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View Full Version : Random Facts About Jews (According to Mel Gibson)

08-02-2006, 11:25 AM
Removed by request...you know how I like to Politically Correct;)


08-02-2006, 12:04 PM
let the mel gibson smea rcampaign begin.. i almost feel sorry for him

08-02-2006, 12:10 PM
EVAN, he ownes Malibu (the words came out of his own mouth)...how can you feel sorry for him:p

08-02-2006, 12:28 PM
he was drunk driving and drunk blathering... and his enemies are having a field day with the things he said while he was d-r-u-n-k...

because, as we all know, the truth really comes out when you have a BAC of .12

and, by implication, all the things that everyone and anyone says when they're not drunk are complete lies!

08-02-2006, 12:35 PM
I don't think anyone enjoyed lethal weapon 3.

08-02-2006, 12:43 PM
This isn't the place for it califblue

08-02-2006, 12:46 PM
I did things while very drunk i had to be told about the next day and still have no ability to recollect. Its called blacking out.All those clever proverbs along the lines of in vino veritas are way off.The mind is loosened when intoxicated and you don't filter what comes in the same so you can emphatically reiterate any blather that your subconscious mind has collected and have no memory of it and it may be as far from your normal daily conscious thought process as can be.I think his repression of his disbelief at his own fathers ideas finally boiled over. He can't hate or disown his father and it hurts when he sees him ridiculed but he also knows his father's ideas are way off base so that tension, like the San Andreas fault had to give somehow.How's that Gayle?

08-02-2006, 12:52 PM
Usually people let out the truth when they are drunk, they don't make **** up.

So it is likely he really believes it.

Apparently, his father denied the holocaust and all that... it looks bad for Meel right now, but he has enough cash to **** off for 100 years and live better than any of us, dumbass or not.

Someone move this thread asap.

08-02-2006, 01:56 PM
Mel Gibson is a homo.

08-02-2006, 03:44 PM
Mel was born in the States but grew up and spent his formative years in OZ. When he became famous we claimed him as ours. Now he's become infamous he's all yours...

08-02-2006, 05:31 PM
Usually people let out the truth when they are drunk, they don't make **** up.

So it is likely he really believes it.

Apparently, his father denied the holocaust and all that... it looks bad for Meel right now, but he has enough cash to **** off for 100 years and live better than any of us, dumbass or not.

Someone move this thread asap.

I know i've done things while drunk that I didnt remember the next day and I would never do sober, or have even thought about doing sober. Yes we all have thoughts, some bad, some good, some really terrible, but how we discern to act on these thoughts or how we normally filter out things is disrupted when intoxicated. So I don't believe that he "really believes it" but it may have been in his past subconcious thought process.

08-02-2006, 05:51 PM
is there an echo in here?

08-02-2006, 06:25 PM
is there an echo in here?

Two person saying the same thing only solidifies the opinion, giving it more worth.

08-02-2006, 07:59 PM
Give me a break... his BAC was .12, that's hardly "drunk".

632 Regal
08-02-2006, 08:14 PM
you guys are fags and i would like to wrestle to the death califblue and anyone else worthy, just kidding, but a good match is great in my book, and maybe death isnt good idonno.

anyone good at wrestling?

Mel isnt and wont be put to bed, he rocks on movies and they will sell.


08-02-2006, 08:19 PM
Give me a break... his BAC was .12, that's hardly "drunk".

.38 is drunk. so is .42. so is .44. and oh man, so is .50. ask me how i know.

he got drunk (legally drunk, not college drunk) and he ran his mouth off. the world isnt going to end. people are seizing the opportunity to jump on his case again, and it's pretty lame. i'll go out on a limb here and stake the claim that we have ALL said something that flew like a lead balloon. drunk or sober, should he have said it? no. but he did. he apologized for it, and the apology is being accepted by many leaders. forget this, i'm going to have a beer and watch braveheart.

632 Regal
08-02-2006, 08:31 PM
.12 is pin, beginners blackouts, a sturdy body can handle .30 without problem, blackout is definite.

wrestling anyone?

08-02-2006, 08:44 PM
i'll wrestle you jeff. in a strictly platonic heterosexual manner. pfffff

i remember freshman year we bought a portable breathalyzer and had a field day with it. drank all night, passed out, woke up, and at 6pm still had a .14.... figure that one out.

Derek A.
08-02-2006, 09:52 PM
Rumor has it that Hollywood is run by Jews. He made "The Passion" totally bypassing the Hollywood crowd - I am sure that it hasn't gone over well. So I would guess his statements are probably based on the treatment he has undergone in the past few years.

08-02-2006, 09:56 PM
mel gibson should fight tom cruise to the death. then jared (the subway guy) versus john madden. then the respective winners.

08-02-2006, 10:09 PM
I went to the same High School as him.
So lay the F@%k YOU $%&*g *^*&% or I'll &(^$^& all of yous.
RIGHT! damn straight!


08-03-2006, 10:17 AM
"you guys are fags and i would like to wrestle to the death califblue " -Quote 632 Regal

Dude, asking a guy to wrestle ( some mid-west homo sport)...your the Fag maybe you just don't know it yet

Ask that question out here in So.California is a guaranteed way for you to end up in ICU…

P.S. Face it Mel Gibson at .12 was not even Drunk just poping off - "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts":)

08-03-2006, 10:22 AM
you should rep him in court.. explain to the judge... "your honor, my client was not drunk.. his bac was only 150% of the legal limit"

08-03-2006, 10:29 AM
Mike Thanks for sending me the censored materials. After all, the political uncorrect have to stand together. :) Mel's views about ice cream, the heat, and the unicorns were hilarious!

(And yes, that title got through the firm's spam filter much better than some others you have used. But now we know who's fault it is that you are a spamer.)

I love that picture of you. It is so you.

08-03-2006, 12:18 PM

The Disctrict Attorney's office announced yesterday that Mel Gibson has been charged with a misdemeanor DUI.

Gibson, 50, (dob 1-3-56), was charged with one misdemeanor count each of driving under the influence and driving while having a .08 percent or higher blood alcohol content, said Deputy District Attorney Ralph Shapiro, the deputy in charge of the Malibu office. In addition, Gibson was charged with driving with an open container, an infraction of the vehicle code. Gibson was stopped about 2:09 a.m. Friday on Pacific Coast Highway after a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy allegedly observed him driving his 2006 Lexus LS at more than 85 mph. An open bottle of tequila allegedly was found in his car. He was released on Friday on his own recognizance. His arraignment is set for Sept. 28 in Malibu Superior Court, Division 3. If convicted, he’s facing up to six months in county jail.

Not a good past couple days for Mel. First getting pulled over while drunk, then caught being a raging anti-Semite, now being charged with a misdemeanor DUI. The only way things could get any worse is if he wakes up tomorrow with a dead Jewish prostitute in his bed and a knife glued to his hand. :p

08-03-2006, 01:39 PM
you should rep him in court.. explain to the judge... "your honor, my client was not drunk.. his bac was only 150% of the legal limit"

Please... there's a difference between the legal limit to drive, and being DRUNK.