Jon K
01-16-2007, 01:28 PM
I wish we had snow! My girlfriend called me as I was getting ready for class to say it was flurrying but I missed it :(

John B.
01-16-2007, 01:32 PM
Here in New England we'd normally call that a dusting & not even think about it. This year its more snow then we've seen all "winter".

01-16-2007, 01:35 PM
Here in New England we'd normally call that a dusting & not even think about it. This year its more snow then we've seen all "winter".

Yeah for sure dude, you should see the number of COLLISIONS on the freeways... People can't handle it, but also, they don't know how to use chains or put on the proper tires. I think this is also connected to why people don't maintain their automobiles here and how there are a bunch more trash buckets driving around, if the weather was like this, more people wouldn't be able to maintain their vehicles properly for changing weather conditions, or they would just all wreck.

rofl @ similarities, and this ain't snow-

01-16-2007, 01:53 PM
Yeah, buddy of mine just took this outside his window...


01-16-2007, 01:54 PM
This is what we call "having the proper tool for the job" :)


John B.
01-16-2007, 01:57 PM
I don't know anyone who uses chains anymore. The plow trucks are out as soon as it starts snowing salting/sanding the roads around here. Bad for the cars & trees but great for traction. Frt wheel & 4 wheel drive vehicles do fine with All Season tires & us throwbacks with rear wheel drive use dedicated snows.

Charles - What caused that nasty mess in the second pic? Your famous West Coast fog?
Reminds me of driving back from Calif in December 1982 on I40 through Arizona/New Mexico in an ice storm. Nothing but mile after mile of wrecked tractor trailers & cars. We finally pulled off & got a motel for 2 days waiting for a thaw. It wouldn't kill them to put a couple sanding trucks in service for emergencys.

01-16-2007, 02:08 PM
That's the highway of death in Iraq, isn't it? It's still snowing up here in NW Washington, and, frankly, it's getting old. Actually, the snow's not too bad, it's the cold that sucks. But, finally, it's starting to warm up.

Charles - What caused that nasty mess in the second pic? Your famous West Coast fog?
Reminds me of driving back from Calif in December 1982 on I40 through Arizona/New Mexico in an ice storm. Nothing but mile after mile of wrecked tractor trailers & cars. We finally pulled off & got a motel for 2 days waiting for a thaw. It wouldn't kill them to put a couple sanding trucks in service for emergencys.

01-16-2007, 02:19 PM
Yeah, buddy of mine just took this outside his window...


Where are you at? Isn't that right at the end of Murray Blvd kind of near Tigard..? (Southridge High)

That's the highway of death in Iraq, isn't it?

Bingo. It's what the hill that goes from Hwy26 - Hwy217 (First turn of 217 goes down a large hill) looks like...
Look it up on google earth, it's just west of Portland, Oregon.
217 branches off south of 26. 26 runs from the west all the way into Portland.

01-16-2007, 02:22 PM
That's a buddy of mine in Boring, just outside Portland. Not sure of the street name, he picked me up from the airport and let my girlfriend and I crash at his place when we flew up Thanksgiving weekend to buy my 540i/6.

01-16-2007, 02:23 PM
That's a buddy of mine in Boring, just outside Portland. Not sure of the street name, he picked me up from the airport and let my girlfriend and I crash at his place when we flew up Thanksgiving weekend to buy my 540i/6.
OT, but may I ask who you bought from? About how much? I'm in the market fomr something local...

01-16-2007, 02:28 PM
OT, but may I ask who you bought from? About how much? I'm in the market fomr something local...
Bought it from a bimmerforums member... but it's a salvage title and needs some work.

A decent condition 540i/6 will probably run you 8-12k, depending on mileage/maintenance/etc

01-16-2007, 04:08 PM
We also call that just a dusting. Old man winter has been kind to us in Nebraska. We usually a couple feet but right now we have just 6 inches. High temperature today is 2.2

01-16-2007, 04:15 PM
i've yet to see snow here in NY. strange as hell.

my vote for worst drivers goes to the natives of atlanta. if the temperature gets to 32 or lower people die. it's just the way it is. they don't know how to handle it. oh and the 2398423 lane highways where there are a bazillion crashes anyways in bright sunshine don't help either.

01-16-2007, 05:34 PM
i wouldn't use all season tires below 0 degrees C. The rubber freezes and there goes your traction, even on a clear road.

01-16-2007, 05:36 PM
We also call that just a dusting. Old man winter has been kind to us in Nebraska. We usually a couple feet but right now we have just 6 inches. High temperature today is 2.2

Hey, one of my co-workers is from Omaha Nebraska!

i've yet to see snow here in NY. strange as hell.

my vote for worst drivers goes to the natives of atlanta. if the temperature gets to 32 or lower people die. it's just the way it is. they don't know how to handle it. oh and the 2398423 lane highways where there are a bazillion crashes anyways in bright sunshine don't help either.

