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View Full Version : Advice on buying rebuilt modules

06-12-2006, 08:40 AM
Hey everyone,
I should have just stayed locked in my car because I just heard back from my indy and he said that my modules under the back seat are baked. He said that, at minimum, we have to replace the security one and the ABS one, but I might have to do them all. He is looking around at junk yards to find used ones and I told him I would look as well. I already checked BMA but wasnt really able to find any. Any suggestions? Also, any idea how much these things cost? I am not holding my breath for any kind of bargains... Thanks!


ryan roopnarine
06-12-2006, 08:59 AM
if i knew that my old (1992) general module and relay module were 100% working, you could have them for shipping costs, but i'm not sure. rigmaster would probably be the only one here that you could provide a "shopping list" to and not get screwed over with someone sending you defective stuff. vines on ebay has an extensive list of stuff with relatively inexpensive "buy it now" prices, but then again, you have a 1995 car, you might have some security features built in (that somebody like bret would be able to say yes/no about whether something he sold you could work).

06-12-2006, 09:02 AM
if i knew that my old (1992) general module and relay module were 100% working, you could have them for shipping costs, but i'm not sure. rigmaster would probably be the only one here that you could provide a "shopping list" to and not get screwed over with someone sending you defective stuff. vines on ebay has an extensive list of stuff with relatively inexpensive "buy it now" prices, but then again, you have a 1995 car, you might have some security features built in (that somebody like bret would be able to say yes/no about whether something he sold you could work).

Thanks Ryan. Hopefully, they will shoot a reply on this thread and I can figure it out. I am trying to keep the costs within reason since the car already has 155,000 miles on it. I also dont know how long I'll be keeping it since I take the subway everyday to work.

Scott C
06-12-2006, 03:17 PM
You might want to try to get another independent look, I find it surprising that all those modules are "bad"....

That being said, I have purchased several components from Vines and had good luck.


Bill R.
06-12-2006, 03:22 PM
back compartment under the seat.... if it got flooded then the engine was probably submerged too..... I'm also fairly certain that if you opened up those modules you'd find that you can dry and clean them up and they will probably work fine.

Hey everyone,
I should have just stayed locked in my car because I just heard back from my indy and he said that my modules under the back seat are baked. He said that, at minimum, we have to replace the security one and the ABS one, but I might have to do them all. He is looking around at junk yards to find used ones and I told him I would look as well. I already checked BMA but wasnt really able to find any. Any suggestions? Also, any idea how much these things cost? I am not holding my breath for any kind of bargains... Thanks!


Blitzkrieg Bob
06-12-2006, 03:29 PM
cell phones to watches with a good shot of CRC electro motor cleaner.

They all came back to life.

ryan roopnarine
06-12-2006, 03:31 PM
back compartment under the seat.... if it got flooded then the engine was probably submerged too..... I'm also fairly certain that if you opened up those modules you'd find that you can dry and clean them up and they will probably work fine.

does the cruise control module look the same as the abs module bill? because i could have sworn that i've seen something that looks like the abs computer (on my car) located on the driver's side behind the foot speaker in an e32, which would be about level with the underseat modules.

06-12-2006, 03:49 PM
Hey Brian,

shoot me an email with what you need (or what they say you need). I'll be glad to ship them all to you, and whatever you end up not needing you can just send back.

bretluter AT hotmail DOT com


06-12-2006, 03:58 PM
Hey Brian,

shoot me an email with what you need (or what they say you need). I'll be glad to ship them all to you, and whatever you end up not needing you can just send back.

bretluter AT hotmail DOT com


Bret, you are my hero. I actually think I have bought a few wheels from you. Where do you get all these parts? Never mind, I dont care. :D Anyhow, my mech is trying to clean up as many as he can. The deal is that the car was parked on an incline, with the rear lower (in more water) than the front. Thankfully, the engine was unaffected. Although, given what went wrong, I'm not sure how much better off I am. I'll be in touch in the next few days, Bret. Thanks again! Its back to bar review for me! (Kill me please...)