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09-18-2006, 09:10 PM
in the middle of a head job on a TURD 92 325i and head was warped around .016 so i send it to the handy across the street maching shop that does usually competent work as long as you don't ask for too much, AND THEY ****ING BUTCHER IT they cut the son of a bitch .048 below min spec a new head is 5.512 min is 5.5 and this thing is 5.452, he won't admit it but i know what happened, he ****ed it up with the belt sander and had to put it on the cnc mill to clean it up, i know what you are thinking, don't they make a thicker gasket?! yes it's about .012 thicker and i am not going to drop this (now) high compression head on this horible non knock sensored rolling pile of ****, anybody wanna good head for a hotrod project :D

09-18-2006, 09:14 PM
I feel like there should be something more here.

09-18-2006, 09:18 PM
totally agreed... did this get cut off halfway in the telling?

09-18-2006, 09:19 PM
yea the bastard decided to post it before i was done, here i am typing away and i look up and it has submitted the post

I feel like there should be something more here.

09-19-2006, 12:39 AM
What are you going to do Winfred, does the shop abosrb the cost or the customer?

09-19-2006, 02:48 AM
Hasn't the butcher seen the size of your truck? Or has he got a bigger one???

Winfred, the butcher is a piluk. Why wouldn't he just say 'Mate, I'm sorry we ground a bit too much off by accident. We'll source a new head for you and make sure it's done- we'll even blueprint it if that will help you explain it to your customer'.

Then he just goes to get a new one, sells the old one on eBay as a high compression job with a copper gasket... its not like it'd cost much. Farout! Now I know why a lot of shops go to such an effort to use a crowd on the other side of town instead of the various crew's that can be found floundering around down the road.

:) Nick

09-19-2006, 08:02 AM
as usual we get ****ed "uh is must of been cut once allready" ******** i just don't have proof, i've done so many m50 head jobs i can just look at the bottom of the head and tell if it's been cut more then a little from the casting marks, my new rule for the shop is they get mesured and marked before going out, fortunatly we have a few non vanos heads and they haven't been popular lately so we don't loose too bad, that and i intend on selling this one as a performance piece to recoupe a little

What are you going to do Winfred, does the shop abosrb the cost or the customer?

09-19-2006, 08:03 AM
mines bigger :D

Hasn't the butcher seen the size of your truck? Or has he got a bigger one???