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05-01-2006, 03:33 AM
Travelling early Saturday morning...

Deer ran across in front of my daily, a 1976 Toyota Corolla panel van (2dr wagon). We collected him at about 140km/h :( :(

Spent 9 hours in the icy rain (and later darkness) towing her back to my house.

A quick inspection today has shown minimal structural damage, however cosmetic damage is quite extensive. She'll repair, but will take a bit of work.
Will get the chassis check for alignment... but if its bent, then its 'Game over' If it is repairable, I can't weld, so will have to wait for a mate to come down and help me with it.

Not happy, as the E34 needs plug leads (only runs on 5 cyls), and is uninsured. So I'm without a car... :(

I hate venison... :(

632 Regal
05-01-2006, 06:15 AM
Im glad your Okay, sometimes they jump when they realize its gonna get hit and wind up in the back seat taking out driver with it.

05-01-2006, 02:09 PM
You did a Homer!
Doooh, a deer.
Sorry about your car Nick although it could have been worse, you could have been the driver of the Mini that took out the spectators on Saturday.


05-01-2006, 02:25 PM
deer? do you have deer running around in tasmania land? what the?

05-01-2006, 05:36 PM
Im glad your Okay, sometimes they jump when they realize its gonna get hit and wind up in the back seat taking out driver with it.

Kind of like this;


(EDIT:Here's the whole story, Graphic pictures !!
http://www.snopes.com/photos/durango.asp )

Good to hear mostly the sheet metal took the main hit !!
Looks like you need one of those gate crashing bumpers that you see a lot of, on the down under vehicles.

05-01-2006, 06:06 PM
Many years ago I moved from the New York Metropolitan area to rural Michigan. I had never seen a real deer before, or any significant wildlife for that matter. One day I was driving along and up ahead I saw a funny looking horse running along the side of the road. So I speed up to see what’s going on. BAMM! The funny looking horse jumps right in front of my Jeep. I was pretty pissed for being so stupid. I now know what a deer looks like…. And most importantly I know to slow down when I see them funny looking horses running around.

05-01-2006, 06:11 PM
its more common to be attacked by roos in australia, they kind of hop around beside the road and try and go faster than your car, and then dart across the road at their leisure.
hitting a deer in australia? i've never even heard of it as most deer i know are confined to deer farms. you're seriously unlucky!

05-01-2006, 06:18 PM
I have already hit two of those f*ckers. One I never even saw. Just BAMN! $400 in damage! Luckily the second time I was able to swerve around the big one and only nicked the little one following behind her. Some of my neighbors actually feed them! Anyways, honking the horn always does the trick so scare them away. I'm not sure if those high pitched noise thingys actually scare them away. I remember a friend of the family hitting a deer even with them on her car.

05-01-2006, 06:28 PM
OMG, funny looking horses and deer farms????

One of the parks arround here has a ton of deer, every year they would open it to hunters with a bag limit. One year a bunch of people convinced city council that killing deer was evil and they forbade hunting and attempted to "humanely" trap and remove them.

Well 2 years of this nonsense go by. Picture a beutiful summer day with hundreds of families picnicing, suddenly Bambi walks out, every one coo's. Bambi drops dead from starvation. Over there is another Bambi, staggering in circles because she is horribly sick, falls over dead. We had a record number of cars hitting deers since the bypass runs right near the park.

there wasnt enough deer left to hunt that fall, thank God we did the humane thing and let them all get killed by cars, starvation and disease.

05-01-2006, 06:37 PM
Kind of like this;


Ohhhh. This picture makes me groan and wince. There is something awful about its feet being together and pointed like a diver that gets me. That and the fact it went in the passenger side.

There are a lot of awful things about SoCal, but at least deer aren't one of them. I thought the land of Oz was about like us, climate wise. I can't believe you have deer.

Nick--do you think you managed to get your corolla taken out by the only deer in all of Australia?

05-01-2006, 06:48 PM
and deer farms????

just because we live in australia doesn't mean we should be deprived of venison

05-01-2006, 07:22 PM
I have already hit two of those f*ckers. One I never even saw. Just BAMN! $400 in damage! Luckily the second time I was able to swerve around the big one and only nicked the little one following behind her. Some of my neighbors actually feed them! Anyways, honking the horn always does the trick so scare them away. I'm not sure if those high pitched noise thingys actually scare them away. I remember a friend of the family hitting a deer even with them on her car.

I throw firecrackers at them.

05-02-2006, 01:00 AM
One less now...

05-02-2006, 01:04 AM
Bit scary that!! I know the corner in question, and its a trick off camber sweeper, that tightens to a hairpin left... The crew came into that corner WAY WAY WAY too hot!!

An in Japan, in the newspapers and such they were dubbed 'National Disgrace!!"

Motorsport IS dangerous kiddies!! Please don't stand in stupid places!!

05-02-2006, 12:29 PM
well it could have been much worse you could have ended up trapped in a cage in the middle of a rockfall 1000 metres below the ground. yay! anyway i hope they get those guys out!