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View Full Version : OT, another stupid ot question, Anybody out there ever used a product

Bill R.
02-26-2006, 08:13 PM
called Peel Away, its a paint stripper that you apply to wood, metal etc and then you cover it with a fabric that they provide, wait a couple of hours an then peel off the fabric taking the paint with it... I saw a couple of reviews on it and tried to find it locally only its not available here. Before i order some off the internet i thought i'd ask and see if any of you have used it and if its the real deal or if its hype...My 50 year paint is turning into too much fun to remove. Thanks

02-26-2006, 08:33 PM
called Peel Away, its a paint stripper that you apply to wood, metal etc and then you cover it with a fabric that they provide, wait a couple of hours an then peel off the fabric taking the paint with it... I saw a couple of reviews on it and tried to find it locally only its not available here. Before i order some off the internet i thought i'd ask and see if any of you have used it and if its the real deal or if its hype...My 50 year paint is turning into too much fun to remove. Thanks

Well, here I am again. My mom used it a year ago to remove the 5 layers of paint from her 80 year old front door. It was no pleasure cruise, but I think that she liked it pretty well, and she has restored a number of houses. I remember that while it took a lot of the elbow labor out of it, she had to do it a couple of times.

02-26-2006, 08:35 PM
gonna change my sig to "this user knows nothing but the answers to stupid questions"

John B.
02-26-2006, 08:42 PM
I've got a pail of it which I found locally at a Sherwin Williams store. Tried it on an old Alfa quarter panel & it worked pretty well. The only downside I see on old wood is that you have to rinse it a few times with solvents before priming to kill the active agent. I use a heat gun to strip the multiple paint layers in our 200+ year old house.

632 Regal
02-26-2006, 08:54 PM
multiple layers suck no matter what you try to do to remove it. Nothing is magic but I like the theory of a fabric to hold onto the old paint and not allow the stripper to dry out.

02-26-2006, 09:26 PM
Notting better in the world then 35 feet up a ladder... touch in one hand... scrapper in the next... taking 10 layers of paint of... 7 of them being good lead based paint....