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View Full Version : Stalling going to 200RPM WTF???

03-08-2006, 12:08 AM
Alright, when we were working on the 535 last weekend I ran dry on the tank and the car started sputtering and stuff in the end. I got to the gas station finally filled it up and it was still stalling up and the tach was showing RPMs dropping below 500. Now I started my car today and it was horrible, the RPMs went all the way to 200 and I had no idea how the hell the engine didnt stall but it was probably going to if i didnt give it gas. I ended up just driving off without anything and after warming up it was ok. I have no idea what is going on with the car but lately it has been annoying the hell out of me. Everything started to break.

PS - Since I got 535I parts and if you got a catback from an M50, holler at me :)

03-08-2006, 12:57 AM
Does anyone know what it can be? Fuel pump? Fuel Filter? anything else? Idle controller?


03-08-2006, 01:06 AM
Alright, when we were working on the 535 last weekend I ran dry on the tank and the car started sputtering and stuff in the end. I got to the gas station finally filled it up and it was still stalling up and the tach was showing RPMs dropping below 500. Now I started my car today and it was horrible, the RPMs went all the way to 200 and I had no idea how the hell the engine didnt stall but it was probably going to if i didnt give it gas. I ended up just driving off without anything and after warming up it was ok. I have no idea what is going on with the car but lately it has been annoying the hell out of me. Everything started to break.

PS - Since I got 535I parts and if you got a catback from an M50, holler at me :)I suggest you check your plugs, distributor cap and button aren't fouled somehow. Clean them, and check the plug gaps of course. Check your ICV is not faulty- remove, test and then clean carefully (& test again... read up on this first), if nothing there check fuel pressure if you can find a gauge (I can send you one if you need it they are cheap). I say this as it may be fuel related- when was the last time u did the fuel filter? It should be replaced every 80,000km.

:) Nick

03-08-2006, 01:23 AM
Ive never replaced it, but then again - i only owned it for like 5k miles. If you can send me a fuel gauge that would be really cool. Let me know what i need to do to get one. The car doesnt have a distributor - its an electrically controlled M50 with indvidual inductor coils. I had problem with the ICV before but I cleaned it and it was umm.. OK after (not great, but still)

PS - I was always wondering, if my transmission is dropping my RPMs in "D", what can it possibly be? --> In neutral it idles fine, but in D it drops, as well as all other "gears" --> modes of operation. Could it be my torque converter?? WHat can it possibly be?


03-08-2006, 01:26 AM
PS - you got any idea where I can get a cheap exhaust and a full set of tools, welder, etc, etc? :) --> exhaust is key.

03-08-2006, 07:11 AM
I'm not experienced with M50s- but I know with those the coils-packs can go... but since it all happened after your fuel problem I'd expect it to be related. You do need to be sure your plugs are not fouled or worn and that's the simplest thing to check. Re the tranny; have you checked the fluid (at temp in park or whatever its procedure is) is not over or under? Is the fluid clean- have you changed it yet? I'd have the pan off to take a look before any more damage could get done, should it be that way- a few days driving could keep the tranny out of the shop for years if the problem can be addressed before it gets too bad.

03-08-2006, 08:49 AM
Change fuel filter... by going empty, you suck all craps into filter... plus you strained the fuel pump too...

Bill R.
03-08-2006, 09:00 AM
bottom of the tank, so its always sucking the stuff off the bottom. His problem is more likely that it sucked air and since the fuel pump depends on fuel for lubrication thats when any damage may have occurred

Change fuel filter... by going empty, you suck all craps into filter... plus you strained the fuel pump too...

03-08-2006, 11:47 AM
Craps that floats and never gets to the fuel pump.

Bill R.
03-08-2006, 12:00 PM
full, say 5 gallons to give it a nice round number. Now imagine whats happening to that gas on a normal day of driving, sudden stops, acceleration turning corners, wouldn't you think that anything floating on top is constantly being mixed into the rest of the gas all the time?

Craps that floats and never gets to the fuel pump.

03-08-2006, 12:41 PM
Imagine if you will, a 19.4 gallon tank and a fuel pump with a pickup area of ~4"dia and 1/4" tall.....

The tank volume is 73,438cubic cm while the pump pickup area is only about 55cubic cm. This pickup area is only 0.075% of the total volume! What are the chances of picking up craps with that kind of ratio?

Say the tank only has 5 gallons in it. That is 18,927 cubic cm. That is still only 0.29% of the total volume!

As long as you always keep 1 gallon of gas in your tank, you are pretty safe from picking up craps. In fact, you are 98.55% safe because the pickup area with one gallon of gas in the tank is still only 1.45% of the total volume!

