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View Full Version : Attn. unit prev. leaving Aut in D.

11-19-2005, 03:56 AM

Beeing a european, I'm used to manual transmisison where you always leaves the car with a gear engaged. And specially in our winterclimate seldom uses the parking break.

So it happend again in my -93 520iAT, left the car to get a new headlight bulb and was somewhere else in my mind, so I left the car in "D" and it start to run. Luckilly another driver saw it and engaded the parking break, else ,,,,

Q: any modifications trick to do?

Second Q: mounted a 100W H1 bulb is it preferable?

-- BG --

Sven-Erik Tiberg
Lulea North-Sweden

Paul in NZ
11-19-2005, 04:41 AM
i never leave my car in gear,and i would not install 100 w bulb,it may melt the wiring and even the lamp itself

11-19-2005, 06:35 AM
In OZ it is an offence not to leave the 'secured'.

Jay 535i
11-19-2005, 11:54 AM
Don't leave the car in D. If you have trouble breaking that habit, start a new habit: using the parking brake!

I use my parking brake year round and it's never got stuck. I think the more you use it the more reliable it is.

It's either that or wheel chocks. :)

11-19-2005, 12:41 PM
Even if it's flat ground and you leave it in D and it stays you still have to shift to N or P to start it ... so you might as well engage P when you park.

11-19-2005, 08:22 PM
"park" shouldnt let your car move either i dont think.

11-20-2005, 12:03 PM
Think I have to change my habbit and use parking break more often.
The story could be as i drove cars with rear drum breaks like a -67 2000TiLux, snow came into the drum and melted, left the car with parking brake engaged and after 20 min in minus ( both F and C ) one or both rear wheels where frozen. If only one had to drive of and gently hit some tarmac spot to loosen the wheel.
A second item was the pre-teflon breaking wire housing that also where frozen, after beeing heated by the exhaust pipe while driving. The was worser to fix, normally we used to hook the toowing rope to the hand break levler at the rear wheels and pull hard. If the level was accessible, if not it was a a problem.

Nowdays with disk breaks and teflon inside the wires it should not be any problem any more knock..knock. On the other hand it's not illegal to park a car w/o engaging the parking break, reason mentioned as abowe.

This is our first car with automatic, seems to be time to change habit.