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View Full Version : BMW engine rebuilt kits-Sydney area?

12-17-2006, 11:43 PM
Can anyone give me some links to this question?


It seems like rebuild kits for BMW's are nearly impossible to find in Sydney, does anyone know of shops or web-sites where you could purchase them here in Sydney?



The Bigfella
12-18-2006, 12:06 AM
I live in Sydney and source my BMW gear from BMA

get the person to email patrick@bmaparts.com for a quote.

Freight costs are a fraction of the rip-off margins quoted locally.

12-18-2006, 07:19 AM
I'd call SydneyWide European, speak to Steve.

Alternatively ASV European in Villawood.

If they don't know how to source, noone does here other than from the stealer. When I did mine it was a big buy from the USA. If for an M30 I can provide a full list of kit with all the part numbers... its quite reasonable really (and I replaced almost every moving part). :) Nick

12-18-2006, 03:33 PM
To quote someone else -

"i've said it before and I'll say it again"


12-18-2006, 08:39 PM
I'd call SydneyWide European, speak to Steve.

Alternatively ASV European in Villawood.

If they don't know how to source, noone does here other than from the stealer. When I did mine it was a big buy from the USA. If for an M30 I can provide a full list of kit with all the part numbers... its quite reasonable really (and I replaced almost every moving part). :) Nick
that would be interesting nick. did you do everything yourself?

12-19-2006, 05:55 AM
that would be interesting nick. did you do everything yourself?With a good friend who helped me not to get things wrong. Its a big job, not for the faint-hearted really. But once you've done it nothing scares you afterwards.... I'm very happy to feel more capable at wrenching on my car now.

Even though I've built Ford short motors before, the Bimmer requires a different approach, more care and respect is vital... the opposite of your average Joe's approach really.

Mine was an experience I think many here could do with, I was very lucky.

My parts list is in this thread (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?p=226184#post226184)

Don't miss it if you have an M30 :) Nick