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View Full Version : tranny is vibrating during acceleration

08-30-2006, 04:08 PM
tranny is vibrating during acceleration

Hi all..

My tranny sort of vibrate.... when i start quickly from a stop.

These symptoms have now appeared for about 2 weeks.

Today i service the tranny.. changed filter an o ring and new tranny fluid.

Problem is still there.... What is the left to try?

Replacement of tranny? Or could it be the driveshaft....?

When engine is cold problems shows very fast, when engine is hot... problem is there but not as much as on cold engine....

08-30-2006, 04:13 PM
How do you know it's the 'tranny' and nothing like a wheel bearing or thrust arm or ?? Also, automatic or manual. Please fill out your profile completely.

Search for vibration in these forums or shaking and you'll come up with lots of suggestions. Your description is much too generic. Could even be a guibo.

08-30-2006, 04:25 PM
ok first of all sorry for the imcomplete informations.

Its an auto tranny...

Ofcause it could be everything else... first things to cross my mind was the tranny, because of the cold/hot issues.

Shakes more when its cold than hot.

but maybe it could be some bearing in the driveshaft... but will that turn out diferent symptoms when cold/hot?