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View Full Version : 115K mile, 92 M50 cooling system overhaul.

paul p (chi-town)
03-20-2004, 04:57 PM
So with a 2000mi road trip comming up and feeling like i’ve running on borrowed time cause i don’t know if the plastic pump has been updated.
I already have the parts, but also some concerns.
Got my aluminum thermo housing, new rad, hoses, 75C thermo. I am worried tho bout the pump.
It’s a GEBA, it feels slightly stiff turning and more troubling is that the metal impeller has aquired a slight patina of rust. Bought everything last year as i had no indication that the pump has been changed since new.
Should i get another pump? A friend had suggested PB blasting the impeller then cleaning it before install.
Also the thermo has no bleed hole or jiggle valve, should i drill a little hole?

Any other ideas, comments, smacks upside head?

http://homepage.interaccess.com/~motria/sign05.jpg (http://homepage.interaccess.com/~motria/pablosgarage.html)
93 SE-R---94 530iT&A---92 325i ….”Hang up & Drive!” (http://homepage.interaccess.com/~motria/pablosgarage.html)
”It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error;
It is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."--Robert H. Jackson.

Bill R.
03-20-2004, 05:37 PM
me.... I will dispose of it properly for you..
Think of that patina as a protective layer of oxidation and don't worry about it. I wouldn't bother with the pb blaster either. Since bleeding isn't usually a problem on the m50 I wouldn't worry about drilling a hole in the thermostat..otherwise if it really bothers you I would go get one from the dealer with the jiggle/check valve...

So with a 2000mi road trip comming up and feeling like i’ve running on borrowed time cause i don’t know if the plastic pump has been updated.
I already have the parts, but also some concerns.
Got my aluminum thermo housing, new rad, hoses, 75C thermo. I am worried tho bout the pump.
It’s a GEBA, it feels slightly stiff turning and more troubling is that the metal impeller has aquired a slight patina of rust. Bought everything last year as i had no indication that the pump has been changed since new.
Should i get another pump? A friend had suggested PB blasting the impeller then cleaning it before install.
Also the thermo has no bleed hole or jiggle valve, should i drill a little hole?

Any other ideas, comments, smacks upside head?

http://homepage.interaccess.com/%7Emotria/sign05.jpg (http://homepage.interaccess.com/%7Emotria/pablosgarage.html)
93 SE-R---94 530iT&A---92 325i ….”Hang up & Drive!” (http://homepage.interaccess.com/%7Emotria/pablosgarage.html)
”It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error;
It is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."--Robert H. Jackson.