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12-29-2006, 06:02 PM
okay so for the last month ive been reading about bushings, thrust arms, control arms, leaks and all sorts of goodies that relate to me e34...

but at this time im kinda stuck on what to do with the whole car situation...

my dad tells me that i should keep my car cause its still pretty good but at the same time i dont want the e34 to keep having problems back to back after i fix it all...

so ive been researching and reading reviews on the cars in the poll and was wondering what everyones feelings are on them....

i know they are totally different from each other but ANY feedback would be great! =)


12-29-2006, 06:05 PM
oh yea....

ps. the newer cars require me to get a loan but i could fix my car with the money i have in the bank

Blitzkrieg Bob
12-29-2006, 06:13 PM
need to do maintenace on it on top of the loan payments.

Keep the E34 ...it's paid for

12-29-2006, 06:18 PM
if u can afford all those other new cars then an E34 will be a lot easier. Big deal it needs a few things. Just do it!

12-29-2006, 06:22 PM
need to do maintenace on it on top of the loan payments.

Keep the E34 ...it's paid for

Like the man said...

The other thing to remember is that, with the exception of the X5 3.0, all of the alternatives to keeping the E34 are going to cost more in maintenance. E46 window regulators are garbage, suspension components go...the list goes on and on. Don't even get me started on the V8 X5s -- I like the way the drive, but the maintenance will kill you unless you do it yourself.

At the same time, if you don't like your existing car, then you should get rid of it and buy something you like.

For me, whatever benefits come from owning a newer car do not outweigh the loss of dollars from my wallet or indebitedness to a bank. So I keep my 16 year old, quarter of a million mile car. It's a blast to drive, too.

12-29-2006, 06:23 PM
I think you should go fix all the things wrong with your E34, at least make it as good condition as you can get it. Drive it around for a couple of months, and if you don't want it then, then sell it. With the money you get from it, you can put it towards a newer BMW.

I haven't driven many BMWs newer than the E34, but from what I've heard a lot turn back to the more classic BMWs, especially the E34. You never know you have a good thing until it's gone.

12-29-2006, 06:44 PM
It's a test... I know it. A big fat test.

Sneaky sneaky!

Martin in Bellevue
12-29-2006, 06:49 PM
Get an x5, 4.4, I dare ya. this morning, I replaced the radiator in the wife's x5 4.4; I do not enjoy working on that thing. Have a look at all the coolant hoses sometime. They basically cannot be reattached, or even seperated. I've replaced the coolant tank, oh 3 times.
The newer m3 might be a decent alternative. I think the e36 m3 has the best steering response ever. It also has the cheapest interior build ever. With a little maintenance, I think the e34 535 is a very reliable, enjoyable car to tote the family around in.
Hope this helps in some way.

12-29-2006, 06:54 PM
I just got my e34 540 back with a new clutch and flywheel.Cost me $1,900.00. I looked long and hard for what i wanted. I was in and out of some hairy outfits banging my head till i saw my Chariot.It was love at first sight. I drove a 2001 328 and while i liked it it was a tight fit for me but i couldn't steer you away from that M3 personally.Think of it like this,there is a virtual limitless supply of money to be made. If you can put your hands on what it takes, don't feel over burdened if you can live with the obligations. If you value being able to stay in bed any morning you feel like it over realizing you owe a creditor and have to go earn his money or face financial ruin then you should keep the E34.

Blitzkrieg Bob
12-29-2006, 06:55 PM
a friend just uncovered the dreaded rear sub frame mount failure.

Only 60k on the car.

He is now talking to BMW to see if they will fix it.

12-29-2006, 07:37 PM
Fix the car - we are here to help - JT

12-29-2006, 07:45 PM
Wait a minute. You appear to believe that a newer BMW will be less problems. All BMWs break on a regular basis and they are all expensive to fix. The later model ones are just harder to repair.

If you want a car that doesn't break, you need a car that is so basic, that there is not much on it to break. That is not a BMW.

Jeff in MN
12-29-2006, 08:19 PM
Makes many decisions easier.

Good luck.

12-29-2006, 08:31 PM
The E 34 has done most of its depreciating though ,hasn't it? If only the people who didn't have to borrow money to buy a car drove cars the roads would never be jammed.

