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View Full Version : OT: The Tadger People Strike Back

01-31-2006, 04:51 PM
A couple month ago.. there was talk about a product called the Tadger....

I emailed the dudes... and they keep on emailing me back.

The latest and greatest is...

"Hi Charles, if I have responded to you already,my apologies, if not I'm sorry to have taken so long to get to you.

We've had many hundreds of inquiries about the Tadger and what it can do for the average driver and it's taken a long time to work through them.

The Tadger is a non-wearing device which when correctly installed in a vehicle's fuel line, after the fuel filter will reduce consumption by 5-10% depending on the drivers habits. The Tadger is designed to create areas of turbulence inside the Tadger. This exposes the fuel to oxygenation, improving the fuel volatility. In the last four years the best part of a thousand companies and organizations have installed the Tadger in their vehicles. This does not include individuals and does not include countries other than Canada. We have representation in a very large number of countries in virtually all continents. Not in Antarctica, yet.

I don't know where your interest lies with respect to the Tadger. It can be installed in any type of engine, gasoline or diesel powered no matter what the engine drives. There is virtually no application or size that will not benefit from the Tadger.

If you have specific questions or applications please feel free to get in touch. There are no known customers who have not been satisfied with their results.

Thank you for your interest.
Best Regards

Joe Collins
Tadger Group International"

Zeuk in Oz
01-31-2006, 05:00 PM
Not in Antarctica, yet.
You should offer to become their Antarctic distributor - think of the money ! :D

Blitzkrieg Bob
01-31-2006, 05:01 PM
on the dash produces the same effect on gas mileage

01-31-2006, 05:05 PM
on the dash produces the same effect on gas mileage

Amen to that.....

01-31-2006, 05:05 PM
You should offer to become their Antarctic distributor - think of the money ! :D

LOL..... I wonder how many they have sold....

01-31-2006, 05:25 PM
plus you'd get to take a holiday during winter... and go back to the US where it'd be summer :)

01-31-2006, 05:58 PM
Oh no, here comes the engineer to make the thread 10x worse!

Alright, lets take a look at their email for its humorous content.

We've had many hundreds of inquiries about the Tadger and what it can do for the average driver and it's taken a long time to work through them.
I'll bet!

At the tadger office:

Engineer question...trash. Engineer question...trash. Engineer question.......ooh, here's one from ebay!

The Tadger is a non-wearing device

I can't wear it?

The Tadger is designed to create areas of turbulence inside the Tadger. This exposes the fuel to oxygenation, improving the fuel volatility.

Would someone please explain to me WHERE the is oxygen in the fuel line? If you have a liquid surrounded on all sides by a membrane (for sake of example we'll call the membrane the fuel line), and you introduce turbulence to the fluid, you will lower the pressure of some areas and increase the pressure in other areas. If you lower the pressure enough, you can induce a phase change of the liquid to a gas. This can be best shown in example when a propeller turns underwater-the some parts of the water reduce in pressure so much that the water turns to water vapor. This is called cavitation. This is not rocket science (I know, I am one ;) ).

The bubbles ARE NOT AIR. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN OXYGEN. Just because it is a gas does NOT mean it contains air, oxygen, or any other material you would conveniently like it to contain at the time. The same amount of oxygen going into the tadger also comes out, period.

Now, since even an engineering dropout knows that if you drew a control volume around the fuel line and did a mass analysis, this wouldn't make any sense, I'm going to assume this was "engineered" by a adequately trained monkey or other primate. No, I don't know if it was an orangutang, I can't tell. I suppose it could have been.

In the last four years the best part of a thousand companies and organizations have installed the Tadger in their vehicles. This does not include individuals and does not include countries other than Canada. We have representation in a very large number of countries in virtually all continents.

Apparently not the smarter part of a thousand companies. I love their statistics. Do you find it strange that a company can operate for over 4 years with absolutely no idea how many units they sell outside of Cananda, or to how many individuals they've sold to? Books? Revenue? Hey, that'd be awesome if we had that. We should develop a device to improve the oxygenation of profit. Yeah.....

This is good. You gonna email him my response, or should I?

Zeuk in Oz
01-31-2006, 06:07 PM
You heretic you !
You should be publically stoned or burned at the stake !
Don't you realise that it only works for those with faith ?
Obviously all those customers have more faith than you - or me ! :p

01-31-2006, 06:07 PM
I know where the oxygen is coming from. It's teleported from all the magnets installed on domestic water lines that "soften" the water that passes through them. The byproduct of the "softening" is excess CaCO3 and it's the oxygen from this reaction that's added to the gasoline. Really, it's simple if you just apply your mind to it.

