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05-14-2006, 03:51 PM
wow, today i was driving down milford road, 2 lane road, 50 mph. headed to the local wallmart to make up for not getting my mom anything for mothers day. there is a stop light with a blinking yellow and iv lived in milford my whole life so i knew the lite. so im just crusing through when the car in front of me, a 97 dodge minivan (female drivin)musta thought the yellow was about to go to red, so she stops. i HAD plenty of space, but my spacy state of mind slipped from the road for a moment, and next thing i know im at 50 and FAST approching a stoped van (probally more like 55 or 60). i was at the point where if i hit the brakes as hard as possible i would still plowed her at about 30 if that helps describe the situation. so i did JAM the brakes, and due to a faulty abs sensor (that iv known about) the p6000's lock up and i cut the wheel foolishly to the left. i was sliding sidways a bit and my front right nose of my car couldent have been more then a inch from her left rear bumper, i though i was going to hit her for sure. now im sliding into a center turn lane so i cut it back to the right causeing the car to fishtail sending my rear hanging into oncoming traffic (luckly noone was avaible to put me out of my missory in the other lane) few more back an forths and i get her straight and pull over and appoligise to the lady in the van that had als pulled over, she was shaken up and so was i. i slid by her out of control at about 30+ mph, and my dad saw the skid makes later that day, he says there 40 plus feet

wow im happy i was in my e34, not my 95 f150

05-14-2006, 03:59 PM
my e34 saved herself this morning too, some stupid bastard in a ute though he could accelerate faster than a bugatti veyron entering a roundabout, at first i thought he was turning left as i was in the right lane and its not uncommon at that roundabout. but he didn't i slammed on the brakes and luckily didn't hit him.
although my story isn't as spectacular as your's if it wasn't for the excellent brakes on the e34 i would have probably killed mr "i am invincible" ute driver.

PS for those non-australians a ute is a pick up (short for utility)

05-14-2006, 04:03 PM
ohh it scared the hell out of me, i thought the e34 was done, and i was pissed, but it reacted and made it somewhat manageable, thanks e34, just for that im gunna order you much needed lkm, maybe even a front end set

05-14-2006, 04:55 PM
my e34 saved herself this morning too, some stupid bastard in a ute though he could accelerate faster than a bugatti veyron entering a roundabout, at first i thought he was turning left as i was in the right lane and its not uncommon at that roundabout. but he didn't i slammed on the brakes and luckily didn't hit him.
although my story isn't as spectacular as your's if it wasn't for the excellent brakes on the e34 i would have probably killed mr "i am invincible" ute driver.

PS for those non-australians a ute is a pick up (short for utility)

What!!!? Screw the rest of the story, you've seen a Bugatti Veyron in person?! That's incredible, the odds are probably better of you sighting Elvis.

05-14-2006, 04:55 PM
you gotta fix that abs sensor

05-14-2006, 04:56 PM
What!!!? Screw the rest of the story, you've seen a Bugatti Veyron in person?! That's incredible, the odds are probably better of you sighting Elvis.

i think he was making the analogy that the "ute" guy thought he was the fastest baddest ass on the road? cause seriously if he saw a veryon its pics or ban

05-14-2006, 05:02 PM
i usuly dont like abs

05-14-2006, 05:05 PM
i think he was making the analogy that the "ute" guy thought he was the fastest baddest ass on the road? cause seriously if he saw a veryon its pics or ban
no veyrons lol, haven't seen any entertaining cars like that for a while.
and yes it was an analogy, no need to blow your collective loads!

05-14-2006, 05:07 PM
turn this into the mothers-day scare-a-thon thread

Just about 30 minutes ago I was heading to the BP for gas. Turning off my road onto the highway ... only one car was on the highway at all. They were going the way i was turning to go, but a ways back. I cross the first 2 lanes of highway then start turning to align myself with it, when some ass in a red astro blows through the stop sign opposite to the one i was at. I was straight in its path, the astro hits the breaks and turns left to miss me and i hit the gas to get out of its way. My luck its raining outside so my car decides to motor it and i wind up spinning 180 degrees and perfectly in the passing lane, but ofcourse backwards. Luckily the car previously on the highway was far enough back that they just slowed down and passed me. I didnt even see what happend to the astro.

I never got that gas :(

Glad nobody has been hurt .... yet

Derek A.
05-14-2006, 08:03 PM
i usuly dont like abs

Why not?

05-14-2006, 08:24 PM
I keep getting behind people that like turning a corner at 50 mph without a turn signal. These tourist bastards would be laquered to the road if it weren't for the braking on this machine. I've nearly slammed into 3 cars today at full length apart because of this crap. Kids and old people. If only drivers licenses were to cost as much as in Germany($1500) I wouldn't have to have a near death experience every time I go to the grocery store. Stupid people make me homicidal.