Good point Angry, I'll try to avoid it.

01-16-2007, 05:51 PM
I couldn't get out for work, so I did a little sledding.

01-16-2007, 05:52 PM

01-16-2007, 07:54 PM

01-16-2007, 08:25 PM

John B.
01-16-2007, 08:45 PM

Should be interesting sorting out those insurance claims. It is nice to see other parts of the country experiencing the "joys" of winter for a change. No snow or ice here but we might see some white stuff by Friday.

Digita1 Ecstasy
01-16-2007, 10:48 PM
:D So your car is FWD?

Edit: Just saw that video. Hilarious.

Its called black ice/sleet road conditions.

Its impossible to manevour. Even with snow tires, Need chains to do anything.

We had similiar road conditions when we used to live on top of a hill in wisconsin, as my dad was pulling out of our driveway to get to the top of the hill and turn onto the main road he got nowhere, no traction, just allowed the car to slide back down the hill lost control so easily and ran into a snow bank, no car though :) If its not you or your car they are hitting it truely is hilarious.

01-16-2007, 10:52 PM
that's an unbelievable video, how did that happen?

01-16-2007, 10:58 PM
that's an unbelievable video, how did that happen?
Idiotic drivers.

The first car to go bouncing around looks like a lexus RX, maybe an audi. You would think that they would have stopped PRESSING THE ACCELERATOR after hitting the first car.

01-16-2007, 11:01 PM
:D So your car is FWD?

Edit: Just saw that video. Hilarious.

Its called black ice/sleet road conditions.

Its impossible to manevour. Even with snow tires, Need chains to do anything.

We had similiar road conditions when we used to live on top of a hill in wisconsin, as my dad was pulling out of our driveway to get to the top of the hill and turn onto the main road he got nowhere, no traction, just allowed the car to slide back down the hill lost control so easily and ran into a snow bank, no car though :) If its not you or your car they are hitting it truely is hilarious.

What about the car being FWD?

Digita1 Ecstasy
01-16-2007, 11:04 PM
silly boy, you wouldnt fair any better in the same situation. I don't know if he was braking the entire time (the first car in the video) but after the 360 he was deffinetly on the brakes.

When he runs into that group of 3-4 cars what makes you think they keep moving? They are all slamming the brakes but just slidding...

What about the car being FWD?

S'joke because you were obviously plowing snow with the RWheels.. :p

01-16-2007, 11:08 PM
after that guy, it seems that each driver locks their brakes and dooms themselves!

01-16-2007, 11:24 PM
after that guy, it seems that each driver locks their brakes and dooms themselves!

Except for the BMW at the end...

632 Regal
01-17-2007, 12:34 AM
ahh well good thing for the comprehensive full coverage in the USA only costs the equivilant of the replacement car each year.

Except for the BMW at the end...

01-17-2007, 03:28 AM
silly boy, you wouldnt fair any better in the same situation. I don't know if he was braking the entire time (the first car in the video) but after the 360 he was deffinetly on the brakes.

When he runs into that group of 3-4 cars what makes you think they keep moving? They are all slamming the brakes but just slidding...

Yeah, guess what I did to avoid that situation.


They should have used chains or studded tires at least.
Dumb, dumb; ...dumb!

01-17-2007, 12:10 PM
blah you guys a pussies. I have had twice that snow thickness here in BC about a month ago

what did I do? I drifted on it.

01-17-2007, 12:40 PM
that video is hilarious, suv's and subarus all over the place but the Bimmer, no problem.... Portland.

01-17-2007, 02:05 PM
Snow is no biggie usually with a good AWD vehichle and a smart alert driver.
BUT.......I live in Springfield Missouri, and this last Friday nite we recieved a catastrophic ice fall that crippled the state . Ice weighs a ton when coated an inch thick on EVERYTHING....so trees snap like toothpicks and lace the roads and rooftops as well as cars and driveways.
75% of my town is without heat or power and many without water. Same goes for outlying towns.:(
It looks like we've been blanket bombed and then glazed in glass. Real erie looking......with the constant sound of cracking,snapping 5-20" diameter limbs and treetops.
Power is back on here at work...so thats why I'm typing here.Plus its temperature is quickly coming up.34 degrees inside. COme on 50 !!
It was 1-6 degrees last nite. SO with zero heat sources other than a blanket and candles.....its been interesting.I have monkey hand cramps from holding a running chainsaw nonstop for the last 5 days.
I'll take our old highs of 4 feet of snow anyday.
My best.........Vinny

01-17-2007, 02:29 PM
blah you guys a pussies. I have had twice that snow thickness here in BC about a month ago

what did I do? I drifted on it.

there had to have been ice under the snow in that video. cars don't slowly slide sideways for hundreds of feet on snow.

