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10-28-2005, 05:06 AM
I left bimmer.info logged in after i went to bed (yep, a few beers under the belt) and a mate of mine decided to stir things up... I flew interstate the next morning blissfully unaware... until a few minutes ago, sorry guys, i didn't lose my marbles, just got a bit embarassed (insert cartoon of donkeys head :p ) Any suggestions on a bit of payback? might go with itching powder in the underwear or a bimmer.info sticker on the back of his holden commodore...

10-28-2005, 05:17 AM
hog tied 'em and dump em in a stream...then explain to him that he needs to chill

10-28-2005, 05:32 AM
I left bimmer.info logged in after i went to bed (yep, a few beers under the belt) and a mate of mine decided to stir things up... I flew interstate the next morning blissfully unaware... until a few minutes ago, sorry guys, i didn't lose my marbles, just got a bit embarassed (insert cartoon of donkeys head :p ) Any suggestions on a bit of payback? might go with itching powder in the underwear or a bimmer.info sticker on the back of his holden commodore...I guess that depends what kinda lesson he was trying to teach ya dude... ? Any hints? Or did he post some weird **** in your name that I'm not aware of...

10-28-2005, 05:38 AM
this one

10-28-2005, 05:46 AM
I guess that depends what kinda lesson he was trying to teach ya dude... ?
I figure he was hinting to logoff in future, plus have a bit of a giggle too, he's a practical joker from way back but good hearted and harmless, thats why i reckon a bmw sticker on his car is the way to go

10-28-2005, 05:54 AM
I think the "Nazi ****" was uncalled for

10-28-2005, 06:25 AM
I am glad that is the explanation for those weird posts under your name. I had thought you were drunk, high, crazy, mean spirited, incomprehensible, and did I say crazy. Glad it is not true. Welcome back to the real you.

10-28-2005, 10:24 AM
Hey - at least he got your post count up a few... :)

10-28-2005, 10:29 AM
just testing the sig

10-28-2005, 11:30 AM
I left bimmer.info logged in after i went to bed (yep, a few beers under the belt) and a mate of mine decided to stir things up... I flew interstate the next morning blissfully unaware... until a few minutes ago, sorry guys, i didn't lose my marbles, just got a bit embarassed (insert cartoon of donkeys head :p ) Any suggestions on a bit of payback? might go with itching powder in the underwear or a bimmer.info sticker on the back of his holden commodore...
Jeff thought you were drunk. I thought it was drugs. LOL!!!

632 Regal
10-28-2005, 11:43 AM
syrup of ipecac usually calms them down for a few weeks.

Dave M
10-28-2005, 12:22 PM
I left bimmer.info logged in after i went to bed (yep, a few beers under the belt) and a mate of mine decided to stir things up... I flew interstate the next morning blissfully unaware... until a few minutes ago, sorry guys, i didn't lose my marbles, just got a bit embarassed (insert cartoon of donkeys head :p ) Any suggestions on a bit of payback? might go with itching powder in the underwear or a bimmer.info sticker on the back of his holden commodore...

Just caught this thread.

I humbly consider myself a bit of a 'payback' artist due to a mischievous roommate in Uni. If you live in close quarters, try a bit of Tiger Balm (or another hot/cold, mentholated rub) on the toilet seat. Make sure you get a bit where his willy might sit J
If that’s not your bag, there’s always the snapshot (taken with his camera of course) of a beloved belonging near or within your butcheeks. Use something that may get close to his face (not the toothbrush, you can be more creative). I’ve tried this and it works wonders, especially when he thinks back to the cute chick at the photo place that handed them to him.

Anyhow, need any more, let me know,

Good Luck,

Dave M

10-28-2005, 01:36 PM
Spray some shaving foam on all his bummadore windows.



10-28-2005, 01:54 PM
For something small that would really piss him off for a while...
When he's not around go into Microsoft Word on his computer and then go to the autocorrect thing. Change it around so that when he types "the" Word will autocorrect it to say "****." Have at with changing common words. Or if he's writing a letter or something, whenever he types his name it will change it to "douchenozzle."

10-28-2005, 06:00 PM
For something small that would really piss him off for a while...
When he's not around go into Microsoft Word on his computer and then go to the autocorrect thing. Change it around so that when he types "the" Word will autocorrect it to say "****." Have at with changing common words. Or if he's writing a letter or something, whenever he types his name it will change it to "douchenozzle."

OMEEGAWD !! Thats hilarious man !! :p I must remember that for the first screwball who mess's with my puter ! If they are comp.Illiterate....they'll be SO pissed off and confused.
Good one friend,good one !!
...........Vinny :D

10-28-2005, 06:05 PM
For something small that would really piss him off for a while...
When he's not around go into Microsoft Word on his computer and then go to the autocorrect thing. Change it around so that when he types "the" Word will autocorrect it to say "****." Have at with changing common words. Or if he's writing a letter or something, whenever he types his name it will change it to "douchenozzle."

Is that a bong, Angrypancake?

Zeuk in Oz
10-28-2005, 06:28 PM
I left bimmer.info logged in after i went to bed (yep, a few beers under the belt) and a mate of mine decided to stir things up... I flew interstate the next morning blissfully unaware... until a few minutes ago, sorry guys, i didn't lose my marbles, just got a bit embarassed (insert cartoon of donkeys head :p ) Any suggestions on a bit of payback? might go with itching powder in the underwear or a bimmer.info sticker on the back of his holden commodore...
A dead fish hidden where it is easy to find in his car (only a Holden after all) and half a dozen prawns somewhere really hard to find.
Causes weeks of anguish (for him) and fun for all those in the know ! :D

10-28-2005, 06:29 PM

Is that a bong, Angrypancake?

Angrypancake--you have had a different signature pic every day this week. Excess energy???


10-28-2005, 06:58 PM
Some fantastic suggestions there :) i reckon the autocorrect simply HAS to be done, tried the laxative thing before, gets great results and yes ralph, we were very drunk...

632 Regal
10-28-2005, 09:15 PM
pancake has it goin on, thats the whip!

10-28-2005, 09:19 PM

Is that a bong, Angrypancake?

Definitely. Picked it up in Montreal last summer.