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View Full Version : 5'er Phest Philly: Final update (-:

04-12-2004, 10:39 AM
5'er Phest Philly is only 6 days away!

If you haven't heard, it's going to be on Sunday April 18th from around noon on. The loaction is Pier 84 on Delaware ave just north of Oregon ave by the bow of the USS United States. There will be a small car show with 2 trophies awarded democratically, some snacks, music but mostly people and bimmers...

If you need more info feel free to e-mail me at donniej@voicenet.com.
The event and show are free, all are welcome to bring a snack or something (but no alcohol).

Bellicose Right Winger
04-12-2004, 12:07 PM
Can you post directions from I-95 for us out-of-towners?

Paul Shovestul

5'er Phest Philly is only 6 days away!

If you haven't heard, it's going to be on Sunday April 18th from around noon on. The loaction is Pier 84 on Delaware ave just north of Oregon ave by the bow of the USS United States. There will be a small car show with 2 trophies awarded democratically, some snacks, music but mostly people and bimmers...

If you need more info feel free to e-mail me at donniej@voicenet.com.
The event and show are free, all are welcome to bring a snack or something (but no alcohol).

Bellicose Right Winger
04-13-2004, 08:18 AM
From Donniej,
Take i-95 to the Delaware ave/ Columbus blvd exit. Go right onto Columbus blvd (aka Delaware ave). Go a couple miles passed a shopping center ans passed the old cruise liner, USS United States. The event is in the parking lot just south of the ship but you can't turn left there... go past the ship and make a U-turn at the light (Oregon Ave). When you make the U-turn be sure to get in the far right lane. If I can't get a sign up I'll have a car by the entrance, either way it'll be shortly before the bow of the ship...


Paul Shovestul

04-13-2004, 12:33 PM
Sweet, maybe i'll show up rocking the VW!

tim s
04-13-2004, 02:31 PM
i was thinking of coming. i am 1.5 hrs. away.
tim s.

tim s
04-17-2004, 10:36 AM
tim s.

04-17-2004, 09:15 PM
The event is free, but if you want to bring some food or soda, that'd be appreciated I'm sure.

04-17-2004, 09:15 PM
Sorry, that last message was me.