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View Full Version : The beginning of something.. well Beautiful

01-10-2006, 05:55 PM
Some of you may or may not know that i infact dont have my license, well untill today that is. The past year or however long i have been a member here, has been completely for gathering information . asking questions blah blah blah. Today is the time of change. Today i finally had my "road test" and passed allowing me my license. I cant wait to drive alone. away from my dad. and now i can really stretch this babies legs. Insurance is going to be painful but its worth it,(as is gas) however. as long as i dont **** up everything should be grand. Not to mention my pimpin status has increased ten fold (not that pimpin was ever an issue :P) srry just a little youth there.

Thanks alot a head of time for the bombardment of more questions to come.

first upgrades are well repairs per see. belts , new rad ects. then im gunna go with clears. o and i have to get an amp to power these.( pic was taken with phone)


2 12" infinities, massive box , 2400 watts. dear god. Sound deading is a must id say.



01-10-2006, 05:59 PM
Congratulations! I will have had my license for 6 months on January 26th. Whatever you do Dont crash the e34!!!!. Good luck.

Zeuk in Oz
01-10-2006, 06:06 PM
May I suggest that you consider doing some form of advanced driver training in 6 months or so - well worth the investment.

You might be surprised how much you don't know !

Enjoy the freedom ! ;)

01-10-2006, 06:09 PM
I did to the basic drivers training(in car and inclass lessons)
, but advance. ill think about it. money is always an issue , and it doesnt get any more money off my insurance but yes the knowledge is powerful



Dr. evil
01-10-2006, 06:27 PM
awsome, thows subs should really pound. i think that if your in the market for a good amp you should probably go with something from infinitiy so that it can matach your subs. but if not, i've heard alot of good stuff about soundstream and rockford fosgate hasen't done me wrong. most of all if your looking for a quality amp make sure that it's CEA Compliant.

Then your going to have to figure out how many ohms your speaker are, because diffrent ohms on your amp is going to put out diffrent levels of watts. Personally i have my stuff setup to 1 ohm. Point being, is to make sure your amp is capable of handling the setup that you desire.

Anyways i hope that i made some cents have fun shoping

01-10-2006, 07:30 PM
hey yea the two subs are wired parellelely? lol yea, there parellel so its a 2 ohm styles. and i know there 1200 each but i aint doin that prety sure ill just go for 600 watts at 2ohms somthing close to that



Dave M
01-10-2006, 08:10 PM
Nice work. I was still riding my bike at 17 :D You've made a great start.

Dave M

01-10-2006, 09:18 PM

How did people react when you showed up at school with it? Are you one of earliest to get to drive in your grade? I was one of the last of my class to reach driving age. I was so jealous of people like you who got to drive earlier.

01-10-2006, 09:27 PM

I remember getting my liscense and driving the bmw to school. Since there are a bunch of spoiled (well, more spoiled than me) kids...it wasnt a big deal. :) But I eventually became known as "the guy with all the cars" because I switched cars almost every 3 days- with parents.

Word of advice. Take a Car Control Clinic. I've only had my liscense for 3 years...and took the CCC this year. I became a better driver-ten fold.

01-10-2006, 09:50 PM
alrighty thanks for all the advice, and no i just got my license today and insurance has not been processed yet so i need to do that before showin up a school with one of the best cars, the only other best car is an Eagle talon awd turboded to the max, but its my buddies so its aiight. Thing is ****ing fast



01-10-2006, 10:45 PM
alrighty thanks for all the advice, and no i just got my license today and insurance has not been processed yet so i need to do that before showin up a school with one of the best cars J.McWattersHey dude, well done & good luck. You've been welcome here as everyone else is, but I had no idea you were not 'mobile' as the rest of us are: That's full-on you are well organised about ur rig, coming here a year earlier than the rest of us! Anyway, yea do a driving course cos ur BMW will drive well (but only if u can) and f$%* the insurance, it costs so much to prang one a driving course is a money well spent, esp. in the UK on wet or semi-frozen roads. A word of warning, these are heavy cars- they slide a long way on ice and destroy anything they hit very well. Let alone cost a lot to fix, so enjoy their finesse without stressing the thing to its limits jic the limits were a little closer than they appeared ;) I guess in driving for many years that's what you learn (on the street): add more room jic u got it wrong when u glanced (or any of the other road-users got it wrong doing whatever they were doing- which can include talking on the mobile, having an argument, adjusting their hat, genitals and/or make-up, thinking they were driving the other way or just plain got distracted checking out the scenery (2 legged or otherwise)... not that any of us would ever do this... )

:D Hoping ur future posts will be all good news stories dude, :) Nick

01-10-2006, 11:41 PM
Two words for you Joel--DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Just assume that everyone around you is about to do something totally stupid at any and every second. Watch them like hawks and leave yourself enough room to compensate for their f-ups.

01-10-2006, 11:55 PM
So in my case everyone is guilty till proven innocent :P

thanks for all the good words. this advance driver course i might just have to do it.



01-11-2006, 12:17 AM
So in my case everyone is guilty till proven innocent :P thanks for all the good words. this advance driver course i might just have to do it.J.McWatters Heh Enjoy dude, if its expensive just imagine its cheaper than learning to skydive adn the next best thing. Go for it.

Reason 1) Its fun 2) You might learn something 3) even if you don't you'll be (statistically speaking) less of a piluk than most road-users who still can't drive after a few years...

I personally like the fun bit. :D Nick

01-11-2006, 12:42 AM
So in my case everyone is guilty till proven innocent :P

Yes they are innocent until proven guilty but you want to be alert and prepared so that your e34 doesn't have a bonding experience with the guilty ones--the ones who suddenly change lanes or who fails to notice that traffic ahead of them is stopping until it is too late. :)

Maybe I have just been driving in California too long that I think this way.

01-11-2006, 02:35 AM
While reading all this about just getting your license (Congrats) one thought keeps going through my mind . . . God I feel old.


01-11-2006, 03:24 AM
Yes they are innocent until proven guilty but you want to be alert and prepared so that your e34 doesn't have a bonding experience with the guilty ones--the ones who suddenly change lanes or who fails to notice that traffic ahead of them is stopping until it is too late. :)

Maybe I have just been driving in California too long that I think this way.No it happens everywhere Gayle. All the vids are on the 'Net: ie drunks trying to drive (and failing), hookers (on the job whilst on the move), drug freaks, criminals, even coppers that should be in Policve Academy 9 instead of behind the wheel in the real world. I guess the world isn't soo bad as I make it sound but this is not about the how, more about the when- that is almost all we have control over when out ther ourselves; doing the best not to have it happen to us.

Here in Aus NRUVs (ie No Real Utility Vehicles) are less popluar so at least one stands a chance during an accident if in a normal vehicle here. "Baby squashed behind dual wheels of a RV, driver unable to see' has not happened here yet- we've only had kids squashed by 4WDs in school car parks hit the news so far, but the media loves it, and it divides the masses over unimportant issues thus taking our minds off the influential making money or avoiding tax inethically... :) just more OT opine. Forgive me for I ramble, sorry. No more..