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02-18-2006, 02:19 AM
when? what? how? how much?

Never for me. *knocks on wood*

02-18-2006, 02:24 AM
Never here either. Lucky, i guess.

Scott C
02-18-2006, 06:49 AM
when? what? how? how much?

Never for me. *knocks on wood*

My first and only - when I was 20 and driving home from school. Was recorded as doing 67mph in a 55mph section (yes it was 55 then) while driving an 8 cyl camaro - 307CI if I remember correctly. That was in 1980 ;)


02-18-2006, 08:14 AM
I got one in my e28 about 5 yrs ago doing 83 in a 65.... I was just cruising and didn't realize it.... :) 75 dollar fine and off I go.

02-18-2006, 10:01 AM
i got one this morning! 80 in a 55. nothing on my record before that. pulled over a few times but got out of them, best one was 93 in a 65...
"do you know why I pulled you over?"
"yes sir, for speeding, but there is no traffic and it's kind of important"
"oh really....?"
"yes sir my girlfriend just called and said she's pregnant (she wasnt)"
"well if you keep driving like that, that kid's not gonna have a father. now get on and take care of yourself"

02-18-2006, 10:04 AM
I forget the first, but my last was 165 in a 100kph zone! (all alone on the road)
the cop reduced it down to 135/100
He had a hot BMW bike, I had the 540.

I think my first ticket was for a stop sign, $100 cad, back in 1990.

I also had a cop stop me for downshifting my Jetta VR6 into 2nd and accelerating through a yellow... he did not see me, he heard the K&N howling by!

02-18-2006, 10:57 AM
my first was in my e30 going through some twisties, 55 in a 25, got "impeding traffic" and a 5 over, which means they dont want to dick you but they want there money

Jay 535i
02-18-2006, 11:00 AM
Do accidents count?

My first accident was when I rearended a school bus in my mom's Cadillac. That was ten years ago. I was 16. I was moving at literally walking pace, but the bus's super-high bumper hit my grille instead of my bumper and did $4500 damage. It was "short" bus, thankfully empty of everyone save the driver.

My first speeding ticket, I was 19, doing 85kph in a 60 (that's like 55 in a 40 to you MPH folks).

I'm 26 now. No speeding tickets or accidents in 6 years. Phew. Knock wood.

02-18-2006, 12:21 PM
I forget the first, but my last was 165 in a 100kph zone! (all alone on the road)
the cop reduced it down to 135/100
He had a hot BMW bike, I had the 540.

I think my first ticket was for a stop sign, $100 cad, back in 1990.

I also had a cop stop me for downshifting my Jetta VR6 into 2nd and accelerating through a yellow... he did not see me, he heard the K&N howling by!

Its illegal to accelerate through a yellow?

02-18-2006, 12:32 PM
Its illegal to accelerate through a yellow?

technically, YES.

but everyone does, the reason I got stopped was because of the insane roar a VR6 makes with an oversized throttle body, huge K&N, and free flowing exhaust,,, it was too obvious I was at WOT and not trying to stop at all!
I never saw the cop, so I went for it!

When I went to court, I acknowledged I went through the yellow, BECAUSE: I saw yellow, I was about to hit the brakes, looked in my rearview and saw a van up my ass - I knew he wouldn't stop in time so I went instead of causing a crash.
Judge bought it and I got off.

Cop was pissed as he felt I was trying to escape from him as well (because it took him a few minutes to catch up - he felt I was fleeing, when in fact, I got the light and got on the highway, he had to cut through traffic to chase me! He wrote right on the ticket that he HEARD a loud motor noise as I flew by him!

he was a big fat donut eater, I have NO respect for fat cops.... every fat cop I have met has been a prick, trying to overcompensate!

