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View Full Version : Troubleshooting radio on 1993 525i?

10-07-2006, 04:40 PM
I apologize if this has been asked. I did a search, but could always have overlooked it.

Anyway, the radio in my car wasn't yesterday morning, so I checked the fuse, replaced it since it was blown, and it worked. Today I was driving down the freeway, blaring Bon Jovi. Now I don't believe that those radios are actually meant to be going full-blast, but oh well, I was in the mood for some ear-drum damage to distract me from other things (namely my ex-boyfriend). Then the radio goes out. I was actually using an adapter with my iPod. So I ejected the adapter, tried the radio alone, nothing. I pulled off the freeway, popped the hood (anytime a young girl does this, a guy stops, but I'm usually fine working on my own, thanks), and checked the fuse. It was fine, but I popped in another replacement anyway as I keep spares of a lot of things, like fuses and bulbs. Hmmm, still not working. Now this is irritating since part of the fun of driving is listening to music with the sunroof open and windows down.

I can't afford to go drop a bunch of cash into this right now. I just had the transmission replaced, which cost an arm and a leg, and am moving at the end of the month. I'm not afraid to pull the radio out, if need be.

Can anybody please offer some troubleshooting ideas? Thank you.

10-07-2006, 04:57 PM
Strike this. It's the amp. It needs to be replaced.