I'll put my faith in the numbers.

full, say 5 gallons to give it a nice round number. Now imagine whats happening to that gas on a normal day of driving, sudden stops, acceleration turning corners, wouldn't you think that anything floating on top is constantly being mixed into the rest of the gas all the time?

03-08-2006, 12:46 PM
Thanks everyone for the input :) I will check and replace the fuel filter next time I get access to any tools and jacks --> within a few days.


632 Regal
03-08-2006, 12:47 PM

Imagine if you will, a 19.4 gallon tank and a fuel pump with a pickup area of ~4"dia and 1/4" tall.....

The tank volume is 73,438cubic cm while the pump pickup area is only about 55cubic cm. This pickup area is only 0.075% of the total volume! What are the chances of picking up craps with that kind of ratio?

Say the tank only has 5 gallons in it. That is 18,927 cubic cm. That is still only 0.29% of the total volume!

As long as you always keep 1 gallon of gas in your tank, you are pretty safe from picking up craps. In fact, you are 98.55% safe because the pickup area with one gallon of gas in the tank is still only 1.45% of the total volume!

I'll put my faith in the numbers.

03-08-2006, 12:59 PM
Change fuel filter... by going empty, you suck all craps into filter... plus you strained the fuel pump too...

I've always heard this rumor and believed it somewhat until I took my own pump apart. The inside of my tank was spotless. There were some deposits that were adhering to the tank, directly under the pump...but that would not have been sucked up and even if it did, there is a filter at the end of the pump as well.

Bill R.
03-08-2006, 01:03 PM
craps once back in high school at a boonie party.. wrong girl, wrong substances, had a helluva time getting rid of them...

As long as you always keep 1 gallon of gas in your tank, you are pretty safe from picking up craps. In fact, you are 98.55% safe because the pickup area with one gallon of gas in the tank is still only 1.45% of the total volume!

I'll put my faith in the numbers.

03-08-2006, 01:09 PM
That sucks, you must have been within a pickup area of the craps... Didnt get lucky not to fit in the 1.45 percent of the rest of the people who arent into craps.

-on the other hand, if I dont have any gunk in the gas tank that was sucked into the filter and clogged it, whan can be the other possibility of whats gone on my car?


Bill R.
03-08-2006, 01:16 PM
"RickyBobby is not a thinker , RickyBobby is a driver" Now i see otherwise.

Imagine if you will, a 19.4 gallon tank and a fuel pump with a pickup area of ~4"dia and 1/4" tall.....

The tank volume is 73,438cubic cm while the pump pickup area is only about 55cubic cm. This pickup area is only 0.075% of the total volume! What are the chances of picking up craps with that kind of ratio?

Say the tank only has 5 gallons in it. That is 18,927 cubic cm. That is still only 0.29% of the total volume!

As long as you always keep 1 gallon of gas in your tank, you are pretty safe from picking up craps. In fact, you are 98.55% safe because the pickup area with one gallon of gas in the tank is still only 1.45% of the total volume!

I'll put my faith in the numbers.

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 01:16 PM
id check the pump too.

03-08-2006, 01:31 PM
Will do.

PS - I need exhaust :(
Anyone got a connect?

03-08-2006, 01:43 PM
Walker, and Texas Ranger helped me get my math right. They were doing their algebra homework.

"RickyBobby is not a thinker , RickyBobby is a driver" Now i see otherwise.

03-08-2006, 02:22 PM
Lots of numbers, no discernible logic in using them. Plus, you don't seem to grasp the use of the decimal point i.e. "0.29%".

What are the chances of picking up craps (sic) with the fuel pump? 100% if you ask me. ALL the fuel eventually goes through the pump!

No faith in your numbers, pal.

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 02:27 PM


03-08-2006, 02:30 PM
and adjustable control arms either!

See Post with pics (http://www.bimmer.info/forum/showthread.php?t=19137)

Also.....0.29% is 0.0029. If you put 0.0029 in MS Excel and format it as percents, it will show up 0.29%. I don't think MS Excel would lie to me....no Microsoft product has ever let me down....

Lots of numbers, no discernible logic in using them. Plus, you don't seem to grasp the use of the decimal point i.e. "0.29%".

What are the chances of picking up craps (sic) with the fuel pump? 100% if you ask me. ALL the fuel eventually goes through the pump!

No faith in your numbers, pal.

Fast Eddie
03-08-2006, 02:34 PM
We've someone famouse on this here forum:

Walker, and Texas Ranger helped me get my math right. They were doing their algebra homework.

