View Full Version : any UK or other RHD'ers with etks that show rh steering pics....

ryan roopnarine
03-27-2004, 06:44 PM
version number is appreciated...i just tried switching the etk i have to EC and right hand steering, and pictures still generate with things on the left, regardless of what i do... TIA.

Paul in NZ
03-27-2004, 07:20 PM
thats exactly the sort of thing i am concerned about!!!!!!!ryan try entering my chassis number i wll pm it to you

Paul in NZ
03-30-2004, 05:47 PM
please assure me that any etk will show me RHD part numbers...I am about to buy a etk of jeff but ryan says that rhd compatibility on his is unclear...please compare some steering parts say for a US lhd and my rhd ece...TIA :D

632 Regal
03-30-2004, 06:45 PM
Paul, just emailed you some screen shots.

ryan roopnarine
03-30-2004, 06:48 PM
do to get it to switch? email me if you're not too busy with em pls, rroopnar@ufl.edu

Paul, just emailed you some screen shots.

632 Regal
03-30-2004, 06:53 PM
if I did Id have to kill you.

ryan roopnarine
03-30-2004, 07:05 PM
whatever....i was only trying to switch it cause paul had asked about whether or not a US one would work for his rhd car and that putting ECE in and RHD didn't do nothing to fix it.. que sa-raaah sa-raah and whatnot.

632 Regal
03-30-2004, 07:31 PM
the part numbers are different for certain items, I didnt try to remove and re install the whole thing but when you put in his vin it comes up on the bottom as a 90 535 manual R steering. The dash shows left hand in the pic but the numbers are different than my car. So... for whatever its worth maybe the diagrams are just wrong for RH drivers. I dont know.

ryan roopnarine
03-30-2004, 07:39 PM

the part numbers are different for certain items, I didnt try to remove and re install the whole thing but when you put in his vin it comes up on the bottom as a 90 535 manual R steering. The dash shows left hand in the pic but the numbers are different than my car. So... for whatever its worth maybe the diagrams are just wrong for RH drivers. I dont know.

632 Regal
03-30-2004, 07:45 PM

ryan roopnarine
03-30-2004, 07:54 PM
i just looked at the markup, ie the one in your message that said
{size=7]....{size=7} in your original message and messed with the dials and such.....

632 Regal
03-30-2004, 07:55 PM
i just looked at the markup, ie the one in your message that said
{size=7]....{size=7} in your original message and messed with the dials and such.....

Paul in NZ
03-31-2004, 01:01 AM
howd you do that?

i look forward to seeing my pics jeff....looking good tho :)