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View Full Version : Hey, I'll break the ice then: OT those of you who remember me asking about Eyeglasses

Bill R.
03-02-2006, 12:19 PM
from Hong Kong on ebay? Well a quick synopsis is that my wife wanted some Marchon frames here at eyemasters , they are a rimless hingless frame that are 250US here, with the lenses she wanted Progressive, antiglare coated,transitions chromatic lens they came to over 600 US... These guys on ebay have the frames for 39 and you order your lenses from the too if you want... We got here the same setup that she wanted here for 180 on ebay , frames , lenses,transitions,coatings everything.. I was taking a chance on what they would turn out like.. She got them yesterday,14days start to finish just like they stated. They are slightly thicker lens than her old rimless ones about 1 mm thicker but that may be cause her eyes have gotten worse. They fit perfectly, the frames and the exact same frame as far as i can tell. Prescription is right on, edges of the lens are polished, antiglare looks correct,
All in all for 420 dollars cheaper i'd say these were a very good deal... and now that she's been the guinea pig i'm going to go ahead and order about 3 pairs for me...:) They turned out to ship from taiwan rather than hong kong but thats also fine with me.

632 Regal
03-02-2006, 12:54 PM
when I ordered a camera from Hong Kong it was delivered within 1 week, faster than normal people ship on Ebay. I imagine that in Hong Kong they are making a lot more money than they would otherwise.

03-02-2006, 01:21 PM
hey, this is an international forum, and that's cool--but I think the three of us are here in the states. Just my .02, but buying things from Hong Kong directly or otherwise right now is like just giving money to their government to beef up the military and stifle local internet. Seems like a bad choice for supporters of free speech and lovers of the internet.

Bill R.
03-02-2006, 01:52 PM
hammer and smash them up right now... Are you smoking crack these days?
Your tag of HD handyman implies that you work on computers, does this mean that you don't use any chinese parts in your computers.. Or these pics that you posted of tools earlier.. In case nobody told you Harbor freight is almost 100% chinese made tools.. how do you think that you get a torque wrench for 20 buckshttp://img50.imageshack.us/img50/1083/g68xp.jpg

Or these compressors and air tools that you posted or the floor jack that you have pictured here... Those weren't made in dayton ohiohttp://img361.imageshack.us/img361/6303/g50tm.jpg

In fact the only thing that you have in any of your photos here that wasn't made in china is the US made Rhino ramps..

hey, this is an international forum, and that's
cool--but I think the three of us are here in the states. Just my .02, but buying things from Hong Kong directly or otherwise right now is like just giving money to their government to beef up the military and stifle local internet. Seems like a bad choice for supporters of free speech and lovers of the internet.

03-02-2006, 01:57 PM
Are some of them made in India, I guesstimated it was 90% Chinese, 5% India, & 5% misc

In case nobody told you Harbor freight is almost 100% chinese made tools.

03-02-2006, 01:58 PM
hey, this is an international forum, and that's cool--but I think the three of us are here in the states. Just my .02, but buying things from Hong Kong directly or otherwise right now is like just giving money to their government to beef up the military and stifle local internet. Seems like a bad choice for supporters of free speech and lovers of the internet.

somehow, I doubt that China will invade the USA with the $$ they made from Bill and his wife!

China is not the enemy.
As Bill said, are you smoking crack? or in this case... opium?

03-02-2006, 02:01 PM
The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


Bill R.
03-02-2006, 02:04 PM
The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


03-02-2006, 02:05 PM

of course, that movie is brilliant.

03-02-2006, 02:17 PM
Call Brandon the D00d.

I have been contemplating picking up some of those frames too, my supposedly French made Tag Heuer frames have broken twice, and cost $50 each time.



p.s. To crush globalization you must put certain unpopular limits on capitalism.

03-02-2006, 02:31 PM
Sure guys, not trying to be a hypocrite--just saying I wouldn't buy directly. At least I'm willing to toss a few dollars to my own government first. No way can you avoid Chinese or otherwise manufacturing. It's the stuff that comes from them directly that's the problem--**** on ebay, knockoffs, etc. That's the stuff that's funding their economy.