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 02:35 PM
Excel 97

How to crack it:
1. Open a new worksheet and press F5.

2. Type X97:L97 and press Enter.

3. Press Tab.

4. Hold down Ctrl-Shift while you click the toolbar's Chart Wizard button (the one with the three 3D shapes).

5. A 3D flight simulator will appear. The mouse controls flight; the right button moves you forward; the left button puts you in reverse.

03-08-2006, 02:46 PM
MS products let me down every day... they are built to fail so you buy the next version thinking the problems will be fixed.....

[quote=RickyBobbyI don't think MS Excel would lie to me....no Microsoft product has ever let me down....[/quote]

03-08-2006, 02:52 PM
Flog that dead horse! 18,900 divided by 73,400 (and don't get me started on your abuse of significant figures!) is 26%, not 0.29% Arithmetic is wrong, decimal is wrong, and significant figures wrong! Three strikes, you're out!

(I know you know better, but there are children around here and we have to be careful what we say and do around them, lest they pick up bad quantitative habits.)

03-08-2006, 03:00 PM
I think it can be a computer problem .

03-08-2006, 03:12 PM
MS products let me down every day... they are built to fail so you buy the next version thinking the problems will be fixed.....

LOL.... the truth sucks

03-08-2006, 03:16 PM
Where's Walker and Texas Ranger? I'm going to give them a beating for making me look bad in front of y'all!

Flog that dead horse! 18,900 divided by 73,400 (and don't get me started on your abuse of significant figures!) is 26%, not 0.29% Arithmetic is wrong, decimal is wrong, and significant figures wrong! Three strikes, you're out!

(I know you know better, but there are children around here and we have to be careful what we say and do around them, lest they pick up bad quantitative habits.)

03-08-2006, 03:26 PM
SmarterChild: 19.4 gallons are 73,436.76 cubic centimeters.
SmarterChild: 5 gallons are 18,927 cubic centimeters.
SmarterChild: 1 gallon is 3,785.4 cubic centimeters.

SmarterChild: 18,927 / 73,436.76 = 0.257732
SmarterChild: 3,785.4 / 73,436.76 = 0.051546

SmarterChild: 4 inches are 10.16 centimeters.
SmarterChild: 0.25 inch is 0.635 centimeter.
SmarterChild: 10.16 * 0.635 = 6.4516

The pickup area can not be cubic centimeters, its a surface area which would be square centimeters

03-08-2006, 03:48 PM
Johnny Walker can be found at any corner liquor store and the Texas Rangers are in Mesa Arizona for spring training... therefore if you went to Mesa, AZ, you can find them both since it is not a "dry" town.

Where's Walker and Texas Ranger? I'm going to give them a beating for making me look bad in front of y'all!

03-08-2006, 03:51 PM
19.4 gallons isn't 73436.76 cc. It's 73400 cc. You can't take a quantity having three significant figures and magically turn it into one with seven by applying a conversion to it. In fact, it's probably less precise than that. The 19.4 implies a precision of one part in 200, or about 0.5%. The result of a conversion can't be more precise than that, so even the 4 in 73400 may be doubtful.

I don't mean to be a pain in the ass about this, but non-engineers (and, I'm sorry to say, plenty of engineers who should know better) often do horrific things with numbers simply because a calculator delivers lots of them in the answer. It's another way of thinking about the garbage-in garbage-out principle. Assuming a simple conversion like the above, if your least precise input variable has a resolution of, say, .1%, the answer can't be more precise than that and should be shown to an appropriate number of significant figures -- 3.

03-08-2006, 03:59 PM
I just used smarterchild to do the simple conversions cause I was lazy, was just directed at whatshisname....

I like doin horrific things... lol

19.4 gallons isn't 73436.76 cc. It's 73400 cc. You can't take a quantity having three significant figures and magically turn it into one with seven by applying a conversion to it. In fact, it's probably less precise than that. The 19.4 implies a precision of one part in 200, or about 0.5%. The result of a conversion can't be more precise than that, so even the 4 in 73400 may be doubtful.

I don't mean to be a pain in the ass about this, but non-engineers (and, I'm sorry to say, plenty of engineers who should know better) often do horrific things with numbers simply because a calculator delivers lots of them in the answer. It's another way of thinking about the garbage-in garbage-out principle. Assuming a simple conversion like the above, if your least precise input variable has a resolution of, say, .1%, the answer can't be more precise than that and should be shown to an appropriate number of significant figures -- 3.

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 04:00 PM
I had milk and cookies for lunch today.

03-08-2006, 04:02 PM
What the heck is Smarterchild?

