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View Full Version : A question to everyone

Paul in NZ
03-02-2006, 04:28 AM
What is going on with this board.I dont see that the 5 series forun is technical only forum.
Its never been a tech only forum.
By my count all but two moved posts were made today and two were posted yesterday.Is this what we voted for?

03-02-2006, 04:37 AM
What is going on with this board.I dont see that the 5 series forun is technical only forum.
Its never been a tech only forum.
By my count all but two moved posts were made today and two were posted yesterday.Is this what we voted for?
Aght Das ist verboten this should be in WOT

e34 e34 e34 e34 e34, now that we got that out of the way. No its not. Its like we voted for except taken to a sickening extreme.

03-02-2006, 06:04 AM
No! it cant be. what the hell is going on. all these moved threads! seems like someone is going outa the way to mess it all up. this cant be right. who moved all the threads?

03-02-2006, 08:57 AM
No! it cant be. what the hell is going on. all these moved threads! seems like someone is going outa the way to mess it all up. this cant be right. who moved all the threads?

yes quite a pain in the arse... i haven't really followed all this silly moderation talk since it started... the mods are going very OTT about OT ! it's ridiculous, who is it helping? new visitors feel alienated and are afraid to post, old posters are confused and annoyed, i don't know if anyone actually benefits from all this

i know which posts i wanna click, i am capable of clicking through page 2 and 3 and onwards for as long as i like until i have had enough... i know when to stop reading a thread if it's not interesting... why not leave it up to the reader to navigate?

03-02-2006, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=Randell]the mods are going very OTT about OT ! it's ridiculous, who is it helping? new visitors feel alienated and are afraid to post, old posters are confused and annoyed, i don't know if anyone actually benefits from all this

I am a librarian, but I am rescinding that duty. The board is gone as we knew it.

03-02-2006, 09:19 AM
You guys in the other time zone missed the anarchy here last night.

A new policy of OT topic on the main board was instituted without notice.

I was PM Ed about it and it is not clear to me whether this Ed's new policy or this was d00d's interpretation of Ed's policy. There was a general uproar. d00d resigned.

I don't think we really know what is going on until Ed speaks to us.

Let's not predict the end of our board as we know it until Ed speaks to us.

My poll been blamed for this bizarre turn of events, and I want to go on record as saying this is not what I was advocating. I am really sorry that this happened.

I will do anything I can to try to get things back to normal. I hope others will join me in trying to be constructive about this and taking steps to settle things down rather than inflame.

Scott H
03-02-2006, 09:25 AM
I wouldn't expect him to get around to things too quickly anymore.

I was PM Ed about it and it is not clear to me whether this Ed's new policy or this was d00d's interpretation of Ed's policy. There was a general uproar. d00d resigned.

I don't think we really know what is going on until Ed speaks to us.

03-02-2006, 09:46 AM
Let's hear some OT tranny stories that aren't about cars. On that note, anyone here from LA?

ha ha

03-02-2006, 09:50 AM
It seems that a few people who have too many mod privileges decided it would be funny to move everything. It sure as hell wasn't me. I moved like 3 WAY off topic posts over there, now everyone went apeshit. As of that, i'm done here....this place is crap now.

03-02-2006, 09:51 AM
eddie murphy? that you?

Let's hear some OT tranny stories that aren't about cars. On that note, anyone here from LA?

ha ha

ryan roopnarine
03-02-2006, 09:54 AM
this thread needs to stay near the top. as a result, i'm going to stick a slightly amusing/interesting jpeg in the thread for the next bump.

perhaps the person doing the moving is using one of these. it looks about $6000 over what it should be, considering it has an sx instead of a dx 386.

ps...ill come delete this when the thread has been addressed.

03-02-2006, 10:15 AM
It seems that a few people who have too many mod privileges decided it would be funny to move everything. It sure as hell wasn't me. I moved like 3 WAY off topic posts over there, now everyone went apeshit. As of that, i'm done here....this place is crap now.

Can someone tell me why in the hell jacking points for an E34 would be WAY OT?


I'd put that in a sticky, if it were me! One of the most important things to know when working under the car!!