03-02-2006, 03:43 PM
The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT... Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.


This isn't a guy who built the f%cking railroads, man!

03-02-2006, 04:55 PM
hey, this is an international forum, and that's cool--but I think the three of us are here in the states. Just my .02, but buying things from Hong Kong directly or otherwise right now is like just giving money to their government to beef up the military and stifle local internet. Seems like a bad choice for supporters of free speech and lovers of the internet.
someone's in denial about where the majority of the money that is fuelling china's economic boom is coming from, then it comes here for Iron Ore and other assorted raw materials. hehe I'd be more than happy to give some of their money back. Why are the americans so afraid of China, you know it is possible to live with someone as powerful as you militarily and not have to have a war or a stand-off.

03-02-2006, 05:18 PM
someone's in denial about where the majority of the money that is fuelling china's economic boom is coming from, then it comes here for Iron Ore and other assorted raw materials. hehe I'd be more than happy to give some of their money back. Why are the americans so afraid of China, you know it is possible to live with someone as powerful as you militarily and not have to have a war or a stand-off.

Dude, I have no problem with strong military--this isn't about my superpower. vs. theirs. This is about me contributing money to a gov. that alienates its people and stifles the internet. I choose not to do it directly. I still have to purchase Chinese goods, and that's fine. Along the way though, I'd like to contribute some money to my own government which will advocate for things like IPv6. and a peaceful coexistence (someday, hopefully).

03-02-2006, 05:20 PM
vote against every incumbent in the next election... regardless of party affiliation. repeat in 2008.

03-02-2006, 06:58 PM
Dude, I have no problem with strong military--this isn't about my superpower. vs. theirs. This is about me contributing money to a gov. that alienates its people and stifles the internet. I choose not to do it directly. I still have to purchase Chinese goods, and that's fine. Along the way though, I'd like to contribute some money to my own government which will advocate for things like IPv6. and a peaceful coexistence (someday, hopefully).
true, I just thinks it strange not to buy goods from a country because of their government, its not like the chinese peopled voted their government in anyway so i think punishing some small merchant on the internet because of the actions of their autocratic government is a bit weird. Punishing the wrong people IMO it is true that the money goes to their government, but that isn't all bad the people of china have had their living standards significantly increased of late through the strategy of their government and that can't all be bad.

03-02-2006, 07:59 PM
true, I just thinks it strange not to buy goods from a country because of their government, its not like the chinese peopled voted their government in anyway so i think punishing some small merchant on the internet because of the actions of their autocratic government is a bit weird. Punishing the wrong people IMO it is true that the money goes to their government, but that isn't all bad the people of china have had their living standards significantly increased of late through the strategy of their government and that can't all be bad.

It's nice that we can have a peaceful conversation about this. My questions to you are...Do you really think that all the vendors on the internet are small business (1) and do you believe that flooding the Yang Zi river valley to provide electricity is an increase in living standards that deserves more funding? (2)

Scott H
03-02-2006, 08:09 PM
don't need funding, but I have a different opinion. Who wins? Who's right? You know what I tell them? Live your life that way, and I'll live my life my way. (i.e Go push your agenda on someone else)

Jesus....from a good deal on frames for glasses to the Yangzte River.....

:D (for Gayle)

It's nice that we can have a peaceful conversation about this. My questions to you are...Do you really think that all the vendors on the internet are small business (1) and do you believe that flooding the Yang Zi river valley to provide electricity is an increase in living standards that deserves more funding? (2)

Jr ///M5
03-02-2006, 08:23 PM
But Scott, you've explained it to Jill and your Dad, right? I mean, the starving German children that we're helping to feed by purchasing these BMW parts. You should be up to a whole village by now....:D

Bill, I'm glad those glasses worked out for Yvonne, sometimes a gamble like that pays off, and thanks for sharing the feedback with those of us who appreciate it.


