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View Full Version : Steering wheel lock mechanism

12-04-2005, 07:37 AM
I need to nurse my car home. The other day my wife went to Blockbuster. When she tried to start up to get home, something in the ignition failed. I have since removed the lock cylinder and found the disgruntled part. It is a silver shaft with two lobes on each side. It acts as a transmission from the key to the mechanism in the steering column.

How do I over-ride the steering lock mechanism, so that I can get my car home in my own garage???? Anybody have any photos?? Any help would be appreaciated. I imagine I can shove a screw driver down the hole to start it up. The auto-transmission lock is no problem.

12-04-2005, 08:09 AM
In the steering column there is a pin which locks the steering wheel. On this pic you can see it at the bottom of the mechanism and it is in lock position = out. It must be somehow fixed inside

12-04-2005, 08:39 AM
I got it. A flat bladed screwdriver and some leverage, and I got it to disengage. Then drove it home.

Now I just hope the Stealer has the individual part which I need, and does not require to purchase the entire assembly.



12-06-2005, 07:27 AM
Well, my car has been sitting in the garage for a few days as I search the planet for the Steering Lock Cam (Transfers rotational force from key to steering lock). In searching through the archives some more, I see others have faced the same dilema.

Went to the stealer yesterday to pick up the entire steering lock housing, only to find out it was not in stock. I will order through BMA now.

I do not have a Bently manual. I do know that I need to disconnect the airbag and steering wheel. What is the correct proceedure....disconnect battery first, then the rest??? Will disconnecting the battery neutralize the airbag??? I don't want to have this thing go off in my face....

Thanks Shogun and Dash for your previous help!!



12-06-2005, 07:58 AM

12-06-2005, 10:06 AM
How do you know what the fault is inside the steering lock? Have you removed the steering lock camshaft? Is it broken? Found any debris in there? Why is the st. lock camshaft not working properly?

IF yours is like mine was, you won't need to buy any new parts, but just clean out some minor debris that are jamming the st. lock camshaft. That's why I offered to email you some pics, esp. to get a clearer idea of what's in there and how it works.

Well, my car has been sitting in the garage for a few days as I search the planet for the Steering Lock Cam (Transfers rotational force from key to steering lock). In searching through the archives some more, I see others have faced the same dilema.

Went to the stealer yesterday to pick up the entire steering lock housing, only to find out it was not in stock. I will order through BMA now.

I do not have a Bently manual. I do know that I need to disconnect the airbag and steering wheel. What is the correct proceedure....disconnect battery first, then the rest??? Will disconnecting the battery neutralize the airbag??? I don't want to have this thing go off in my face....

Thanks Shogun and Dash for your previous help!!



12-06-2005, 04:09 PM
How do you know what the fault is inside the steering lock? Have you removed the steering lock camshaft? Is it broken? Found any debris in there? Why is the st. lock camshaft not working properly?

IF yours is like mine was, you won't need to buy any new parts, but just clean out some minor debris that are jamming the st. lock camshaft. That's why I offered to email you some pics, esp. to get a clearer idea of what's in there and how it works.

If I could figure out how to post a photo along with this text I would show you a picture of the broken cam shaft. I consider myself mechanically inclined (not computer though). I understand how it all works. I am trying to replace the part at fault, not the entire steering lock housing as my time is limited when home. The cam is available through the stealer only via the entire steering housing package.....more than I want to get into if I don't have to. Worst case, I buy the housing from the stealer, remove the good cam from it, snap into my car, replace ignition.....done in less than 10 minutes.