It seems like someone's turned on full admin rights somewhere for folks to be moving threads. I have access to move, but I have not moved anything unless it was being archived to the suspension/steering archive. And I have not moved any of that in weeks/months!!

What the hell is going on???

More reasons to exit.

03-02-2006, 10:46 AM
This is just coming from a 19 year old kid who has been here 10 months. So if you choose not to take it seriously, then by all means do so. It seems that what was happening last night was a test, or a threat, or something along those lines to show what could happen if overmoderation were to occur here. Granted it was taken to the extreme to prove a point, but everyone got the point. Mass confusion ensued, d00d retired, etc. It can't continue. The board has settled today, so I am hoping that it was a one time thing that only lasted a few hours. It cannot be continued, for it will be the demise of what is/was a wonderful opportunity for social recluses like myself to come and hang out, chat about cars, talk **** about Bush, or read some jokes. Let's end the mayhem and keep it that way. The board isn't going to return to Roadflea form.

03-02-2006, 11:01 AM
It seems that a few people who have too many mod privileges decided it would be funny to move everything. It sure as hell wasn't me. I moved like 3 WAY off topic posts over there, now everyone went apeshit. As of that, i'm done here....this place is crap now.

Thanks for the explanation. I thought it was you. I was not me who moved anything. I am so sorry this happened. :(

I would like it to be out on the table who moved them if it wasn't you. Jeff???

03-02-2006, 11:12 AM
Can someone tell me why in the hell jacking points for an E34 would be WAY OT?


I'd put that in a sticky, if it were me! One of the most important things to know when working under the car!!

It seems like someone's turned on full admin rights somewhere for folks to be moving threads. I have access to move, but I have not moved anything unless it was being archived to the suspension/steering archive. And I have not moved any of that in weeks/months!!

What the hell is going on???

More reasons to exit.

i wish i knew. The noobs have taken over, congrats phuckers.

03-02-2006, 11:24 AM
I have been kinda mum on all the discussion lately about our little community.

I have been here since the beginning, I was on Roadflea, and when all the good people jumped ship I followed b/c I knew a non corporate community would benefit us all.

Yes theres been a lot of new people, yes common issues get brought up weekly.... but hey I just discovered in the past 2 weeks my sunroof tilts and what type of airflow all the cabin vents have. And I've owned my E34 for almost 6 years.

I couldnt understand all the talk in that past couple weeks about what the board has become. This place has always been one of my favorite sites on the web. It's like my car nut internet family... My GF still looks at me funny every time I mention my car internet buddies. I have no problems with anyone and never had. I can take criticism and dish it out as well... and its nothing personal.

If I am away for a day or more I go through all the pages and read what I missed. I guess thats what people have an issue with? Scanning lotsa posts for relevant ones? And having non-topic posts in E34 related threads?

Here's a simple solution..... like the Monthly Joke Thread... we could just have a daily OT thread in the main board and yet still have the OT board for whatever you want too.

I hate to think about long time members leaving or resigning, everyone whos been here for years brings something to the table, and as a whole we have an unmeasurable strength that no other BMW board can top.

Lets please discuss and resolve any community issues and be understanding and respectful of each other.

ryan roopnarine
03-02-2006, 11:32 AM
thx for the msg Jeff.

03-02-2006, 01:47 PM
I have been kinda mum on all the discussion lately about our little community.

I have been here since the beginning, I was on Roadflea, and when all the good people jumped ship I followed b/c I knew a non corporate community would benefit us all.

Yes theres been a lot of new people, yes common issues get brought up weekly.... but hey I just discovered in the past 2 weeks my sunroof tilts and what type of airflow all the cabin vents have. And I've owned my E34 for almost 6 years.

I couldnt understand all the talk in that past couple weeks about what the board has become. This place has always been one of my favorite sites on the web. It's like my car nut internet family... My GF still looks at me funny every time I mention my car internet buddies. I have no problems with anyone and never had. I can take criticism and dish it out as well... and its nothing personal.