03-02-2006, 08:33 PM
I have de-hijacked this thread by deleting my last post, sorry to Bill for being an accessory to the hijacking. Its good to hear of a good deal where ever it is ;)

03-02-2006, 08:41 PM
Scott, go jump on somebody else. We're just sitting here having a conversation. Sometimes in life one thing will become something else--it's not a big deal. In fact, I find that it's one of the nicer things about life.

Anyway Rob,...True enough, that's the idea that's been conveyed to the world, but the valley is lost, nevermind a village--we're talking about one of the most sacred places on the earth. I just think it's a shame to let something like one of the earth's oldest nurseries go because "we need more power for our highways".

As far as the business conversation goes, I can agree with some of your points as well, it's just the place where I choose to make my statement about participation--that's all.

Cheers everyone,

Scott H
03-02-2006, 08:44 PM
I feel that you are jumping on me and all of us when you post your stuff like this in much the same way you feel that I am getting on your case about it.....it's that simple.

03-02-2006, 09:19 PM
I feel that you are jumping on me and all of us when you post your stuff like this in much the same way you feel that I am getting on your case about it.....it's that simple.

Your whole life is simple isn't it, Scott?

Da di da di da...
this is black...
that is white...
this is how this is...
that's how that is...
dum di dum di di...
they're always wrong..
I'm always right...
dum di dum di da...
this side...
that side...
dum di dum di di.

Scott H
03-02-2006, 09:49 PM
I have the same right to jump on your case about you sharing your beliefs throughout many recent posts (highlighted by the over the top one with the starving children) as you have a right to ask me to leave you alone about said issue.

Also, regarding your signature....take a look in the mirror as you are becoming one of us as well.....

I find it interesting that yourself and Gayle, two of the bigger proponents for moderation a couple weeks ago, got what you wanted. You both come on promoting peace love and understanding right before and during the moderation activities, and now that it has all blown over, you both have pretty pointed signature lines.......pillars of hypocracy if you ask me. If you truly and honestly wanted shiney happy people holding hands, then you would see through the garbage and keep promoting it. I suppose now we will get to witness a huge public relations campaign from the both of you trying to make nice with everyone....

I bet you wish Harry Potter would just make me disappear!

Your whole life is simple isn't it, Scott?

Da di da di da...
this is black...
that is white...
this is how this is...
that's how that is...
dum di dum di di...
they're always wrong..
I'm always right...
dum di dum di da...
this side...
that side...
dum di dum di di.

03-02-2006, 09:59 PM
When our Government and Congress stop borrowing $$$$ from China to pay for our Budget Deficit then i will stop doing businees with China!

Get real...... - JT

03-02-2006, 10:02 PM
from Hong Kong on ebay? Well a quick synopsis is that my wife wanted some Marchon frames here at eyemasters , they are a rimless hingless frame that are 250US here, with the lenses she wanted Progressive, antiglare coated,transitions chromatic lens they came to over 600 US... These guys on ebay have the frames for 39 and you order your lenses from the too if you want...

You are tempting me Bill. Glasses are just another form of jewelry, right?

03-02-2006, 10:24 PM
When our Government and Congress stop borrowing $$$$ from China to pay for our Budget Deficit then i will stop doing businees with China! Get real...... - JThahahha or doing anything it can with its buddies in the oil business (inc. threatening another war in the middle east) in order to pipe LNG all the way accross Iran to China (just like our Bush sucking government here in Australia)... Fellow board members, we have so little to do with it, the only thing we can do to make a difference is vote. Most of us are conditioned enough to think it makes no difference at all or that we have to vote for a major party to affect any change for the better. Consumption is a factor but its minimalism. Most China-haters in the US sway to Bush yet they are the one's selling jobs, environment and national assets away as fast as anyone could.

