View Full Version : Headliner - Removal/Install Notes

Derek A.
09-17-2005, 03:48 PM
1. Its much easier to remove from the car if one of the front seats is removed.
2. The sunroof panel should be removed/installed with the vent option open. If you follow the instructions on the e34 headliner website deal - its much more difficult. Make sure to order a couple of the clips that go at the front end of the panel from BMW - chances are you are going to break them.
3. To remove the headliner at the rear (see pics) slide it one direction and it will drop out of the rear clips. When its time to remove the clips - use a set of wide mouth cutters - they will allow you to grab the whole thing at once and not snap the plastic. In retrospect I probably would have ordered clips for the rear as well in case something broke.
4. Its doable with one person - but having another set of hands makes a big difference.
5. Order some of the a pillar clips, sunroof clips and a couple of the oh-**** handle plastic cover's it will save you many trips to the dealer.
6. If you are doing a light colored interior - be prepared to wash your hand a lot. I did and got one smudge on the sunroof panel.
7. Its a bitch of a job.

09-17-2005, 05:13 PM
Derek -- on the headliner smudges -- try a can of Cyclo's Max Clean. The stuff is excellent on anything covered in mouse fuzz; lifts the dirt right out, doesn't even need to be scrubbed to look like new.

The three black clips should be installed in the headliner board before sticking it in the car -- the pictures implicate that they were fitted to the board with them snapped to the roof, which I think would be impossible.

best, whit

Derek A.
09-17-2005, 05:19 PM
When you remove the headliner they stay in the car - You have to pop them out, slide them in the headliner and them pop the whole thing back in. I agree I thinks its pretty impossible to leave them attached to the car and try and get them to re-slide into the headliner

Ted K
09-17-2005, 05:21 PM
When you redid the sunroof pannel did you have the three seams redone or just make it one solid pice?

Ted K
09-17-2005, 05:23 PM
Have any part numbers for the clips needed? Where did you get the linner material?

Derek A.
09-17-2005, 05:24 PM
Its one solid piece. The sitching is attached to two vinyl pieces that are glued to the supports that span the whole piece.

632 Regal
09-17-2005, 06:40 PM
good post Derek! Glad its finally *almost* done.

09-18-2005, 07:43 AM
bloody brilliant. my liners ok but the bastard is driving me mad with this rattling noise. i had it worked to the liner at the rear but wasnt flush enough to rip it up just yet to have a look. i bet its those clips that are loose, where else do they occur on the liner and do you reckon that can be replaced without removing the liner completely? does yours now fit in perfect without any noise when going over bumps etc? well done anyways.

09-18-2005, 01:03 PM
1. Its much easier to remove from the car if one of the front seats is removed.
2. The sunroof panel should be removed/installed with the vent option open. If you follow the instructions on the e34 headliner website deal - its much more difficult. Make sure to order a couple of the clips that go at the front end of the panel from BMW - chances are you are going to break them.
3. To remove the headliner at the rear (see pics) slide it one direction and it will drop out of the rear clips. When its time to remove the clips - use a set of wide mouth cutters - they will allow you to grab the whole thing at once and not snap the plastic. In retrospect I probably would have ordered clips for the rear as well in case something broke.
4. Its doable with one person - but having another set of hands makes a big difference.
5. Order some of the a pillar clips, sunroof clips and a couple of the oh-**** handle plastic cover's it will save you many trips to the dealer.
6. If you are doing a light colored interior - be prepared to wash your hand a lot. I did and got one smudge on the sunroof panel.
7. Its a bitch of a job.
Nice thread! Right now I can live with the couple of small places where my headliner sags, but who knows down the road?

Derek A.
09-18-2005, 04:44 PM
1. Those clips are only at the rear. When I pulled the headliner out - there were some foam strips postioned throughout the piece - probably to helo quiet down any movement. Those clips are real hard to do with the headliner in place. Its really not a super huge deal to drop it down. As a matter of fact it only took about 35-40 minutes to drop it. It was all the other stuff that took hours.

2. Once you have a small bubble - and the wind hits it - the glue pulls away. what is today a minor irriataion - tomorrow is a major sag.

09-18-2005, 06:31 PM
Once you have a small bubble - and the wind hits it - the glue pulls away. what is today a minor irriataion - tomorrow is a major sag.

That's the point.
I had a small bubble of around 20 cm dia. near the rear window for >2years.
One day I drove the car with all 4 windows open, I suddenly had a Pagoga headliner, it had dropped from front to rear.

09-19-2005, 12:14 AM
Thanks Derek, thats great .i'll have a go at it real soon cause its pissing me off.

09-19-2005, 04:22 PM
If the Front Seats are moved all the way forward and the back Reat of the front seats are Moved all the way forward as well the Headliner Board should be removed through the Back Doors ( Seats Dont need to be removed ) Really Easy after detaching the rear clips move the headliner board all the way to the rear over your rear hat tray.Drop down the front of the Board just behind the Rear of the front seats and turn the board it will exit right out the back doors with Ease. Bill

06-24-2013, 06:59 AM
some more info with pics from Japan

BMW メンテナンス記録 (http://dd.jpn.org/BMW_HP/20090716/index.shtml)
BMW メンテナンス記録 (http://dd.jpn.org/BMW_HP/20030814/index.shtml)
BMW メンテナンス記録 (http://dd.jpn.org/BMW_HP/20060627/index.shtml)

and English How to replace a BMW headliner; with step by step pictures. (http://www.wlsheadliners.com/tutorials/bmw/)

06-24-2013, 08:19 AM

Very nice work

And damn good write up with pics too. What a great thing translation is...

06-25-2013, 05:17 AM
Another great write up. Has anyone seen a similar write up for an E61 with the panorama roof?

Derek A.
06-29-2013, 08:45 AM
Holy old thread revival Batman. I did that 8+ years ago. I just installed child seat anchors in the rear deck and the material has pealed away again.

06-29-2013, 06:20 PM
I did it 10 years ago and nothing pealed away so far. Most important is to clean the old foam and glue very carefully away that the new glue works well.
See here how we removed it on a E32 750iL Highline
ルーフライナーの張替え (http://infinitier.ddo.jp/e32/page/mainte/mainte_50812.htm)