632 Regal
12-29-2006, 08:51 PM
fix your car and be done, save face, save your website and be done. if you did any of it yourself you wouldnt have such high bills...sheesh

12-29-2006, 09:17 PM
my dad tells me that i should keep my car cause its still pretty good but at the same time i dont want the e34 to keep having problems back to back after i fix it all...

When I first got my E34 (6 months ago) and found this forum, someone said that every time you have to fix something, you should try to treat yourself to some little upgrade. In these past 6 months, I've spent a lot of money on getting the car in decent shape to be reliable (most recently front wheel bearing), but I've also done several things that weren't "necessary" so I don't feel all the money I'm throwing at it is just to keep it running. My next repair will be control & thrust arms and the next "treat" will be window tinting.

I like driving the car, it's paid for, the insurance is cheaper than a new car, and the amount I'm spending on repairs doesn't come close the cost of a new car.

Listen to your father...

12-29-2006, 11:35 PM
Keep the e34 and buy the X5 4.4 for me to drive as a ski vehicle. The loan will build your credit for when you go to buy a house. Its a win win scenario!

12-30-2006, 12:43 AM
I want to clarify my selection of M3...
I figured that if you could afford the X5 4.4 and so on, you could also probably afford to keep the e34 and buy the M3!

12-30-2006, 02:49 AM
Give the car one more chance and fix it!! I've got 2 e34 535 and one has
421 000km and still going strong.

12-30-2006, 04:16 AM
I just got my e34 540 back with a new clutch and flywheel.Cost me $1,900.00. I looked long and hard for what i wanted. I was in and out of some hairy outfits banging my head till i saw my Chariot.It was love at first sight. I drove a 2001 328 and while i liked it it was a tight fit for me but i couldn't steer you away from that M3 personally.Think of it like this,there is a virtual limitless supply of money to be made. If you can put your hands on what it takes, don't feel over burdened if you can live with the obligations. If you value being able to stay in bed any morning you feel like it over realizing you owe a creditor and have to go earn his money or face financial ruin then you should keep the E34.

I LOVE HOW YOU PUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

very true......VERY TRUE!!!

12-30-2006, 04:21 AM
Keep the e34 and buy the X5 4.4 for me to drive as a ski vehicle. The loan will build your credit for when you go to buy a house. Its a win win scenario!

hahaha...shooot ill get you the new 4.8is....now the nest question is what color do you want it? ;)

12-30-2006, 04:23 AM
damn i didnt know that the 4.4i x5 was such a crappy car...

what i have been thinking about is a 2005 tacoma but like someone said i value my sleep and the fact that school is priority right now!

you guys F*CKING ROCK!!!!!!!

i think that im gonna stick with the e34 for a while and get everything fixed!

i just wish i had the right tools so i could do it myself...i think its fun :p

again thanks for everything guys....:D

12-30-2006, 11:25 AM
i think that im gonna stick with the e34 for a while and get everything fixed!

i just wish i had the right tools so i could do it myself...i think its fun :p

Tool suggestions (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?t=13855)


12-30-2006, 11:33 AM
and http://www.technictool.com/default.htm

01-02-2007, 02:24 AM
random question...but why is the 4.4i X5 such a pain in the ass?!

are X5s just a crappy car to begin with?

im still gonna keep the e34 but i thought that this would be some good info for the future!

Paul in NZ
01-02-2007, 02:45 AM
i couldnt evenbegin to make a choice on that poll.There are absolutely no similarities.If you feel the hankerin for a new car why dont you look for a really nice e 34 say a 540 or even an M5,unless they really S&^t themselves they will still be cheaper than a new one.OR buy some tools and start doing it yourself

01-02-2007, 10:49 AM
Don't get stuck in the "It's Not Worth It" trap.

I hate it when I hear someone say that they're trading up because their 3 year old car isn't worth fixing. Personally, I think this kind of thinking began with the carmakers so they could sell more cars. Why is a car an "asset" you don't trade it like real estate, stocks, or cash, all it does is devalue. If that's all it does why buy a car in the first place?

A car is worth what you think it is. Meaning if it's worth it to you to fix or upgrade then the car is worth it.

Enjoy your ride or not, it's up to you. :)

01-02-2007, 08:41 PM
Keep 'er.

01-03-2007, 12:58 PM
$1500 isn't a lot to spend to get an old car back in shape, you can do it yourself for even less.
Listen to Dad.
After $1500 worth of new car payments(3 or 4?) you equity will be zilch and the newness worn off.