With our governments only caring about their own arses, DRM, arms and oil, why be worried about a few basic manufactured items? It's why they are there in the first place we need to be worried about, the reasons bolted years ago but the same things are still going on today unaffected. Until our populations get off the couch, stop watching the tv for entertainment and start caring and learning what is actually going on, we'll be buying our way into a consumer driven economy bloated not just by our own fat-arses but also by cheap consumer items that we find ourselves having more and more trouble affording as living expenses and inflation start to kill the future we thought so rosy. (yea, I'm grumpy today) Nick

632 Regal
03-02-2006, 11:37 PM
Put something in your signature to promote friendliness, civility, respect, helpfulness, etc. If nothing else, put a in your sig.
Jeff/Charles I know what you did. Happy with the results of your demonstration project? What did it show? You can drive away good people? You can bring a forum to the brink of destruction? .

03-03-2006, 12:31 AM
I have the same right to jump on your case about you sharing your beliefs throughout many recent posts (highlighted by the over the top one with the starving children) as you have a right to ask me to leave you alone about said issue.

Also, regarding your signature....take a look in the mirror as you are becoming one of us as well.....

I find it interesting that yourself and Gayle, two of the bigger proponents for moderation a couple weeks ago, got what you wanted. You both come on promoting peace love and understanding right before and during the moderation activities, and now that it has all blown over, you both have pretty pointed signature lines.......pillars of hypocracy if you ask me. If you truly and honestly wanted shiney happy people holding hands, then you would see through the garbage and keep promoting it. I suppose now we will get to witness a huge public relations campaign from the both of you trying to make nice with everyone....

I bet you wish Harry Potter would just make me disappear!

Oh, did I hurt your feelings Scott? I'm sorry, why don't you go **** yourself. I may be outspoken, but you are definately the company asshat! Go back to your peice of **** life counting numbers or whatever the **** it is that you do. As far as peace and love goes, well you've got it right here with this post. You just crossed the line.

I don't have a problem with anyone here, accept the people like you who talk **** all the time, and produce nothing. You are such an *******, and everybody here knows it--even the people who are too afraid to tell you to your face. I however, could give a **** what you think about me. You've had a problem with me since day one and I'm sick and tired of your attitude of superiority. What the **** is so great about you that you feel it's OK to just be an ******* to everyone you meet?

When I post, I'm really trying to make a point, good or bad (according to some). When you post--you're just trying to **** on anybody and anything that you can.

Go get laid Scott. Go take that small dick and some 20 dollars down to the shittiest street in your town and see if some nasty will ease your pain.

I'm gettin the **** out of here now, and if somebody wants to crush my IP before I finish my thread---I double dog dare ya! Just know Scott, after I'm gone you'll still be the ******* that everybody talks about behind your back, and I'll be gone.

BTW, Harry Potter is so much cooler than your small dick, accounting ass.

Get your life together.

P.S. Your car is the ugliest gray piece of **** on this forum.


632 Regal
03-03-2006, 12:37 AM
and I thought I was the only one everyone talks about behind my back...damn.

Oh, did I hurt your feelings Scott? I'm sorry, why don't you go **** yourself. I may be outspoken, but you are definately the company asshat! Go back to your peice of **** life counting numbers or whatever the **** it is that you do. As far as peace and love goes, well you've got it right here with this post. You just crossed the line.

I don't have a problem with anyone here, accept the people like you who talk **** all the time, and produce nothing. You are such an *******, and everybody here knows it--even the people who are too afraid to tell you to your face. I however, could give a **** what you think about me. You've had a problem with me since day one and I'm sick and tired of your attitude of superiority. What the **** is so great about you that you feel it's OK to just be an ******* to everyone you meet?

When I post, I'm really trying to make a point, good or bad (according to some). When you post--you're just trying to **** on anybody and anything that you can.

Go get laid Scott. Go take that small dick and some 20 dollars down to the shittiest street in your town and see if some nasty will ease your pain.

I'm gettin the **** out of here now, and if somebody wants to crush my IP before I finish my thread---I double dog dare ya! Just know Scott, after I'm gone you'll still be the ******* that everybody talks about behind your back, and I'll be gone.

BTW, Harry Potter is so much cooler than your small dick, accounting ass.

Get your life together.

P.S. Your car is the ugliest gray piece of **** on this forum.


03-03-2006, 12:38 AM
....holy ****

Scott H
03-03-2006, 01:00 AM
That's the spirit! BTW, I never asked that you not post the stuff you are posting....I just ask that you not shove it in the middle of a good thread. Go stick it in OT or something. I don't have a problem with you man, I really don't. I just don't like the politically driven stuff plastered in the middle of an unrelated thread. I also think it's awkward coming from someone who was looking for moderation a week ago based on threads that got personal like this one just did.

Also, I'd like to point out that not even I, king assface/hole/hat, could have come up with something as beautifully written as yourself. You have me pegged spot on!

I hope that this post gets left up by the admins so that everyone knows the truth about me.

Oh, did I hurt your feelings Scott? I'm sorry, why don't you go **** yourself. I may be outspoken, but you are definately the company asshat! Go back to your peice of **** life counting numbers or whatever the **** it is that you do. As far as peace and love goes, well you've got it right here with this post. You just crossed the line.

I don't have a problem with anyone here, accept the people like you who talk **** all the time, and produce nothing. You are such an *******, and everybody here knows it--even the people who are too afraid to tell you to your face. I however, could give a **** what you think about me. You've had a problem with me since day one and I'm sick and tired of your attitude of superiority. What the **** is so great about you that you feel it's OK to just be an ******* to everyone you meet?

When I post, I'm really trying to make a point, good or bad (according to some). When you post--you're just trying to **** on anybody and anything that you can.

Go get laid Scott. Go take that small dick and some 20 dollars down to the shittiest street in your town and see if some nasty will ease your pain.

I'm gettin the **** out of here now, and if somebody wants to crush my IP before I finish my thread---I double dog dare ya! Just know Scott, after I'm gone you'll still be the ******* that everybody talks about behind your back, and I'll be gone.

BTW, Harry Potter is so much cooler than your small dick, accounting ass.

Get your life together.

P.S. Your car is the ugliest gray piece of **** on this forum.


Bill R.
03-03-2006, 01:01 AM
"Walk the Line" and my innocent eyeglasses post turns into a HD meltdown...

632 Regal
03-03-2006, 01:03 AM
LMAO...another full time job for a few days, it will calm down eventually. You need some sort of fishing bell or ringer hooked up to this place right now.

"Walk the Line" and my innocent eyeglasses post turns into a HD meltdown...

03-03-2006, 01:14 AM
all that china talk made me get some fried dumplings and chicken lo-mein... come back and kapow. made me spit my damn lo mein on the screen! damn it was a good bite too

03-03-2006, 01:30 AM
HD is trying to catch up to our escapades of yesterday!

03-03-2006, 09:17 AM
all that china talk made me get some fried dumplings and chicken lo-mein... come back and kapow. made me spit my damn lo mein on the screen! damn it was a good bite too

That sounds good for lunch...

03-03-2006, 09:21 AM
Chinese for lunch sounds like a plan.

03-03-2006, 09:31 AM
Chinese for lunch sounds like a plan.

There is a place arround the the block... if you drive I will take you there...

03-03-2006, 09:35 AM
can i get a ride too? i call shotgun

03-03-2006, 09:37 AM
MMmmm now I am thinking about PF Changs for lunch after you all brought it up... thanks a freaking lot.... do you know how far a walk that is..

03-03-2006, 09:38 AM
that place is awesome!!!

03-03-2006, 09:44 AM
MMmmm now I am thinking about PF Changs for lunch after you all brought it up... thanks a freaking lot.... do you know how far a walk that is..

MMMM Lettuce wraps.

03-03-2006, 09:47 AM
My fav dish there is the Szechuan Beef.... have never found anything similiar anywhere.. and its the spiciest on the menu...

For apps both kinds of ribs are awesome and yes the lettuce wraps are great

MMMM Lettuce wraps.

03-03-2006, 09:49 AM
My fav dish there is the Szechuan Beef.... have never found anything similiar anywhere.. and its the spiciest on the menu...

For apps both kinds of ribs are awesome and yes the lettuce wraps are great

Totally agree. Couldn't you have gotten me interested in Chinese that is not half an hour away?

03-03-2006, 09:51 AM
Well the talk in this thread about chinese food made me think of PF's... but I'd take your 30 min drive over my 15 min walk in the cold ass city....

Totally agree. Couldn't you have gotten me interested in Chinese that is not half an hour away?

03-03-2006, 09:54 AM
mmmm lunch. breakfast first though. bacon egg n cheese!

03-03-2006, 09:56 AM
MMmmm now I am thinking about PF Changs for lunch after you all brought it up... thanks a freaking lot.... do you know how far a walk that is..

I have been to the PF Changs in Las Vegas(Both of locations), Indy and Cleveland... never been impressed...

I for the life of me cannot figure out why everyone likes it so much... I have found the best chinise food come from the places that are going to closed for health code volilations any day... :-)

And a 15 minute walk would be good for you...

03-03-2006, 10:00 AM
Yes the dirty places can be good, but the quality of ingredients can not compare to PF's

Uh I need to keep walking to a min.... spectacular skiing crash 3 weeks ago.... one knee is pretty banged up, the other just minorly... goin to PT... MRI's maybe in a month....

I have been to the PF Changs in Las Vegas(Both of locations), Indy and Cleveland... never been impressed...

I for the life of me cannot figure out why everyone likes it so much... I have found the best chinise food come from the places that are going to closed for health code volilations any day... :-)

And a 15 minute walk would be good for you...

03-03-2006, 10:03 AM
Yes the dirty places can be good, but the quality of ingredients can not compare to PF's

Uh I need to keep walking to a min.... spectacular skiing crash 3 weeks ago.... one knee is pretty banged up, the other just minorly... goin to PT... MRI's maybe in a month....

I had knee surgery about 5 years ago. I have a video of the inside of my kneecap being sanded. They found a bone chip in there that the MRI didn't show and a torn acl that they didn't expect from the x-rays or MRI.

03-03-2006, 10:03 AM
....but the quality of ingredients can not compare to PF's

I am going to get flamed for this.. but the little dive is a prop a lot more athentic...

Uh I need to keep walking to a min.... spectacular skiing crash 3 weeks ago.... one knee is pretty banged up, the other just minorly... goin to PT... MRI's maybe in a month....

Ouch... going to be ok?

03-03-2006, 10:11 AM
Well PF's in kinda Neuvo Chinese....

I am going to get flamed for this.. but the little dive is a prop a lot more athentic...

Who knows... both my knees have been scoped before. My right knee is probably ok, but needs cleanup anyways from last scope..... MCL is the concern there, but it probably just got strained... in the same knee my old slight tiny PCL tear is prob ok.

My left knee is the real issue, possible ACL & MCL damage, knee was semi dislocated, could have some tendon issues around the knee cap..... one of them likely has a small tear if not both.... Prior scope was to fix meniscus & ACL, and was 15 years ago and had been great until now.

Ouch... going to be ok?

How you feeling today? Working full day?

632 Regal
03-03-2006, 10:37 AM


Lunch & Dinner


03-03-2006, 11:22 AM


Lunch & Dinner



03-03-2006, 11:28 AM
Forget it - you guys will just be hungry in a half hour after you eat anyways - JT

632 Regal
03-03-2006, 11:32 AM
works here, maybe blocked?

03-03-2006, 11:34 AM
works here, maybe blocked?

Doesn't work here either chief...

03-03-2006, 01:39 PM
MMmmm now I am thinking about PF Changs for lunch after you all brought it up... thanks a freaking lot.... do you know how far a walk that is..

Pei Wei = budget PF Chang's, and is owned by the same company.

03-03-2006, 04:51 PM
You made me do it. Orange Chicken from Panda Express for lunch.

03-04-2006, 01:20 AM
mmmmm chicken and broccoli. score