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View Full Version : Homeland security at its finest...

Bill R.
08-17-2006, 11:10 AM
A friend of mine had to go to Boise Idaho last thursday for the races and the
car and trailer were already up there so he and the driver were going to fly up on thursday.. The driver went through the inspection at the airport with no problems but my friend had problems , the usuall barefoot, then remove the belt ,empty all pockets, unbutton pants etc ,etc.. he got tired of it , since they weren't happy and removed his levis, stuck them in the basket and walked through in his underwear.... Authorities were not amused and about 6 of them came running over...so then he got to spend alot more time there...

Scott H
08-17-2006, 11:17 AM
What was the culprit and the final result? Sounds like something my dad would do to amuse himself but ultimately only embarrasing for the rest of us

A friend of mine had to go to Boise Idaho last thursday for the races and the
car and trailer were already up there so he and the driver were going to fly up on thursday.. The driver went through the inspection at the airport with no problems but my friend had problems , the usuall barefoot, then remove the belt ,empty all pockets, unbutton pants etc ,etc.. he got tired of it , since they weren't happy and removed his levis, stuck them in the basket and walked through in his underwear.... Authorities were not amused and about 6 of them came running over...so then he got to spend alot more time there...

Bill R.
08-17-2006, 11:21 AM
that he didn't have a bomb in his shorts..and promising that he wouldn't do it again.. Then monday after the races when they came back he had nitro spilled on his shoes when he was fueling up the car, no problem, no alarms nothing. I always thought that nitromethane was a key ingredient of a number of explosives and the dogs would have gone beserk... nothing he walked through that time with no problems.

What was the culprit and the final result? Sounds like something my dad would do to amuse himself but ultimately only embarrasing for the rest of us

08-17-2006, 11:26 AM
There is a new protocol now that if a ticket is bought just a day or less before the Flight. They will put you thru extra security.. Sometime it is just better to listen to the security to avoid delays.

I'm OK with the extra security. I hate to fly to begin with.

08-17-2006, 12:55 PM
The people who create and implement these policies are complete idiots. Look at the people at the top of our biggest government agencies, cabinet members, and white house "advisors."

Look how well the war has gone... how accurately it was planned and executed.. and look how the status quo is maintained while everything goes to ****.

Thank you, George W. Bush!

08-17-2006, 01:54 PM
i remember the days when i could go from new york to miami with a big ass knife in my pocket.... those were the good days.

Jay 535i
08-17-2006, 02:09 PM
It's all a placebo. These "security measures" make Americans feel better and more secure, but they accomplish nothing.

Anton CH.
08-17-2006, 02:17 PM
Just takes the civil rights away, makes you wonder what is next as there will always be a way to sneak something in.

08-17-2006, 02:43 PM
It's just like a traffic stop - keep your mouth shut and you'll be incovenienced a little, decide to be a smartass and they'll incovenience you a whole lot. Like I tell my son - you'll never win an argument on their turf; if it gets as far as court, then they're on my turf. "You can beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride."