View Full Version : Differential (And Brake Fluid) Change... No Problem With My Tool!

07-11-2006, 03:09 AM
I just wanted to share this idea with all of you that change out your own differential fluid.

The two items I have in this posting are my gadget I made to use with my compressor.

The first one is the brake fluid cap with a nozzle on top. The second one is the differential fluid container for filling.

The brake fluid cap is made to have the long hose attached to it from the gun. You want to suck out all the old fluid from the brake fluid reservoir and pour in the new stuff. You then place the cap with the small hose attached and set your compressor pressure to about 20 psi. Walk over to the rear passenger wheel and place another piece of hose over the Zirk fitting and gently turn with wrench. You then lightly add pressure by squeezing the hand trigger and fluid begins to flow out of the Zirk fitting, through the hose and into a waste container. Let it flow until you have clean fluid exiting the hose. It works if you use the blue racing brake fluid, then alternate between the regular colored racing stuff next time... it makes it easier to mark what fluid is which. When new fluid is flowing through the hose, tighten the Zirk fitting, then disconnect the gun from the compressor hose... pull the trigger again and release the air from the reservoir and refill... you're now ready to go to the next wheel! The front two can be done on one brake fluid reservoir filling... it's SO easy to use and one person can do their own complete fluid replacement by themselves!

The other device... the differential fluid filler works by attaching the hose on top of the container and once again... make sure you have the container filled with new differential fluid. (Yes.... I'm sounding tired, damn... it's 3:00 am already?!?!!?!?) Pressurize the compressor hose with 20 psi and slip the other end of the hose coming from the bottom into the filler hole in the differential. I used a hemostat to keep any fluid from leaking out of the bottom tube of the apparatus. You can take a piece of stiff wire to suspend the filling system or just hold it between your legs. Now... when you've emptied out the first bottle, fill it again with a little over what you need to finish the filling process. If for some reason you're getting close to the maximum amount in your differential and you're freaking out about it overflowing too much, you can either use a hemostat or vice grip to pinch off the bottom tube, or just disconnect it from the compressor and pull the trigger to de-pressurize the filling system. I didn't spill a drop when I did mine... it was fast, clean and simple to use!

If you're worried about the system leaking... don't worry... I tested it by boosting the pressure to over 100 psi, filled it with water (tested it without the bottom tube in place) and hit the trigger... INSTANT WATER GUN!

I love making things to use with my compressor... happy times!


Any questions... just contact me at TechnoBMWpresident@gmail.com and I'll be happy to help you construct your very own fun tools!

Eric :)

P.S: This is my original posting.