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View Full Version : change the counter from miles to km

04-03-2004, 07:58 AM
Hello everybody! Pachalisg is here! the most popular question in e34.net!! :)) Does anyone know how can I change the counter from miles to km. I can see the "km" in the same box where the miles is but I dont know how to give the light to "km" and disable the "miles". e34 525i UK reg but now using the car in Greece.

04-03-2004, 12:13 PM
The odometer is the same whether km or miles... the coding plug determines which shows up... Sorry...you have to live with miles.

04-03-2004, 03:04 PM
Is your speedo in miles too? Tell you what, when I hit a 161,290.32 on my km odometer, I might swap it out with you. Then, I'll be at 100k miles, and be properly supported for the country I live in. I can then live with a zeroed out coding plug to not have to convert in my head all the time.

I have to keep a pinch light on my key chain to read my MPH at night, because the inner ring of MPH doesn't light up to read worth a damn. I know of course that 100kmph is 62mph, it's when it reads 140kph, that I realize that I'm over the 70 mph limit here in texas.

here's one from the maiden trip back from atlanta 2 years ago, daytime makes it easy to remember that 140=85mph....



04-09-2004, 11:34 AM
yes, the speedo is in miles and km too like your photo but from the opposite side. the outer ring is in miles with big numbers and the inner ring with kmeters. the problem is not there. the problem is the counter. the good point is that I know as an engineer to do caclulationts (100 miles is about 160km/h) in my mind and to prevent the police to get me in the jail! :)