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05-31-2006, 11:50 PM
So today I was racing my 525iA against a crazy modded Cooper S and a riced out H22B Accord. We were racing up a 12% grade(about 1/2 mile). For those that don't know grade percents that's approx. 45º up hill. As we were racing the Cooper was smashing my poor e34. But, I was eating up the Honda. About half way up the hill, I start to smell burning oil, go "OH ****", and let off the gas thinking that I blew something up. I then look behind me and see a huge cloud of blue smoke coming from the exhaust of the Honda... HAHAHA, and I gun it! I later catch up with the Cooper to find out he's pushing just shy of 400WHP thanks to the inter cooled, twin turbo setup... The Honda never made it up the hill... It's entertaining how the driver that talks all the **** is the one that blows there motor. I keep getting told how this M20 is not enough to power this heavy e34, it may not be a 4 liter V8, but it's adequate.


SC David
06-01-2006, 12:03 AM
The M20 will get you there, but don't expect much more :)

06-01-2006, 12:10 AM
Yeah, I'd love to own a 540i but it's just out of my price range. The 525i on the other hand is actually quite affordable.

Dave M
06-01-2006, 04:05 AM
Great story, quite a powerfull Cooper.

I'm interested in your math ;) and must ask how you get 45 degrees out of 12%. To my knowledge, 45 degrees is a 100% slope. All % slopes are derived from a 1 / 1 rise over run ratio which = a 45 degree angle, and are simply a % of that 1 / 1. So a 1 / 3 slope angle would equate to @ 33% (still frigging steep as ****). Therefore, the 12% slope you raced up, would be @ 1 / 8 ratio. Not many standard vehicles could even move on a 45 degree slope.

Sorry for trying to be a slope nerd. I design forestry roadfs and we speak in % slope almost exclusively. Feel free to correct my math :)

Dave M

06-01-2006, 05:00 AM
I raced a Honda a few weeks ago. It had an almost stock look, no big ricer additions, except a small tastfully done spoiler. We start, and he is keeping up better than expected, I can hear turbo whine, so I know he is modified, so I drop my car into S4 and pull just ahead of him, suddenly he flys by me like I was not moving. Just have to love folks with sleeper cars and nitrouse installed.

Jon K
06-01-2006, 05:47 AM
TheEndisNear - still curious about supercharger?

Scott H
06-01-2006, 05:54 AM
also applicable to roofs

Great story, quite a powerfull Cooper.

I'm interested in your math ;) and must ask how you get 45 degrees out of 12%. To my knowledge, 45 degrees is a 100% slope. All % slopes are derived from a 1 / 1 rise over run ratio which = a 45 degree angle, and are simply a % of that 1 / 1. So a 1 / 3 slope angle would equate to @ 33% (still frigging steep as ****). Therefore, the 12% slope you raced up, would be @ 1 / 8 ratio. Not many standard vehicles could even move on a 45 degree slope.

Sorry for trying to be a slope nerd. I design forestry roadfs and we speak in % slope almost exclusively. Feel free to correct my math :)

Dave M

Jon K
06-01-2006, 05:56 AM
Dave M you should have designed the driveway that leads to my house, because it's definitely one to scare the crap out of you in the rain w/ wet leaves.

06-01-2006, 06:04 AM
I raced a new black corvette once. I lost.

06-01-2006, 06:12 AM
I raced a new black corvette once. I lost.

You´re slow.


06-01-2006, 07:00 AM
i raced an e60 m5 about a month ago. he didn't use lube.

06-01-2006, 07:29 AM
I used a piece of mapping software thats supposed to figure the climb angle and grade percent but it was free and on my friends software. I realize that the grade is determined from Rise/Run times 100 to determine percentage. So, I know that part of the math is correct as far as the actual angle I'm unsure. It's a steep son of a bitch... 277th between Auburn and Kent is famous for killing cars.

06-01-2006, 07:32 AM
Actually, I was going to email you this weekend about that. I might need to put that one on hold, money just got tight. My boss decided it would be a good idea to hit me with the job or family ultimatum. Me being a single dad, well I'm not at work now am I... Sucks, but is part of this life I choose...

06-01-2006, 07:34 AM
Yeah, I tried to race a real nice 545ci with the top down on my way back from Oregon last weekend... I gave him a run for his money, honest. Um, yeah, it has real nice tail lights...

06-01-2006, 09:52 AM
cars are slow why even bother racing

Scott H
06-01-2006, 09:54 AM
why even make them?

cars are slow why even bother racing

Jon K
06-01-2006, 10:04 AM
cars are slow why even bother racing

Why bother putting two wheels on a motorcycle?

06-01-2006, 10:17 AM
Wow, this convo is getting deep...

06-01-2006, 10:31 AM
Managing to race an M20/A up hill is an achievement by itself, amen

Dave M
06-01-2006, 10:33 AM
I used a piece of mapping software thats supposed to figure the climb angle and grade percent but it was free and on my friends software. I realize that the grade is determined from Rise/Run times 100 to determine percentage. So, I know that part of the math is correct as far as the actual angle I'm unsure. It's a steep son of a bitch... 277th between Auburn and Kent is famous for killing cars.