01-17-2007, 02:34 PM
Snow is no biggie usually with a good AWD vehichle and a smart alert driver.
BUT.......I live in Springfield Missouri, and this last Friday nite we recieved a catastrophic ice fall that crippled the state . Ice weighs a ton when coated an inch thick on EVERYTHING....so trees snap like toothpicks and lace the roads and rooftops as well as cars and driveways.
75% of my town is without heat or power and many without water. Same goes for outlying towns.:(
It looks like we've been blanket bombed and then glazed in glass. Real erie looking......with the constant sound of cracking,snapping 5-20" diameter limbs and treetops.
Power is back on here at work...so thats why I'm typing here.Plus its temperature is quickly coming up.34 degrees inside. COme on 50 !!
It was 1-6 degrees last nite. SO with zero heat sources other than a blanket and candles.....its been interesting.I have monkey hand cramps from holding a running chainsaw nonstop for the last 5 days.
I'll take our old highs of 4 feet of snow anyday.
My best.........Vinny

This happened in my province of Quebec in 1998. 3 million people were without electricty, some of them for months. The ice covered everything, power lines, roads, cars, homes. It destroyed over a million hectares of trees. It was horrible. Luckily my municipality was not catastrophically affected, we had power back after a week or so. There are still some areas you can go to in Quebec that have the damaged trees everywhere that still have yet to be removed. It looks like a wasteland in the summer. I will link you to a video that shows just a few scenes of what it was like.


Some stats from the video:

700 municipalities affected
up to 7,000 cords of wood distributed each day (firewood)
more than 60,000 meals a day served in shelters
more than 16,000 wooden poles damaged
approximately 3,312,600 litres of milk discarded
more than 3,000 pylons downed or irreparably damaged
telephone service cut off to more than 158,500 customers
approximately 1.7 million hectares of forest damaged

Some more videos:


All of this in a province of only 6 million people.

01-17-2007, 02:52 PM
Your video link looks quite similiar to our scene....albeit we have more downed trees per foot it appears ? Our tree's look as if a giant monster stripped the limbs from the top to the bottom or in many cases ...just broke them in half midway down.
Oddly enough....we had unseasonably warm temps leading up to this so the roads have melted off quickly??? Really odd to see such glazed surfaces and then just feet away the road is clear....mostly.
I feel like I've sawn a thousand acres of wood in the last 4 days just to help out .I'm beat.Time for a lay down.

01-17-2007, 04:29 PM
People truly don't know how to drive in bad weather out here.

To compound it further, everyone is driving on summer or summer biased all-season tires.

In all fairness though, it's the ice, not the snow that's the issue here. Every snowfall starts with a layer of ice on the roads. Then the weather barely warms up during the day so the snow begins to melt, which then freezes at night.

If people were smart they'd just stay home! It's only a day or two usually so no big deal.

01-17-2007, 05:24 PM
People truly don't know how to drive in bad weather out here.

To compound it further, everyone is driving on summer or summer biased all-season tires.

In all fairness though, it's the ice, not the snow that's the issue here. Every snowfall starts with a layer of ice on the roads. Then the weather barely warms up during the day so the snow begins to melt, which then freezes at night.

If people were smart they'd just stay home! It's only a day or two usually so no big deal.

Yep, are you an Oregonian as well?

01-17-2007, 05:30 PM
Yup! Live in Vancouver, work in Lake O (at AR/Adrenaline Racing). We need to get a local E34 meet set up this spring! I'm usually posting over at bf.c but I lurk here every day.

01-17-2007, 09:16 PM
Yup! Live in Vancouver, work in Lake O (at AR/Adrenaline Racing). We need to get a local E34 meet set up this spring! I'm usually posting over at bf.c but I lurk here every day.

I surprised i havent seen you around Vancouver, i dont think i would miss an e34 with wheels either.

01-17-2007, 09:25 PM
Perhaps we just live on opposite sides of town, or have different schedules. I agree, my car stands out amongst the rest simply because I don't have stock wheels.

I like right by the mall. Where are you at?

Once again, if there are even a few E34 guys around portland/vancouver, we should get together once and a while. It would be fun to check out each others cars, etc.

I can't say that I recognize your car either.

01-17-2007, 09:40 PM
Perhaps we just live on opposite sides of town, or have different schedules. I agree, my car stands out amongst the rest simply because I don't have stock wheels.

I like right by the mall. Where are you at?

Once again, if there are even a few E34 guys around portland/vancouver, we should get together once and a while. It would be fun to check out each others cars, etc.

I can't say that I recognize your car either.