01-05-2007, 06:27 AM
i would love to work on the car myself as ive done the brakes and all the tune ups plus the reg oil and coolant changes but school is starting on monday and i work so i cant find the time to do it:(

it just sucks cause im afraid that the problems are just starting :(

01-05-2007, 12:19 PM
Your profile says you are on the central coast of CA. Where exactly are you going to school? You need some BMW buds to make working on the car more like recreation that a time suck. Liquidtiger and SCDavid are in Santa Clara. There are other forum members on the North side of LA. TC535i knows everyone in the BMW world in CA. Maybe we can locate a mechanic buddy for you.

Anton CH.
01-05-2007, 01:51 PM
I wanted to trade up to an e39 a while back. The electronics and overcomplicated things steered me away from it. The problem is that old bmws don't have much status. Buy the X5 if you want status, keep the 5 if you want a solid car.

01-05-2007, 03:42 PM
Your profile says you are on the central coast of CA. Where exactly are you going to school? You need some BMW buds to make working on the car more like recreation that a time suck. Liquidtiger and SCDavid are in Santa Clara. There are other forum members on the North side of LA. TC535i knows everyone in the BMW world in CA. Maybe we can locate a mechanic buddy for you.

im going to cal poly...san luis obispo....

dont get me wrong i love to work on the beast but i need the dedicate the whole day if not a couple if im working on the suspension by myself...

but yea let me know...


SC David
01-05-2007, 04:56 PM
The problem is that old bmws don't have much status. Buy the X5 if you want status, keep the 5 if you want a solid car.
I've always thought this way too, but the average person thinks our cars are from the late 90's. People I meet always question how I afford my 5. Meanwhile they're leasing brand new Subaru's and Audi's and throwing down 4x what I do in an average month.

01-05-2007, 05:45 PM
I was in the same situation that you were in not too long ago. The transmission on my E34 525 went and I wanted a new car anyway. I decided to sell the E34 with the blown trans and purchase a 2001 330Ci.

Overall, I love the 330Ci. Its a car that fits my lifestyle much better. Its faster and sportier and looks beautiful. Also spent about $15,000 more than I would have if I had fixed the E34 and done a bunch of upgrades to it.

My problem came in that I never sold the E34. My sister begged me to keep it so she could buy it from me, but she hasn't found a job yet and isn't coming up with any cash, and I STILL haven't fixed the transmission, so its just been sitting in the driveway getting old. Now I want to take it to track days while my sister learns to drive on the volvo, so I'm going to end up fixing the car anyways, which is even more expensive. If you do get a new car, don't fall into that trap.

01-05-2007, 05:47 PM
Oh, and in the first 3 months of owning the 330, I had to replace the control arms, bushings, brake pads, door seal, windshield washer pump, and headlight bulb. I got a great deal and I expected these things from the PPI, but the work was still there.

01-05-2007, 08:02 PM
I've always thought this way too, but the average person thinks our cars are from the late 90's. People I meet always question how I afford my 5. Meanwhile they're leasing brand new Subaru's and Audi's and throwing down 4x what I do in an average month.

I think e34 styling and shape can be described in one word: timeless.

A lot of cars you can look at and straight away you can tell which era its from, ie. the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s etc. But I have never had anyone correctly tell what decade the e34 was from (unless they already know). They have always guessed about 5-6 years later than what it is. When I tell them its a 11yo car and I only paid 18k for their expression is priceless :D

01-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Oh, and in the first 3 months of owning the 330, I had to replace the control arms, bushings, brake pads, door seal, windshield washer pump, and headlight bulb. I got a great deal and I expected these things from the PPI, but the work was still there.

no i totally understand by buying a "newer" car the problems were gonna be there but ive had this car for oh about 6 yrs now and have had many memories but everytime something goes wrong with the car i just wanna kick it!! :D

it sucks cause my dad has always told me honda honda honda...and for some reason i totally went the opposite way and i sure am paying for it...

granted you cant compare bmw to honda but it still would be nice if these germans can take a page out of the japenese book of reliability...;)

now the thing im stuck at is should i buy everything (thurst, control, link etc etc)

or should i guess and go with the symptoms from bmwe34.net and change the thrust and link and see what happens then?

ps. where is the cheapest place on the net to get lemforder....yes people i did decide on the better part...:D