No kidding. 12% is definetely steep. Most highway grades rarely exceed 8%. An empty log truck with extremely low gearing can only sustain about 15% for about 50m at a time (depending on how much the driver likes the truck).

Not to be nosey, but as for your tough decision at work, good for you. The little guy in your sig will pay you back ten fold.

Good Luck,

Dave M

06-01-2006, 11:02 AM
She pulls a good 85-90 right before I peak, I'd love to try it in the 540i. I out run cars up that hill everyday. That little 6 holds its own in a 3800lb car.

06-01-2006, 11:05 AM
I've never seen a tractor/trailer combo come down it but every now and again I see one trying to get up it with there flashers on at about 5 MPH. I'll try to take a snapshot of the hill today when I head into Auburn.

06-01-2006, 05:24 PM
i drove a m20 e34 when thinking about buying one, and was very dissapointed, seemed very slugish after coming from a e30 m20 that i thought was very peppy. story sounds a little far fetched if your saying you cought up to the cooper, and a h22 accord should hold its own with you, m20 is 168 hp, and a heavy car, if its modded you shouldent be smoking it at all. honda makes a great car, i wouldent mind having a 2002 civic si.

06-01-2006, 06:24 PM
alight first off. WTF all this talk about racing. and no one i mean no one gets burned. However!!! When I asked about my engine performance because of racing a honda. I got burned to a crisp.. is it because im young... lol whats the deal here?



06-01-2006, 06:28 PM
alight first off. WTF all this talk about racing. and no one i mean no one gets burned. However!!! When I asked about my engine performance because of racing a honda. I got burned to a crisp.. is it because im young... lol whats the deal here?



Yea, whats the matter with everyone?

06-01-2006, 06:47 PM
You guys think that's funny?!

Listen to his music...

06-01-2006, 07:27 PM
forget the Cooper S. I've tried to race a couple of them, they smoked me every time. Acceleration-wise our cars are out of date, we have to sober up heh. There are so many crap cars these days that can keep up with us easily. Back 16 years ago the story was different. So why race anyone? Just enjoy the ride. It's the ride where other/newer cars can't come even close, in my opinion.

06-01-2006, 07:31 PM
i got burnt on my top speed run thread, even though EVERYONE had done like 140, i got burnt bad

06-01-2006, 07:36 PM
i dont know why everyone is so down on hondas, have you ever driving one? its cheap efficent reliable transportation. and yes they arnt the best, but they are much better then most americans cars

06-01-2006, 08:13 PM
First off, I wasn't downing on the Honda, I was downing on the driver. The guy in the Cooper was cool the guy in the Honda was talking ****, all telling me how BMW's are POS Old People Cars. Second the Honda lost out cuz he overred and the motor went bye bye. Third I caught the Cooper S up at the stop light, I clearly said that he kicked my ass. I then ended up having a cup of Starbucks coffee with him that's how I found out about the mods. He told my that he crested 140MPH on the hill where I only hit just shy of 90 MPH. I was simply stating that the average Ricer Honda doesn't have a worth while driver behind the wheel, too many rich kids with mommies and daddies money out here and they all drive Hondas.

06-01-2006, 08:31 PM
im not talking about you souly, but yes, you were knocking hondas when the title of your thread is "honda rulez", but everyone get this bad impression of them from a few dumbasses. whatever

06-01-2006, 08:39 PM
I don't mind Honda, I've owned a few. Great cars. I just believe they are best suited for what they were designed; fuel efficiency not the coffee can muffler and inability to cross a speed bump. Just my opinion, not trying to make enemies here.

06-01-2006, 09:35 PM
Yeah, I'd love to own a 540i but it's just out of my price range. The 525i on the other hand is actually quite affordable.

Explain that to my girlfriend.

06-01-2006, 10:11 PM
ScDavid yours is an M20 right? Give it some cred brother. It may not be the most powerful E34 motor but remember that it's the one that puts the least weight over the front wheels. I haven't had the pleasure of driving a V8 one but you definately feel the extra kilos in the front with the M30. M50 525i with 15 extra Kw would be nice though.

06-04-2006, 05:02 AM
That's a nice Myspace... Here's Mine. (www.myspace.com/theendisnear069) Different priorities in life, huh...

06-06-2006, 06:22 PM
You guys think that's funny?!

Listen to his music...

LOL horrible myspace/song!

06-06-2006, 06:51 PM
Hi guys,

The degree measure of an incline is given by the inverse tangent of the slope.

ie: theta (in degrees) = arctan [rise/run]

so in the case of percentage grade, the degree measure of the incline is given by the inverse tangent of the percentage grade expressed as a decimal number.

ie: theta (in degrees) = arctan[percentage slope/100]

So the 12% grade is 6.8 degrees. 6.8 degrees may not seem like much but it is quite steep for a public highway.

The 15% grade mentioned above is 8.5 degrees. That's very steep indeed for a public highway!