05-14-2006, 08:35 PM
I keep getting behind people that like turning a corner at 50 mph without a turn signal. These tourist bastards would be laquered to the road if it weren't for the braking on this machine. I've nearly slammed into 3 cars today at full length apart because of this crap. Kids and old people. If only drivers licenses were to cost as much as in Germany($1500) I wouldn't have to have a near death experience every time I go to the grocery store. Stupid people make me homicidal.

How would $1500 licenses allow fewer stupid drivers on the road? I say make the driving tests harder.

05-14-2006, 08:43 PM
Yeah, I was going to second the pics or ban. You would be my new hero, just laying eyes on one of those beasts.

I had five or six good brake tests this weekend, pretty much the usual. I say up the standards for driving, make the test actually, gasp, a test! From what everyone says it's a challenge to get a license in most european countries, probably why the autobahn has a similar fatality rate to the US interstates. The stupidity I see on a daily basis is mind boggling. A couple favorites, such as the two times I have seen old ladies going the wrong way up highway exit ramps. One them proceeded to make a three point turn near the top, where the cars exit at 70 MPH or so. So how about mandatory yearly testing of everyone over 60? Or the many that think merge means run the people with the right of way off of the road. Damn I hate people.......

05-14-2006, 09:08 PM
scary stuff

I just cant imagine an e34 flying past me at 30 mph with the brakes locked up, thats not a pretty sight

05-14-2006, 10:39 PM
In my E30 I was going over a hill at around 140, a copper had a gun on me, he ran out on the road, I saw him and locked up and went past him around 2 metres away at approx 80 - 90kph. I pulled over down the road (took a while to stop) where he said "This is not going to take a long time, but it will be a painfull time" $300 later and 4 months loss of licence for the second time that year. I am glad he didnt catch me on the same road at 170.

As for ABS, it saved my bacon yeaterday for the first time in my E34. Same old, same old, eyes slightly off road, chick stopped, turned and broke hard, ABS allowed the vehicle to move out the way as I broke past her car and there was no way of actually stopping without hitting. So ABS, apart from a shorter stopping distance, it alows turning while braking which in my case was what saved the day.

05-14-2006, 10:55 PM
you can do the same thing with pumping yer breaks, i feel like if i NEED to stop, then i need to stop in the shortest distance possible, and if i need to stear also i can pump them, its the best of both worlds in a way

05-14-2006, 11:00 PM
you can do the same thing with pumping yer breaks, i feel like if i NEED to stop, then i need to stop in the shortest distance possible, and if i need to stear also i can pump them, its the best of both worlds in a way

ideally I actually agree, I just dont think many people could possibly react fast enough to do that. ABS works very fast, much quicker than probably the quickest jet piolet in the world.

05-14-2006, 11:35 PM
ideally I actually agree, I just dont think many people could possibly react fast enough to do that. ABS works very fast, much quicker than probably the quickest jet piolet in the world.

I think that for dry pavement and straight stopping, non-abs is actually better. Its when youre in the wet, or in a panic situation, or trying to steer around something while braking that the ABS come into play - in other words, pretty much every time you NEED to stop fast or perform and emergency manuever ABS will help you.

05-15-2006, 01:39 AM
I think that for dry pavement and straight stopping, non-abs is actually better. Its when youre in the wet, or in a panic situation, or trying to steer around something while braking that the ABS come into play - in other words, pretty much every time you NEED to stop fast or perform and emergency manuever ABS will help you.

Not quite sure about that. Sliding friction is less than static friction. Once in a slide you have less friction so your steering will work and so will accelerating but with less effect. In the wet the friciton in both static and sliding is worse but I am not sure if this is a linear arrangement when compared with the dry, would be interesting to know tho. Anyway the only way I see your idea as correct is if your pedal pressure was kept at exactly the right pressure so that the tyres were held right before the threashold between static to sliding friciton. In this case you may get a very slight advantage over ABS in a stop as ABS bounces between sliding, then back to static so it is not always maximum brake force. In theory then you are right but in practice I dont think a man alive could keep the brakes at the edge of static in between the sliding and static boundry's ABS operates.

05-15-2006, 02:18 AM
actually one place ABS has to be redesigned for is braking on gravel roads. as it cuts in too early.

05-15-2006, 02:34 AM
actually one place ABS has to be redesigned for is braking on gravel roads. as it cuts in too early.

Yeah I dont have ABS in my 4x4, and when your sliding down a slippery slope with nearly no traction the last thing you want is ABS actually speeding the car up to try and stop the wheels from sliding by getting the wheels to rotate at the cars actual speed. We took a brand spanking new prado off road and it has everything electronic, toyota call it DAT. It was one of the worst performing off road cars I have seen just after the jeep grand cherokee. Electronics just dont cut it off road. As for gravel, as they say, you want the stuff to build up in front of the tyres to help stop the car.