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View Full Version : Remember that "playing card" sound after the bang?

11-24-2006, 10:31 AM
I had that piss-poor idle when cold, and the bucking at lights, and a few days ago I heard a *bang* by my feet then heard this buzzing noise like a playing card in the spokes of a bike wheel. Naturally the noise increased with speed, but vanished at below 30mph. My dad was with me at the time and swore I ran over something, but unlike him, I'm not half blind, and I scanned the rear-view mirror immediately after the bang. I had a theory it was the guibo exploding, and that the nylon cords were blown through and smacking the floor. I couldn't have been more right. This is what came out the next day :


Basically, the bucking was exaggerated by this little #$^@er cracking apart. (I think I solved the bucking as well - timing chain tensioner was broken but I haven't had enough cold days to confirm it). The bang was the rubber flying apart along the cracks, and the buzz was obviously these nylon cords flailing around. 54 dollars for a new guibo, couple hours of heartache due to distractions, and problem solved. Thought I'd share this with you in case someone elses looked worse than this one :D

632 Regal
11-24-2006, 11:06 AM
that one is pretty bad, saw worse though. I wonder why it went with a bang though, I could see under a hammer the peddle session but cruising?

11-24-2006, 11:11 AM
at 80mph :D

632 Regal
11-24-2006, 11:19 AM
imagine at 120~130...:eek:
at 80mph :D