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View Full Version : Cleaning an Intake Manifold

02-24-2006, 02:21 AM
Can anyone tell me the best solvent to use to clean an intake manifold?
Il blasted it with several cans of Brake Cleaner ans well as Throttle body cleaner. Ther is some cursty looking studd stuck the inside of the body, probably from sucking oil thr for these past few years.

I've got it sokaing in a tub of industrial simple Simple green. Maybe that will shake loose.

An suggestions are appreciated.

02-24-2006, 02:22 AM

Bill R.
02-24-2006, 02:35 AM
touch it. Throttle body cleaner removes some but regular carb cleaner is what you'll have to use but make sure you remove all of the carb cleaner before putting it back together.

Can anyone tell me the best solvent to use to clean an intake manifold?
Il blasted it with several cans of Brake Cleaner ans well as Throttle body cleaner. Ther is some cursty looking studd stuck the inside of the body, probably from sucking oil thr for these past few years.

I've got it sokaing in a tub of industrial simple Simple green. Maybe that will shake loose.

An suggestions are appreciated.

ryan roopnarine
02-24-2006, 02:36 AM
1. are you going to have your FIs serviced while they are off the car? a guy on ebay sells the caps and orings to service bosch injectors, i might pick up a set (just throwing that out there).

2. degreaser comes in two types, the foam (which might not be as fast acting), and basically diesel fuel in an aerosol. if the simple green doesn't work, just escalate to the engine degreaser.

02-24-2006, 07:37 AM
I agree with Bill R. Carb cleaner will eat just about anything and everything. That's why you have to be careful, it'll eat some stuff you might not want it to. When I adjusted my valves, I dipped the valve cover (unpainted off a M30) into some carb cleaner for about 30 seconds. It ate 15 years of burnt on oil like it was nothing.

Just make sure to wash it off as quick as possible with some fresh water and then dry with some compressed air.

02-24-2006, 01:00 PM
I'll give the carb cleaner a shot. Everything is OFF the manifold. Injectors were sent off to be cleaned and refurbed.
I'll post a report on that when I get them back.
The Simple Green softened the crud but it's still in there.
Thanks, everyone.