01-31-2006, 06:13 PM
And just think, I thought a tadger was a small furry animal like a badger, or an otter or a ferret.
Come to think of it, stuffing a ferret in your gas tank would probably work just as well as a tadger.
In the meantime Mr Collins should cease 'tugging his tadger' and find some more honorable form of business to partake in

Tadger?!! My ass!! On second thoughts, no please don't!! :D

01-31-2006, 06:17 PM
Oh yes, you're right! That does make sense now.

You see, I didn't realize I was supposed to install the magnets on the water line. I thought they were pills, and have been swallowing them with a glass of water each night before bed. I have a feeling that may have reduced my mental capacity to understand the teleportation of oxygen. Perhaps the water softening has softened my brain.

Since I've now seen the light, I have installed a tadger in my urinary tract to increase the oxygenation of my urine. This way, I can piss in the gas tank and drive to Mexico! Adios suckers!

01-31-2006, 06:18 PM
I started using one on the upper return hose for the radiator for better cooling, but it created so much force and induced so much oxygen that radiators simply shredded themselves to pieces.

Good product, I tell you.

Anthony (M5 in Calgary)
01-31-2006, 07:02 PM
Oh no, here comes the engineer to make the thread 10x worse!

Alright, lets take a look at their email for its humorous content.

I'll bet!

At the tadger office:

Engineer question...trash. Engineer question...trash. Engineer question.......ooh, here's one from ebay!

I can't wear it?

Would someone please explain to me WHERE the is oxygen in the fuel line? If you have a liquid surrounded on all sides by a membrane (for sake of example we'll call the membrane the fuel line), and you introduce turbulence to the fluid, you will lower the pressure of some areas and increase the pressure in other areas. If you lower the pressure enough, you can induce a phase change of the liquid to a gas. This can be best shown in example when a propeller turns underwater-the some parts of the water reduce in pressure so much that the water turns to water vapor. This is called cavitation. This is not rocket science (I know, I am one ;) ).

The bubbles ARE NOT AIR. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN OXYGEN. Just because it is a gas does NOT mean it contains air, oxygen, or any other material you would conveniently like it to contain at the time. The same amount of oxygen going into the tadger also comes out, period.

Now, since even an engineering dropout knows that if you drew a control volume around the fuel line and did a mass analysis, this wouldn't make any sense, I'm going to assume this was "engineered" by a adequately trained monkey or other primate. No, I don't know if it was an orangutang, I can't tell. I suppose it could have been.

Apparently not the smarter part of a thousand companies. I love their statistics. Do you find it strange that a company can operate for over 4 years with absolutely no idea how many units they sell outside of Cananda, or to how many individuals they've sold to? Books? Revenue? Hey, that'd be awesome if we had that. We should develop a device to improve the oxygenation of profit. Yeah.....

This is good. You gonna email him my response, or should I?

I almost feel bad about bringing this device to the board's attention... Almost.:D

Now, dacoyote must not forward this diatribe to the Tadger guys. They'd just get a "rise" out of it. ;)

01-31-2006, 07:40 PM
I almost feel bad about bringing this device to the board's attention... Almost.:D

Now, dacoyote must not forward this diatribe to the Tadger guys. They'd just get a "rise" out of it. ;)

I wouldn't send it to them....

632 Regal
01-31-2006, 09:42 PM
I have one.

01-31-2006, 10:01 PM
I have one.

as a roster ring?

632 Regal
02-01-2006, 12:36 AM
a roster as in bookkeeping?
as a roster ring?

Jay 535i
02-01-2006, 12:40 AM
This is not rocket science (I know, I am one ;) ).

What, a rocket?

02-01-2006, 12:48 AM
A red rocket?

632 Regal
02-01-2006, 12:55 AM
red ball harness set?

02-01-2006, 08:39 AM
Red Rocket! Red Rocket! Its a cool trick the 5th graders showed me....

02-01-2006, 01:17 PM

Biggest crock of scientific BS I've ever seen. I got a good laugh out of their scientific explanations.

632 Regal
02-01-2006, 01:32 PM
the thing is these people are probably selling them and making money on nothing. if you bought one couldnt you file a class action lawsuit and retire on their money?