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03-05-2004, 06:29 PM
She's alive and strong as ever! My mechanic said the people who repaired it the first time did a piss poor job, so I was lucky that it was repairable. He promises it's stronger than new. I also got my first official kill with the M5. I owned a G35 coupe on the highway. Over 220 I was pulling away slower due to the aerodynamics, but at any slower speed it was no contest. Got smoked by a car 12 years older, heavy 4 door sedan, worse aerodynamics and at least 100 lbs in driver weight. S38 RULES!

I love this car!


03-05-2004, 06:39 PM
congrats!!! you lucky dawg!!!

632 Regal
03-05-2004, 06:57 PM
Its fixt! cool man!

03-06-2004, 08:36 AM
What in the world did they do to that poor ol' M car!!!
There's not enough time or money to do it right the first time, but somehow we've got time to fix it twice....

Hopefully they didn't work on the car too much, but I'm sure you'll find out soon enough if they did!

Good luck with your new ///M.....enjoy.

You really should swing by Gordon's and let him clean her up for you...=)

Have fun and keep your name out of the papers...=)


03-06-2004, 08:49 AM
Congrats man!!! Hopefully i'll be able to say the same thing in a while. For now, its off to get that beautiful engine outside of its body!

03-06-2004, 08:34 PM
Jeff, Jason, thanks a lot for the support guys. I really felt like crap when it first happened. I just took the ceremonial trip down the same path when it happened. I did it for shits and giggles but when I was actually there I have to admit I was feeling a little nervous - tempting fate is never nice. But, nothing went wrong. I was in the same place, going 110-120 behind a truck, down into 3rd, and this time I got all the way to 5th at 245 before I slowed down. And had a great workout to top it all off. It was so funny. I got to the gym, and there is a family restaurant nextdoor. I'm walking away from my car, and this family is passing by. One of the kids, maybe 11, starts screaming at the top of his lungs "Papa look, it's a BMW M5". I was already indoors when I could still hear him yelling. That was pretty nice. :) I always wondered how many people in the general population know that the ///M badge means. I figured people would just think it's another 5 series. So far I'm pretty surprised, a lot of people know. Anyone with half a working testicle that lines up with me at a light wants to go. Whenever I drive my mom around I always feel bad for not representing. :)

Jr: Yeah, my guy said he doesn't know what those guys were thinking. I mean, ok, the guy said he didn't want a new crankshaft (even though my friend said it was never necessary, it wasn't that badly damaged) but they could have at least fixed it properly. Whatever, it's behind me.