If I am away for a day or more I go through all the pages and read what I missed. I guess thats what people have an issue with? Scanning lotsa posts for relevant ones? And having non-topic posts in E34 related threads?

Here's a simple solution..... like the Monthly Joke Thread... we could just have a daily OT thread in the main board and yet still have the OT board for whatever you want too.

I hate to think about long time members leaving or resigning, everyone whos been here for years brings something to the table, and as a whole we have an unmeasurable strength that no other BMW board can top.

Lets please discuss and resolve any community issues and be understanding and respectful of each other.

Great post---WTF did I miss yesterday?!?! I'm relatively new here, but I see a wealth of inofrmation (and yes, differing opinions--but what fun would it be without them?), a great cross-section of people, and some decent humor to boot. Let's not condemn this place just yet--I just got here!!!! :D

03-02-2006, 02:31 PM
Great post angry

03-02-2006, 03:42 PM
I'm just going to take a few days off and come back when things have settled. Have a great weekend everyone.

03-02-2006, 03:55 PM
On the other hand I enjoy this board too much just to walk away when things get tough. I'll support any move to re-stabalise the board and get the people I respect to rejoin and share their wisdom.

03-02-2006, 04:13 PM
to much drama, to much over anylyzing,
last nigh is what it would be like if there were no OT, the ot board had way more traffic then the main, and thus people were going to the OT board to get there "help" questions solved. and really that speaks volumes, you have to have a little fun for people to look, no one wants to sit down and anwser question after question, get them in a good mood with a joke/funny pic/ or video, and dont make the go to the ot section to do it. back off with all the moderation, it usless and is causing nothing but problems, let the board have one forum for 5ers, ot and everthing combined, with a sticky for commen mantiance and such, in short, just chill out everyone, the uproar we make about mods makes the mods change ****, and its not what we want, i dont think.


03-02-2006, 07:47 PM
If you think about it a little it is quite self-evident who (plural) were the real progenitors of all this.

Someone once said 'absolute power, corrupts absolutely' or similar ... hmmm

I, like many are very dissappointed by such immature stuff, and are now unlikely to visit here so often.

On this premise, a link to this site will be removed from my web pages with suitable comment.

03-02-2006, 08:00 PM
There used to be a very good BMW forum, but alas no more - hijacked by immature fools ... when I find a better forum I will add a link here if its worthy.
He wasn't kidding about that!

03-03-2006, 12:21 AM
ohh grow up, this is still the best board iv seen for e34 info

03-03-2006, 12:30 AM
so, what, he wants a completely tech only forum that is sawdust dry? we need the o/t and the bs, it's what makes this place have personality. everyone has already established that the **** that happened last night needs no repeat, and will not be repeated. whatever, bimmer.info FTW

03-03-2006, 03:50 PM

03-03-2006, 08:56 PM

What does Q,e.d. mean?


Zeuk in Oz
03-03-2006, 09:03 PM
What does Q,e.d. mean?

My maths teacher always taunted us with the fact that we were never good enough to use it :
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/QED.html :)

Apparently it requires absolute perfection ! :p We always used to taunt him that it stood for "quite easily done" .

03-03-2006, 09:09 PM
My maths teacher always taunted us with the fact that we were never good enough to use it :
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/QED.html :)

Apparently it requires absolute perfection ! :p We always used to taunt him that it stood for "quite easily done" .

A good education is soooo impressive.:)

03-03-2006, 09:19 PM
if that becomes the case watch my ass get board and leave, i work on cars all day 6 days a week and am not that wild about adding to my work load, some amusment is all i ask and i suspect i am not the only one

so, what, he wants a completely tech only forum that is sawdust dry?

03-03-2006, 09:53 PM
if that becomes the case watch my ass get board and leave

Winfred, we know you have been cheating on us with that other board.

03-03-2006, 10:56 PM
well it's a wee bit more active so theres more to read with over 100k members and at any given time over 1k members online

Winfred, we know you have been cheating on us with that other board.

632 Regal
03-04-2006, 01:24 AM
so was a new set of ice skates if used behind a big ass smokey duelly a concideration for more cool videos or just a ploy of boredom?

(no clue...gun to head)