I live in Hockinson, go to school in Battleground and work a bit south of Prairie High school. My signature pic is kind of a glamour shot, it doesnt always look that good. Especially in the winter when its muddy. Oh, and in the summer when its dusty. :(

Edit: I think my car will turn brown once this snow turns to muddy slush...

01-17-2007, 10:06 PM
That video is truely baffling to me. That first car must've thought he was playing bumper cars because after hitting the first car car kept speeding and the rest of the cars how is it possiblt that none of them could stop. Any more videos like this I really enjoyed it.

01-17-2007, 10:16 PM
I live in Hockinson, go to school in Battleground and work a bit south of Prairie High school. My signature pic is kind of a glamour shot, it doesnt always look that good. Especially in the winter when its muddy. Oh, and in the summer when its dusty. :(

Edit: I think my car will turn brown once this snow turns to muddy slush...

So... we'll have a detailing meet! Lol.

You don't live too far from me actually. In fact, there is a guy from your town that is fairly interested in buying my M3. Too bad for the snow so he couldn't come look at it!

Digita1 Ecstasy
01-17-2007, 10:21 PM
Does the em tree come with a trailor.

How many miles?

Price ?

PM me some info I might be interested if you aren't charging an arm and a leg.

01-17-2007, 10:36 PM
A trailer? Nope. I'll pm ya.

01-18-2007, 02:16 AM
That video is truely baffling to me. That first car must've thought he was playing bumper cars because after hitting the first car car kept speeding and the rest of the cars how is it possiblt that none of them could stop. Any more videos like this I really enjoyed it.

I've been telling people that the driver must have had a mental breakdown. Not only tha, but the driver seems to be pushing the cars when they are backing into the cars at the end. It's just crazy. I think the driver will be charged for that.

I surprised i havent seen you around Vancouver, i dont think i would miss an e34 with wheels either.

Yeah, I have a perfectly good explanation- It's because you live out in the boonies you redneck :-D

01-18-2007, 02:33 AM
Looks like you guys have been getting some wild winter weather as well. In metro denver we have gotten snow every week for the past month, nearing seasonal averages already. Anywhere that is shaded is a big sheet of ice. My 525 has never been this dirty, but is set to snow again this weekend. Ice was so deep and rutted it nearly tore my bumper off, and broke one of the side mounts to the body!

01-18-2007, 02:56 AM
i've yet to see snow here in NY. strange as hell.

my vote for worst drivers goes to the natives of atlanta. if the temperature gets to 32 or lower people die. it's just the way it is. they don't know how to handle it. oh and the 2398423 lane highways where there are a bazillion crashes anyways in bright sunshine don't help either.

Yup Atlantans suck at driving but in their defense it does not get cold enough to snow during the day. Rain, rain, rain, freeze overnight, snow. White fluffy stuff on top of a solid sheet of ice. As much as the drivers suck here, I was sure glad to sell my snow shovel with my house when I left Pennsyltucky. I had to put on my heavy shorts since it's going to get down to the 30s tonight:D .

I was in NY last week & they were saying it was the first time w/no snow in Dec since the 1800's. WOW.

01-30-2007, 01:29 AM
Once again, if there are even a few E34 guys around portland/vancouver, we should get together once and a while. It would be fun to check out each others cars, etc.

I can't say that I recognize your car either.
Give me a yell when you guys work up a time, I'm in Battle Ground and would love to meet up with a few of you. There seems to be a lot of PDX/Vancouver guys on the board I've noticed. :D

01-30-2007, 01:34 AM
Give me a yell when you guys work up a time, I'm in Battle Ground and would love to meet up with a few of you. There seems to be a lot of PDX/Vancouver guys on the board I've noticed. :D

What color is your e34? Could you post a pic?

01-30-2007, 01:59 AM
What color is your e34? Could you post a pic?
She's silver, picked it up in September. Haven't done too much to her yet, a new set of tires and some detailing, will be starting the mod work this spring. =) We chatted in September, you pointed me to a good parts shop for filters and such.


01-30-2007, 03:31 AM
She's silver, picked it up in September. Haven't done too much to her yet, a new set of tires and some detailing, will be starting the mod work this spring. =) We chatted in September, you pointed me to a good parts shop for filters and such.


Yea, i remember that. Strange that i haven't seen you tho, i go to school in BG.

01-30-2007, 05:35 AM
Nice! We should shoot for a Sunday afternoon some time. That's really my only semi-free day. It would be fun to get a nice little group of E34's together.

01-30-2007, 10:14 AM
Nice! We should shoot for a Sunday afternoon some time. That's really my only semi-free day. It would be fun to get a nice little group of E34's together.

Sounds good! I have Sundays free as well, so just about anytime would work for me. Since I didn't mean to hijack the thread, I'll start a new thread and we can discuss it more.