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View Full Version : Chicago Meet Photos... Sorry About the Delay!

06-23-2006, 07:45 PM
Hey Everyone!

Sorry about taking so long to get these things on the web! I've been kinda busy since I returned to Minneapolis! If I screwed up ANYBODY's names or didn't get things down right... yikes, sorry.

I want to thank all of you for being so kind, sharing all kinds of information and driving so far to come to this great gathering! Chicago was SO perfect, loved the drive and will definitely make plans to come again next year!

Here's the link to where I posted the photos... I hope you enjoy it! This is the forum that my Minneapolis group uses. This forum (through the E34.net site) had inspired me to start my own local group. Our website is Technobmw.com if you're wondering. I had all kinds of pages put together for it, but things kinda got screwed up when I uploaded it. I'll probably work on it in the next week to get it all straight.

Thanks again everyone... I'll be checking in on this forum hopefully at least once or twice a week!

Most Sincerely,

Eric Kozar
Minneapolis Bimmer Group Founder


06-23-2006, 08:34 PM
This is the picture that cracks me up. We all have a picture of Ed's tool kit. And this is a picture of us all taking that picture at the same time. Sort of like synchronized swimming except it is sychronized photography.

Isn't that you in the blue shirt with the hat. I want to know how you managed to be in the picture and take a picture of yourself taking a picture? Huh???? Tell us your secret. I have been trying to figure out how to clone myself for years. And of course, Charles is our group underachiever-- the only one without a camera in hand.


Seriously, I am very impressed with the quality of your photos. What camera did you use?

632 Regal
06-24-2006, 06:02 AM
Great writeup Eric!!!

06-25-2006, 10:16 AM
Hey, thanks for the compliments on the pictures! I used a Sony Cybershot (DSC-P93A) 5.1 Mega Pixels. That day I was pretty much shooting everything at 5 mega pixels, ASA100 and always set my camera on the "fine" setting, it takes up a little more space, but it's worth it.

If you liked the quality of those photos, what do you think of these? http://www.bimmerboard.com/forums/posts/176474

Or these night shots... http://www.bimmerboard.com/forums/posts/173549

Here are a couple more night shots...

Mill City Condos... The New Gutherie Theatre is right behind me.

University Of Minnesota Campus. Taken off of the Yellow Ramp of University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview.

University of Minnesota Campus

I like taking long exposure shots without flash. It's a great way to experiment with photography as I've always wanted to do that sort of stuff as a kid, but it was too expensive using film.

Thanks again everybody for hanging out at the Chicago Gathering! :)