02-18-2006, 01:52 PM
I remember my first violation well ! I was 16 ( 43 now) and I was driving my modified Datsun 240-Z to high school in the morning and did a marvelously executed e-brake slide and backward roll into a parking space between two of my buds cars. The security guard witnessed it and had the cops there before I could walk inside to class !
I couldn't believe I got stuck on private property with a C & I along with a speeding and student endangerment as well as losing all driving privileges on any parts of campus including parking.To this day I still drive about as spirited and have never caused or been involved in a wreck. ( knocking on wood here)
In my Senior year......I snapped pix of the guard buying and suppliing alchohol to minors at a party. I sent them to the school board as well as the Principal. He was formally charged,fined and dismissed on public record.
I saw him at the local mall a few years later and told him who did it and said " if you'd have found it in your heart to have given a punk kid a break or at least a stern warning.....I would of certainly given you as an adult , the same courtesy. Punkish ..I realize now, but it felt so good then.
The Insurance rates raped me for 7 years later due to that asswipe nailing me.Gave me an alienated view of the law for some time too.I'm over it now.......but it taught me to pick my battles carefully and with whom I do it with.:p
I've had a couple dozen speeding tickets through the years ( all handled via the Defensive Driving classes and a deferred fine) .....and I will add, being genuinely nice to any cop will help your situation for the better ....most of the time. But if the ticket still comes, you probably earned it willingly......or they are being observed for protocal etc.
One thing has certainly changed since I was a kid.......and its cell phones. I've seen numerous people dial 911 as they witness ANYTHING with traffic , such as street racing, burn outs, sliding or agressive driving.
It just goes to show......the majority of people want that crap to be elsewhere, like on the race track or else they are gonna' tattle on you.
Its like that show " NUMBERS". Math is logic. The more often you break the law in your car, the more often you expose yourself to the laws hand.:(
.......Did I REALLY just type all that noise ?..Lol.

Kobe Diesel
02-18-2006, 02:46 PM
1st violation...May 98, Alfetta sedan doing 100mph in 55. Plead down to "failure to yield" and 3 points (waited 4 years for the court date).

2nd violation...Dec 98, Mitsu Starion (Conquest) doing 120 in 55. Got off because I had a PBA card.

3rd violation...Mar 00, Taurus SHO doing 75 in 55. Thrown out b/c trooper failed to show to court on 3rd date.

4th violation...Apr 00, Taurus SHO doing 90 in 65. Paid $400 no points (out of state).

5th violation...Feb 02, Bronco doing 75 in 55. Paid $175 no points (out of state).

6th violation...15 Feb 06, A4 Q 2.8 doing 100 in 65 (he didnt catch me doing 120 thank goodness)...will see what happens.

I think my right foot needs to lose some weight.

Jay 535i
02-18-2006, 03:21 PM
I didn't know an Alfetta could do 100MPH.

632 Regal
02-18-2006, 06:51 PM
you should invest in a Valentine 1 and spend more time working then in court.

SC David
02-18-2006, 07:02 PM
Some of you guys either have the worst luck, or you must constantly be driving like nutsos. Powersliding is something that should never be done.

02-18-2006, 11:09 PM
when? what? how? how much?

Never for me. *knocks on wood*

About September 2000. Operate/use mobile phone whilst driving. About Au$195 (then). She was an Eastern Suburbs 'princess' and she absolutely screamed at me when I was writing it out. You'd never believe that that kind of language could come out of such un 'uppity' looking woman. I asked her why it took her so long to stop and she said that she didn't know that I was behind her. I asked about the lights and sirens and she said "Why should I give a f**k what is happening behind me I'm trying to run a business"...

02-18-2006, 11:51 PM
About September 2000. Operate/use mobile phone whilst driving. About Au$195 (then). She was an Eastern Suburbs 'princess' and she absolutely screamed at me when I was writing it out. You'd never believe that that kind of language could come out of such un 'uppity' looking woman. I asked her why it took her so long to stop and she said that she didn't know that I was behind her. I asked about the lights and sirens and she said "Why should I give a f**k what is happening behind me I'm trying to run a business"...

OOOOOHHHHH, that must have felt good giving it to her!
some people really deserve the tickets,
I always try to be as nice and polite as possible to police!

02-19-2006, 12:02 AM
Same here, they have the power to use discretion. Why make a situation any more difficult for yourself by being rude. You keep up this type of behaviour and they start going over your car looking for defects.

I always try to be as nice and polite as possible to police!

Paul in NZ
02-19-2006, 02:51 AM
Most of you guys would have lost your licenses over here!!!

Kobe Diesel
02-19-2006, 07:20 AM
I didn't know an Alfetta could do 100MPH.

