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09-27-2005, 05:05 PM
All you have to do is do the seat cable fix over the weekend! Just look at the results!

I finally decided to getting around to fixing my seat cable. Said to myself that I could probably do it without taking the seat out, but what the heck, I can clean under there while I'm at it. Yummy. Funny thing is, some of the stuff I found wasn't mine (I found a floss pick. I don't use floss picks. Gross.) Contrary to what it may seem, I do keep my car relatively clean, at least to the point of removing the seatbelt leather cover and shift handle to clean in and around them.

No sooner was I proud of myself for fixing the seat cable on the driver side that my lil' sis says "there's something wrong with the passenger seat. It keeps twisting...."

Oh, and I put my pics in the virtual car show.


Blitzkrieg Bob
09-27-2005, 05:16 PM
But no loot was found, just crumbs and dust

ryan roopnarine
09-27-2005, 05:22 PM
did moving the coin from the track area make it stop twisting? my seat was twisted so long that after a few adjustments (up and down with somewhat quick speeds with the drill), the gearbox gave way, i had to buy one off ebay (oooohhhh boy is that fun, aparently a lot of people have broken boxes, they got ungodly expensive in some auctions, nobody wants to spend the time to remove the boxes from their seats and sell them anywhere, so the market is VERY seller friendly). my driver's seat is full back, ghetto style, and stuck that way until i change boxes. to add insult to injury, somebody sat in my passenger seat a week after i attempted my drivers side repair (and it was jealous, i guess) and it dropped back to full recline (which can happen when the cables stretch too much). so, at this point, i have two front seats at full recline. i should get the box by the end of the week, and after i get the driver's fixed, ill do the passenger one, so i don't have to drive around in such an embarassing condition.

Dave M
09-27-2005, 05:26 PM
Looks like a cheeseburger slid down the side along with your change from the $ you spent on it. Probably scares a few of us to think what lurking under our ass holders.

Maybe you could look for a resemblance of a religious figure in one of the potato chips and e-bay the whole lot as ‘latest sign from god found beneath seat of e34’.

Maybe I should shut up now.

Over and out,

Dave M

09-28-2005, 08:03 AM
The coin wasn't in the track area, it just happened to be on the floor. My seat twist was the rear seat cables, just like everyone elses.

The hardest part was trying to decide what was "even" when I readjusted the seat back to normal. Some days I think the left is too far forward, some days its the right. I suppose if it had never moved, I wouldn't have thought of it.

Tell us the truth Ryan, you ride with the seat back in case of a drive by? :)

09-28-2005, 08:45 AM
The coin wasn't in the track area, it just happened to be on the floor. My seat twist was the rear seat cables, just like everyone elses.

The hardest part was trying to decide what was "even" when I readjusted the seat back to normal. Some days I think the left is too far forward, some days its the right. I suppose if it had never moved, I wouldn't have thought of it.

Tell us the truth Ryan, you ride with the seat back in case of a drive by? :)
I used Whit's trick and inserted the cable into a cordless drill's chuck and spun it till it wouldn't spin. Did that with both sides and waa-laa they're level.

ryan roopnarine
09-28-2005, 09:51 AM
pps-was looking for a picture of master P's tank from his music videos. if you recall from the late 1990's, this man had a cardboard tank looking thing that he'd drive around a basketball court and call that a music video (he's a gulf war veteran, everything he says involves the word "tank") somebody actually made a toy line for him. this is master p's tank, not to be confused with my tank, the e34 :D


perhaps someone will get a chuckle out of that
ps--im retarded. i thought your sister said that the driver seat was twisted AGAIN, not that the passenger one was twisted.

see, its how they design them. the second you touched the driver's cables, the passenger side got jealous, just like mine.

i asked about the coin being under the rail because uneven rails can cause some twist issues.

i take it that you attempted to "fix" the seats by just spinning the sides level and not cutting the cable off? im confused as to how you "fixed" the seat and still have the problem, hence my q? about the coin being under the rail.

yeah, its for a drive by.
i'm master P
i make em say UUUUGGGHHHH like its 1997 :D

The coin wasn't in the track area, it just happened to be on the floor. My seat twist was the rear seat cables, just like everyone elses.

The hardest part was trying to decide what was "even" when I readjusted the seat back to normal. Some days I think the left is too far forward, some days its the right. I suppose if it had never moved, I wouldn't have thought of it.

Tell us the truth Ryan, you ride with the seat back in case of a drive by? :)

09-28-2005, 09:54 AM
so, at this point, i have two front seats at full recline.
LOL - post a pic!!

09-28-2005, 09:56 AM
Rent a stanley steamer or equivalent carpet cleaner at the supermarket and pre-treat with Shout! laundry pre-treat. Use boiling hot water in the carpet cleaner... it will look so new you'll have to show it to everyone you meet!

09-28-2005, 06:14 PM
Rent a stanley steamer or equivalent carpet cleaner at the supermarket and pre-treat with Shout! laundry pre-treat. Use boiling hot water in the carpet cleaner... it will look so new you'll have to show it to everyone you meet!
But you won't be able to show it unless you unbolt the seat!