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View Full Version : hmmh , no more than 300 kmh?

01-14-2007, 05:05 AM
yes, the speed guys like that. Here is something I do not know if it really works, 300.
My grey 750 V12 with 330 maybe 350 HP goes LESS. close to 280 or 285 according to the speedmeter/cluster in my car. I have 2 MOTRONIC and 1 EML chip installed, which "promises" + 30 HP, +30 M

Yes, I admit, it is a nonsens thread. :)

01-14-2007, 08:21 AM
that's an Audi....

anyhooo the aerodynamic is an exponential factor at speeds like that.... maybe the S6 has more modern aero...

01-14-2007, 08:46 AM
The audi rev counter is well into the red there... holding it at such high revs and maximum load must be so hard on the engine, I couldnt do that to my car.

I have had an indicated 150mph in mine, but didnt hold it there for more than a few seconds. It was probably a real 140mph when you account for speedo error etc. Oh , and it was on a private runway of course :)