The Alfetta engine was ahead of its time. Different variations of it over the years, but mine was all aluminum, DOHC, inline 4 2.0L (came in different sizes in Europe). I had the mechanical fuel injection unit by Bosch, was sort of like a mini diesel engine driven by a cogged belt. Overall, a simple motor and a clean arrangement under the hood. The fastest I got her up to was 125, and the speedo read 140 top. I cannot remember the tach revs, but i will look over the manuals to just to refresh.

Ran great when it was working properly, but a pain to fix when it wasn't.

I miss that car.

02-19-2006, 08:40 AM
Not my first but it was the last that makes for a great story..... I was looking at my 535i that a friend of the family had, and they said it was up at the cabin in Lake Tahoe and to just take it and see if I liked it. So My wife and I take a little drive to go pick it up. So I go pick the car up and it is everything that was discribed to me and I decide to take it back to Winnemucca and finish the deal with the friend. 5 miles out side of Winnemucca I get stopped for doing 95 in a 75. This is where it gets good. The tags on the car are expired! and I have nothing from my friend saying that I just purchased this car.... The HP wanted to take it in as stolen..... I ended up talking my way through it, but was handed a $300 ticket for 85 in a 75 and no registration. Two days after I went to the DA's office and got the reg violation dropped with docs saying I purchased the auto. total ticket $75.

02-19-2006, 11:36 AM
Expired plates and no registration whilst riding my beater Kawasaki 550. I ended up going to court and won! Then a bad speeding ticket ended my lucky streak, and I'm still eating the insurace hike over that one.

I believe in being nice to police officers, but not because of any sort of respect I feel for them (sorry wingman, that doesn't mean no respect as people, just no respect as traffic cops). The winning party here in the Canadian elections won, in small part, by virtue of a program to make the streets safer by hiring more cops. Imo, if more funding was diverted from 'for-profit' traffic police towards street police, everyone would be better off.

02-20-2006, 02:55 PM
Don't remember my first--I've had several--but my favorite was in Charleston, SC. The Army was in a convoy along the interstate & I spent miles weaving in and out of trucks moving at 50mph. Blasted past an unmarked car at about 80. He pulled me over & I remember snickering about the fact it was pissing rain at the time and he was going to get soaked. First thing he says is to come join him at the back of the car. Now I'm getting soaked. He asked for my license & insurance and then just stuck them in his pocket without even glancing at them--uh oh. He told me I had three options and I would get to choose which I wanted. First: He could call a marked car to come issue a ticket (SC law states that an unmarked car cannot give a ticket). This would happen whenever they felt like it and could take a while. Second: He could impound my car and take me to the police station and they would issue me a ticket--again whenever they felt like it. That sounded worse than first option & I told him so. Third: We could stand on the side of the road in the pissing rain while all the Army trucks passed by and he would let me go with a warning. SOLD! Good sence of humor & it has remained with me for years.

02-20-2006, 03:11 PM
A couple weeks past my 18th birthday... Got pulled over doing about 105 in a 55

Cop was nice and wrote me up for 80 in a 55... 2 weekends and 150 bucks later and no one was any the wiser

02-20-2006, 03:45 PM
That was so long ago the citation was written with charcoal on a flat rock.

02-20-2006, 04:01 PM
I had a good one in a borrowed BMW...

a woman I worked with took me with her when she bought her new 328 convertible. After that, she would let me take it to lunch when it was nice...

One day, I had no intention of taking it, so my wallet and license were in my car, I met her in the parking lot and she threw me the keys.
I forgot the wallet and took off with the roof down.

Hit the empty highway, hit 165, passed a guy who would not move on the right, and then heard the siren!
Another BMW bike cop (I have had bad luck with them!) was following me...

He stopped me and asked "is this "circuit Gilles Villeneuve""?
I laughed and said: no sir, what's the problem?
He laughed and asked for my papers... oops.
No papers for me, and I could not find the car reg. either. I gave him all the info of the car owner and myself and he called it in.
I saw him write a ticket in his book and tear it out.... then he started another.... crap!
He wrote me a big speeding ticket and a passing on the right ticket, and surprisingly let me go.
He explained he could have: impounded the car as stolen, arrested me as a possible car thief, $500 for no license, $500 for no registration,,,,,

He believed me because i was cool and honest. If I had for a second told him off, I would have been cuffed and towed quick!

The owner never found out, I paid the fine and don't forget my wallet anymore!