03-08-2006, 04:03 PM
It's an AIM bot for lotsa stuff.... I use it for conversions

add it to your IM buddy list and chat w/ it

What the heck is Smarterchild?

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 04:05 PM
SmarterChild is an interactive agent built by Conversagent, Inc. Interactive agents are software applications, often called "bots," that interact with users on Instant Messaging or other text messaging services. You can "chat" with an interactive agent, whether on the web or over IM, the same way you talk to any other contact. To talk with SmarterChild, just send him a message saying "hi!"

03-08-2006, 04:06 PM
is my wife. She's a looker ain't she?


blah blah blah
.....should be shown to an appropriate number of significant figures -- 3.

03-08-2006, 04:06 PM
I had milk and cookies for lunch today.
Gruyere cheese on breton crackers with hot chocolate makes a good snack as well. It one of my favorites, in fact.

03-08-2006, 04:07 PM
I do not support Johnny Walker and baseball is for pussies.

Johnny Walker can be found at any corner liquor store and the Texas Rangers are in Mesa Arizona for spring training... therefore if you went to Mesa, AZ, you can find them both since it is not a "dry" town.

03-08-2006, 04:07 PM
"Quote ricky bobby: my wife"

Shes sssssssmokin :D

Introduce, huh?

-Artem :p

03-08-2006, 04:10 PM
Holy chit I think thats my sister... Your married to my sister?

is my wife. She's a looker ain't she?


03-08-2006, 04:14 PM
SmarterChild is an interactive agent built by Conversagent, Inc. Interactive agents are software applications, often called "bots," that interact with users on Instant Messaging or other text messaging services. You can "chat" with an interactive agent, whether on the web or over IM, the same way you talk to any other contact. To talk with SmarterChild, just send him a message saying "hi!"

how long did it take to find that on google?

03-08-2006, 04:18 PM
I had milk and cookies for lunch today.

Roast beef and horse raddish on rye bread....

03-08-2006, 04:19 PM
Holy chit I think thats my sister... Your married to my sister?

Dude... I want to meet your sister...

632 Regal
03-08-2006, 04:20 PM
I married her first.

03-08-2006, 04:20 PM
Roast beef and horse raddish on rye bread....

Caviar for me, due to the fact that im russian ;)


03-08-2006, 04:21 PM
Now correct me if I am wrong but I believe the volume of her butt is 10,599 cubic centimeters and each brest implant has a volume of 2,271 cubic centimeters, pressurized at 15psi and if they were drained via an outlet 2" in diameter and .5" tall you'd have a .00859374% chance of pickin up crap.

is my wife. She's a looker ain't she?


03-08-2006, 04:24 PM
Now correct me if I am wrong but I believe the volume of her butt is 10,599 cubic centimeters and each brest implant has a volume of 2,271 cubic centimeters, pressurized at 15psi and if they were drained via an outlet 2" in diameter and .5" tall you'd have a .00859374% chance of pickin up crap.

I believe youre missing a reynolds number around there somewhere...


03-08-2006, 04:26 PM
I married her first.

and then broke up..... not sure if I want something Jeff has took for a drive however...

03-08-2006, 04:29 PM
Maybe... perhaps we can get some compression test results to better judge the situation

I believe youre missing a reynolds number around there somewhere...


03-08-2006, 04:30 PM
Compression on left boob: 155PSI compression on right 188... Not too good but within spec.

How about an alignment?


03-08-2006, 04:33 PM
The front alignment is ok, but the rear seems to be worsening over time considering its cambered out on each side and has a losening gap

Compression on left boob: 155PSI compression on right 188... Not too good but within spec.

How about an alignment?


03-08-2006, 04:34 PM
Caviar for me, due to the fact that im russian ;)

Mexican Sushi for me (ceviche...), chased with Diet Coke...

03-08-2006, 04:37 PM
Also theres a considerable burn on the rear joints from excessive downhill drifting I think

The front alignment is ok, but the rear seems to be worsening over time considering its cambered out on each side and has a losening gap

ArtemLepilov][/B] Compression on left boob: 155PSI compression on right 188... Not too good but within spec.

How about an alignment?


03-08-2006, 04:40 PM
Also theres a considerable burn on the rear joints from excessive downhill drifting I think


Ahh.. the downhill drifting. Didnt know she did much of it. The dealer wont be happy, since shes on a lease, but whatever - i guess the owner knows what hes getting into.


632 Regal
03-08-2006, 04:49 PM
I rode it hard but never beat on it!
and then broke up..... not sure if I want something Jeff has took for a drive however...

03-08-2006, 04:53 PM
I rode it hard but never beat on it!

What about that downhill drifting? Or was that someone else?