02-20-2006, 07:14 PM
I was 2 weeks away from my 17th birthday. I got clocked at 106 in a Ford Fiesta. I was going downhill. I went by a sheriif sitting and like an idiot I thought he would never catch up. When I got into town after about 15 miles, all the lights went on. I didn't get a ticket because my dad was the police chief in the next town. Nothing like sitting in a squad car and hearing an old deputy say on the radio "dispatch please advise, have Chief Kaufman's son in custody for fleeing and eluding at speeds exceeding 100 MPH. Didn't get a ticket though. My dad came and picked me, they shook hands and I didn't drive again for quite some time.

02-20-2006, 08:08 PM

This was waaay back in 1989, when the speed limit was 55 MPH on the freeways. My wife and I were just about to make a big decision, whether or not to buy our first house. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, housing is atrociously expensive and we were putting everything into the down payment. Needless to say, lots to discuss.

On a downhill stretch, my speed crept up to 75 and I was too distracted to keep my eye on my mirrors for the well advertised CHP Mustangs. Those 5.0 GTs were fast, stealthy and apparently, everywhere. Sure enough, red light behind me and I knew he had truly nailed me. I pulled over and didn't even try to talk my way out of the ticket. He made it a 70 in a 55.

That one day spent in traffic school made quite a difference in the way I drive. Not that I don't exceed the speed limit but I have a healthy respect for defensive driving and keeping a close watch on traffic. So far, so good; no more tickets.


02-20-2006, 09:21 PM
I've been pulled over twice in my 9 years of driving. (I'm 25 now)

First time I was age 21 on the PA turnpike going faster than traffic (prob close to 80, but right lane traffic was moving at 70+, speed limit is 60 in that section). I rounded a curve and hiding behind the embankment was a state trooper. I pulled over before he even got moving knowing that he had me. Worst part about was that my mom was in the car visiting from overseas because it was right after my college graduation!

The trooper was really nice and wrote me up only for "Disobedience to Traffic Control Devices". Only a $135.

Second time I was 23 and on my way back from the dentist to my house and then to work. I was stuck behind a truck in the left lane with another truck in the center lane of a three lane highway. I pulled over two lanes and gunned it passing the two trucks. Unfortunately this was right by an on ramp where a local cop was pulling on. He followed me for about a mile and then pulled me over when I exited the highway. He was really nice and wrote me up for a broken taillamp. (Which was half true as my one bulb socket was weird and made the passenger side taillight dimmer than the drivers side). $105.

I partially attribute both officer's generosity to putting on my flashers as soon as I knew I was getting pulled over and shutting the car off and placing my hands and keys out the window once stopped. Every cop at every traffic stop thinks about whether the person they pulled over is armed and letting them see your hands as they approach really goes a long way to making them feel more comfortable.

02-20-2006, 09:35 PM
Does anyone else find the content of the post when viewed with the sig pic to be absolutely hilarious?

Well done, SC David!

02-20-2006, 10:57 PM
I partially attribute both officer's generosity to putting on my flashers as soon as I knew I was getting pulled over and shutting the car off and placing my hands and keys out the window once stopped. Every cop at every traffic stop thinks about whether the person they pulled over is armed and letting them see your hands as they approach really goes a long way to making them feel more comfortable.

You know that's quite interesting, I figure I would just stick my wrists on top of the steering wheel, wouldn't look like they were arresting you...hah

For me, so far so good, I hate to say that because I know it's gonna happen to me soon because of it lol...

Anyways, I got lucky the other day coming down a hill where you cross over an intersection and the right lane is open for turns-in/outs and such. I was going about 10-12 over (around 55-45) because the person in front of me was weaving and braking for no reason, absolutely horrible driver.. Anyways theres a cop sitting in the grass (?) by a nature park, I was convinced he was looking the other way because if you were to be driving from there it was a school and an even steeper hill. Definately a trap. Ever since then I've seen massive amounts of police there, including a convoy of 11 bmw motorcycles (No joke, eleven in perfect side-by-side and column formation) just driving by....(They were right on each others bumpers it seemed like) Don't know what that was about, any police on here should tell me.

02-21-2006, 07:28 AM
Within my 1st week after getting my license.... didnt stop 100% at a stop sign.... just got a written warning though...

Dr. evil
02-21-2006, 09:31 AM
where i live a Mexican driveing in a BMW

Gets pulled over for going to slow